'Russian Soldiers Must Reach the Atlantic and Liberate Berlin Again' – Russian Hate Speech
'Russian Soldiers Must Reach the Atlantic and Liberate Berlin Again' – Russian Hate Speech



@EstebanMataVargas Says:
If Russia attacks NATO, its soldiers will reach the Atlantic but as castaways from their sunken fleet.
@jerryzak8659 Says:
Typical Russia nonsense
@Dannysoutherner Says:
It is easy for Russians to reach the Atlantic. Go to St Pete, book a cruise ship to London for a 4 day 3 night port call. Take the train to Lands End or Plymouth. Look at the Atlantic. If they wish to visit NYC or Atlantic City they can book passage on any good British cruise line. Or book flight from Heathrow to NY, Boston, etc.
@simmonslack9088 Says:
The Russians seem to have high regards for their RUBBISH MILITARY.
@mesel7105 Says:
The funny thing about these mighty TV warriors, most of whom are too fat to climb stairs without assistance, is that most own homes in these places or have children there that do.
@KeithMelville Says:
We in the west should be very very aware of Russian hate speech.
@geraldorford8836 Says:
@meneia333 Says:
Russian Soldiers, when they reach the Atlantic, they will already speak a Latin language and will be in NATO . Did I understand that, in the black internet, the offer of one dollar for each tongue of these propagandists has already been made?
@petermaunsell4575 Says:
This all just sounds like rabid desperation
@bobjack2381 Says:
US fake propaganda channel
@ElectricEye-dl4di Says:
Countries defined by imaginary lines need only overcome peoples imaginations to overcome them.
@MichaelRegan-v1n Says:
@maxsmith4028 Says:
This guy must be so embarrassed coming out with garbage like this. How can anyone think a lot of Putin and his cronies killing people in Ukraine and saying it’s their fault? He does it to his own people in Russia all the time.
@cybertrade7908 Says:
The main guy's son is a male fashion model in london !
@gerritvliet8897 Says:
They are thinking,its the second world war.
@Israeliet777 Says:
Listen very clearly, I was there in Russia for a long time and they are fed-up with this war that is using Ukraine to fight the war of America. Europe is seared of America...POINT! It is time that you speak for your selves. Russia was provoked to go in to Ukraine and they went in with a great reason. Russia warned the west for 20 years already to stay put from the east and they did not. They bridge the contract from 1991...POINT! Russia had the full right to go in to Ukraine and push NATO back, and they did. They then bomb Belgorod and Russia went in to form a buffer. Russia was always ready for negotiations. Not like the aggressive negotiations that caused Russia to go in to Ukraine. As Putin said it very clear and Russia is still ready to bide what is been said from the beginning. Russia does not want to invade Europe but do not force them to do it, they will maybe go again to Berlin and also to Spain. Do Europe want to be destroyed??? Then stop the nonsense. By the way, Trump just talking, America does not have the weapons to go in to a war and there is a ocean the big Atlantic and Russia also has better nukes than America which is hypersonic. Make the cues, pull back or loose!!! Russia wants peace on there borders!
@whoisme678 Says:
I'm glad that this channel has come about because it allows us to have a good old laugh about the russian propogandists
@dirkdebrabandere9701 Says:
Propaganda - channel sponsered for 100 % by e.u ! Scandalous.
@Crassus_Auratus Says:
In western medias the politicians, journalists and experts etc. tell similar shit about how the will finish Russia, with other words, but also hysterical, desperate and illusory. So what about our own "hate speech"?
@muricans4ukraine Says:
Don't misunderstand here. They don't want to conquer us, they want to liberate us. Imagine being liberated from your language, your culture, your civil rights, your freedom, and your economic opportunities. What's not to like?
@macdonm22 Says:
"The Anglo-Saxons"...what century are the Russkis living in?
@peterbutz642 Says:
Yeah that not going to happen all they succeeded in doing is lowering the standards of living for the Russian people Turn the o’clock back to the 50 years
@CarlosKelly-r1x Says:
Can't even beat Ukraine how they gonna beat NATO¿¿??????
@cbm2156 Says:
First the Russians have to liberate the Ukraine before they take on NATO and Europe.
@robertfoster7807 Says:
What aload of garbage
@PeterAichberger-u9f Says:
Blah blah toilet talk
@Darin123 Says:
Every country has nutters; this is just a small selection of Russias.
@hondsdol7671 Says:
the world is ruled by sicking and dangerous people
@leonaessens4399 Says:
Raving nonsense on tv is easy. Russian soldiers reaching the Atlantic? I don't think so, they've spent the last two-and-a-half years trying to reach Kyiv! The screeching propagandists are beginning to sound more and more like Hitler boasting he would stop the Allies after their landings in Normandy. Come to think of it, he was equally sure he'd smash the Russians in the east but that didn't work out so well either. And "liberating" Lisbon? What have the Portuguese ever done to Russia?
@funkmasters Says:
Yawn 🥱
@martinmyggestik292 Says:
Nazi tactics - and yet they say they're fighting nazis.
@alarik36 Says:
Swedish Erik XIV and Ivan Grosnyj exchanged many insults through letters, but eventually it vaporated into the peace of Stolbova if I remember it right...
@richardkellett7910 Says:
Insane talk from a desperate sad nation Russia 👎.
@asmeekens2942 Says:
Still dreaming, without help of Iran, China and North-Korea Russia already lost the ware. The second strongest army of the world is a fairytail!
@peterprentice9179 Says:
always interesting that those with inadequate feelings resort to hate speech
@baramuth71 Says:
Putin is Russia's biggest laughing stock with all his brainless puppets.
@simonehanel2378 Says:
That was already Stalin's goal after WW II but he never gave the order to his officers to advance against his former allies UK and US. But Alexander Solschenizyn, a young officer at that time, wrote in one of his books that these officers were actually expecting to receive this kind of order!!!
@KurtBicke Says:
Russian drunk comedy show....😂😂😂
@PeterWilliamson-nn9et Says:
Yes Ukraine is on the precipice of victory the Russians in full retreat and Haliburton has won the no bid contract to harvest Russian oil
@walimuhammad3119 Says:
We choose our future to be under lying dictators and injustice or free people who demand the government must serve its citizens.
@russellturner5310 Says:
Russia needs to realise without nuclear weapons they are nothing, they are a spent force trying to chase a dream of empire. But the world has moved on and they have failed to keep up. As for the propaganda news I think they are actually believing their own propaganda, clowns.
@darylglover7037 Says:
Russia started this war so only Russia can stop this war by leaving Ukraine.
@algrundy8337 Says:
The buffer zone is the Atlantic ? Really? Not sure if Russia is aware but NATO is already at your border…it’s called a Alaska.
@MikeMacNeill-m4t Says:
Wonder if there is any Good folks in Russia
@HansPetterBoyesen Says:
Slava 🇺🇦❤️
@richardpeachey1103 Says:
Russian soldiers can only just make it past their own border.
@jeanexposito7396 Says:
a se pisser dessus de rire. Ils sont même pas capables de vaincre l'Ukraine et il veulent envahir l'Europe
@timgodderis1918 Says:
You're are looking at the wrong RU channels ... this is the comedy channel directed by Mohammed "Comical Ali" Saïd al-Sahaf ("there are no American tanks in Baghdad, all is fine")
@Roadweaver Says:
Beware! Trump worships Putins Russia. Europe ignored and apeased Hitler.
@miketrusky476 Says:
Almost all the old Warsaw Pact countries have joined NATO because they didn't like being Russian slave states.

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