Data shows 26,000 complaints filed against NSW police
Data shows 26,000 complaints filed against NSW police



@Swat-se3nu Says:
Just remember this is the same police force that brough you the wood royal commission A.K.A NSW PaedoLice Force, or the botched arrest of kristo langker of @FriendlyJordies, or a commissioner who made Taylor Swift references after one of her own cops used his service pistol to murder his ex partner and their new partner, or them shooting innocent people during the lindt cafe seige, or the nepean cops who tasered and capsicum sprayed a woman in emu plains in her genital area and mocked her whilst doing so (who capsicum sprays a females private parts oh nepean nsw paedolice force thats who) not to mention the fpiu unit who botched up evidence against luke moore for their piggie friend daniel keneally or how about remember the scamdemic when cops of nsw wrote over 33million dollars of covid fines and the high courts ruled it was dodgy and dismissed all the fines ordering revenue nsw to refund 10million of the money that had been paid back to everyday australians. The nsw police also factsheet fabricate i have had family in high positions within this organisation and its a mysgonistic, sexist biggit small penis syndrome organisation of incompetent people who are narcistic rather then wanting to help people they want to abuse power and power tripping 6weeks at Goulburn you can then get a 9mm glock and taser and capsicum spray. 4years work and tafe you can become a tradesman 4 to 6 years working and uni you can become a lawyer Go figure... 6weeks at goulburn and then your given a 9mm glock go figure what a joke and they are a joke ive seen evidence fabricated by officers even when there has been video evidence to counteract their BS i say we send the feds or military in to clean these grubs up pack of paedo freemasonic grubs and yes i had family also in the occult rituals of freemasonry and have grand lodge paperwork for proof coming from a military family myself nsw cops need a national anti corruption commission at its highest levels not some petty wood royal commission they are useless we need to send the grubs to prison...๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
@gregdawes7642 Says:
One can be assured that only about 1% of corrupt activity are reported.
@elibee2024 Says:
Yes, I am a harmless woman who has been traumatised by senseless Police intimidation. I am very scared in my own country of the gang called the Police.
@paulbrasile8654 Says:
The Police? Oh yeah I'll remember too call them next time a UFO lands in my backyard I'm sure they'll sort it out.
@elecengguide Says:
And 0 fucks were given ....
@donaldmartinez5252 Says:
Sad to see your country seems to ignore the problems rather than fix them . Proper training, not allowing them to talk down to people . Last but not least vet recruits better.
@blazeit505 Says:
I've never come across a cop that wasn't a tyrant. Their all oath breakers.
@garreysellars5525 Says:
Complaints by people warned and threatened police I bet no one would swap jobs with the police
@MrBoosta Says:
Isnโ€™t there a video of police detaining someone for filing a complaint in person ๐Ÿ˜‚ I bet those numbers would be higher
@davesparkz Says:
You have to take these stats with a grain of salt. I'll bet if you misgender someone these days it's classed as misconduct.
@GUNSTONbuiltonagraveyard007 Says:
Geez, so it's just not the UK then! What a disgrace.
@Haldogo Says:
If Police department don't control their pigs, they become a Pig department
@WalterBroadwell Says:
Their hiring standards bad
@margaretgoodrich6947 Says:
Refund our police they serve our community
@margaretgoodrich6947 Says:
Refund our police they are good servants that protect our citizens
@user-ul8tf4so4p Says:
How many of those 142 were for vaccine mandates while the drunk drivers were kept on with a slap on the wrist?
@markhill9275 Says:
Probably at least 20 times that number against Dickhead Dans Vic Gestapo!
@orlandoberry4031 Says:
Victoria would be worse.
@kidsoxoxox Says:
Soviet Black clad NK VD.
@bethrooke5523 Says:
To those who regard this information as a slur on the police force, imagine a society without police protection. Sure, there are those who may have not resisted temptation. Are the naysayers that perfect? Hmm.
@jamesdanton9033 Says:
I just didn't bother. There have been around a dozen incidents I can name when I would have made a complaint IF I thought it mattered or anyone would do anything about it, excluding harassment. Yes, that's happened more than a few times and intimidation, dereliction of duty and selective response time and bizarre outcomes.
@videofreak6047 Says:
I bet most of the complaints were filed during the plandemic!!
@jasonschubert6828 Says:
Imagine what it is like in Victoria? Although most people probably don't bother complaining with the equally corrupt government and courts down here.
@mauisheri Says:
Yikes! Sounds like either poor training, or very lenient standards of conduct when dealing with the public!. . Or BOTH!
@seratbushcraft6979 Says:
Only 26000 probably more but people are afraid of being harassed
@Voicenreason247 Says:
Unquestionable power being abused. You don't say.
@Protectiontoisrael Says:
Thanks to leftist policies of โ€œinclusivity โ€œ relaxing the basic requirement of decency to get the job in the first place.
@GLEN-ys7qt Says:
Biggest crims of the lot!
@Richard-gy1pq Says:
There much worse in Victoria!
@St.Thomas-er9iu Says:
Vatican ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ Satan revenue collectors... St.Thomas
@TrickyBoy1517. Says:
Labor's Australia: Useless as always ;)
@WeveGotBush Says:
I know someone that put a complaint in for the LGBTI liason team how they dealt with a d1lido attack.
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Yet the NSW Police Minister is always having to take off her Ball Gown from Dancing for Help the Billionaires Charities in East Sydney, with big Smiles ๐Ÿ˜
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Yet Sky always gets on 1 Knee for the Commissioner
@kkcw6668 Says:
WoW! Thats 500 per week. And how many are resolved within the 28day standard? Where's the published and media examined KPI's on that? Why hasnt the Commonwealth stepped in to support Citizens of the Commonwealth?there is no such thing as citizen of NSW! A Commonwealth is designed to be greater than the sum of its individual components, where the benefits to Citizens of the C'Wealth are positively geared to offset the cost of participation in the C'Wealth!
@johnkauppi7078 Says:
I think it comes from police treating the public like the enemy or criminals that haven't been caught. And their constant need to harass people who are just minding their own business and doing no wrong. Police in this country are highly aggressive compared to other countries.
@Psittacine-pp5yd Says:
Who hired them cops that were fired ,Those people need to sacked next!!
@Whereareyouthen Says:
They will investigate themselves.
@muzzleflash1 Says:
This is because the NSW police are listed on the United States security exchange as a business, with one purpose, to make money.
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Kristine Keneally son was one of them found guilty and oops she's a Labor thing
@wilbur1884 Says:
@MeredithBell-v3f Says:
Kristine Kenneally son was found guilty she's Labor by the way
@Brads-strung-out Says:
500 complaints against the state police per week!
@HonchHeado Says:
That would probably be around 26 million for Vic Pol
These disturbing statistics confirm the abysmal standard of recruitment into all Australian police forces.
@Wipeyourmouth Says:
Defund the police
@Taff71 Says:
What about our politicians
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
And when we say filed weโ€™re talking nothing but air (2 pointers).
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
This is what happens when you have the Labor government in charge ๐Ÿ˜‚
@donotcomply665 Says:
Because they're p*gs. In 2021 My husband and I (in our 60s) were stopped by police for walking our puppy in the fresh air while not wearing face masks. We ended up in court in front of a magistrate. It was the most embarrassing, humiliating, stressful thing ever. And the $1000 fine was dismissed because we broke no law. Like I said, p*gs. Oink!

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