Were Sri Lankans fighting in Russia-Ukraine war duped? | Inside South Asia
Were Sri Lankans fighting in Russia-Ukraine war duped? | Inside South Asia



@ulrichkristensen4087 Says:
All foreign aid to sri lanka should be stopped
@amonstephen6684 Says:
Do u expect soldiers to stay alive forever? What is trafficking about this,they are soldiers
@TeeSpells Says:
Mercenaries are that what they are hired soliders.
@unity22221 Says:
From few of zeenier officials sold our retired soldiers to Russia and Ukraine after done this type filthy work our government beating our citizens when they protest not only for this when people protest because of hunger they treat the same .....we don't wonder because politicians who running the country (current regime) who made the country into bankruptcy also ran torture camps in past year's we need powerful democratic countries to help srilankan citizens to save from this regime.......

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