Analysts on how mics being muted could affect Trump's debate performance
Analysts on how mics being muted could affect Trump's debate performance



@ZyklonBenny Says:
No one cares what women think. Stop yapping.
@valdiluiz6760 Says:
biden permitiu que acontecesse a guerra da ucrania,,, a ucrania é a culpada por ter ameaçado a russia que estava quieta,,, se o povo americano fosse cristão cobrava a retirada do apoio a ucrania. biden será culpado se acontecer uma guerra nuclear.
@Iran-1955 Says:
CNN always scared from President Trump
@Jrktx65 Says:
Maybe if you turned BIDEN’S a totally off .. he could have WON since he was a BUMBLING mess ..😂😂😂 your analytics makes you look so STUPID now … FOOLS FOOLS >>>>no credibility
@MylesMorell-yl9lo Says:
This did not age well
@NotThisShipSister1 Says:
I thought Gore had yelled out a crazy “war cry”…
@M0RR1S10 Says:
😂😂😂 oh this aged like a fine wine
@eddiefay4363 Says:
Biden made his big tough guy debate challenge speech, to deliver the weakest incoherent debate performance in American history. He is pathetic.
@johnhenson8862 Says:
Sorry Nia, you are book smart, not as smart as you think you are, you miss subtleties and can't pick up all the context immediately. Oh well. Back to the book learning.
@binkyboy448 Says:
4:50-5:40 Well. That explains things.
@terriem3922 Says:
Why game show rules for a debate? 2 minutes is not enough.
@timothykramer2551 Says:
Why are we only talk about Joe Biden we should be talking about Donald Trump cuz Joe can't do the job it don't matter how old he is are how many people he had kissed and how many women he was with it's how you can do the job
@timothykramer2551 Says:
No Trump and joe
@GarthWatt-f6f Says:
Remember CNN is financially funned by PFIZER pharmaceutical company $$$$$!. So TRUMP just fought PFIZER, CNN, oh yes and a puppet mouth piece, and in their camp.
@emperorporus1 Says:
@Alex-sr3ez Says:
This aged like Milk. Muting the mics actually helped Trump.
@calicabdulahi3929 Says:
@rhondaholland719 Says:
Just stop micro managing Trump. Americans are suffering from Biden it’s so horrifying stop the BS and let’s get back to make America a respectable country again. TRUMP 2024
@Zero-kh9zs Says:
I didn't watch. How'd it go?
@jayem5905 Says:
This aged well😂
@THENARRATIVTestimonies Says:
Biden got spanked again
@russellearley4442 Says:
Trump a stinking loser
@markhernandez6317 Says:
Invoke 25th Amendment On Biden
@johnvasquez6771 Says:
CNN is for fruit cakes cnn is for people that support communist party
@Cheech-gk8bd Says:
@carlinssucce2855 Says:
DAM CNN is ridiculous stupid.oh my god they still want Biden to be in office
@thelastminmom5251 Says:
So Chris Wallace‘s favorite moment in a debate was when there was an audience reaction?? Funny how this time CNN and Joe Biden didn’t want the audience this time.
@oscarbenigsen4538 Says:
Okay. I can't listen to more of this nonsense.
@rolandwelcome1598 Says:
President Trump just has to drop interest rate for home buyers and it’s over for democrats.
@nunyabusiness3666 Says:
Absolutely love Democrats saying how Trump lied. No, you did, for 3 years about Biden!
@intheusmc01 Says:
Got elder abuse? 🤦🏻‍♂️ 👴🏻🤷🏻‍♂️ Vote 2024 🇺🇸📚 to save our country from this downward spiral!💪🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🏽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏽🇺🇸
@LawBlades-px8iw Says:
They want to put Gavin “butt-head jr” newsome as the nominee. 😂. That dude is about to start a housing crisis in California. Imagine a country wide housing issue!
@odatatsunobu Says:
You Trump and Biden supporters are pathetic.
@mr.t306 Says:
Biden will tax the millionaires and give it to Ukraine.
@sarenamichaels Says:
It's so funny that they point out all the lying - show me a politician that hasn't ever lied. "Fact checking"....since 2016.
@DenyseLRoss Says:
You let tRump lie and did nothing How disgusting you have become
@DenyseLRoss Says:
You were not fair and I am disappointed in CNN you could have been way better But your a disappointment 👎🤮🤬
@RandyCapor Says:
My question is how long can all you CNN lovers allow yourselves to be lie to??? CNN kept telling you Republican's are lying Joe is fine, The Video's are fixed and all along CNN, MSNBC and other Liberal networks have been the real liar's !
@gugbust Says:
the funniest thing is when they were arguing about their handicap in golf here we are two most recent leaders of the free world arguing about fing golf on national television 🤦‍♂️
@cheeseman417 Says:
CNN Corrupt News Network made sure they had the comments turned off during the debate!... surprising ain't it!
@mikeekim242 Says:
Biden doesn't even know when he craps his pants.
@jeanghiberti9944 Says:
Hurry call in Jimmy Carter, the Democrats need him to replace Biden.
@NONAMEBRO._111 Says:
Trump made everything cheap I hope he become president so I can live 4 Years my best life 😂
@GreysShadow Says:
I'll be voting for Trump, but I have to say, CNN did a great job on this. Both of them said things that were not true and exaggerated, I've come to expect that. If you keep yourself out of a bubble, that's hard, I know, you can detect the truth of most things. So anyway, good job CNN you did good.
@drewsky1967 Says:
Trump being indited again for the murder or an elderly patient on live national TV.
@pete5819 Says:
@swishdish720 Says:
Trump not bring in prison yet is crazy 😂😂
@mshipley6727 Says:
I have a question? Why don’t you analyze the pitiful job that Dana Bash and Jake Tapper performed. They were an absolute failure and a channel that I consider non-essential. They were pathetic.
@DGodwithaplan2 Says:
Let’s go Brandon!
@piscatorial5666 Says:
Sorry Wallace but Biden got schlonged in this debate

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