Peter Dutton has put the 'whole plan' on the table
Peter Dutton has put the 'whole plan' on the table



@peterremkes9376 Says:
The whole plan is it now. You guys at Sky get more delusional by the day. If this is the whole plan it is a big fat NO from me.
@user-nt1nu4hd4b Says:
And the whole plan is, a secret.
@gmarshall1026 Says:
If the liberal build these nuclear power station l can ashore you the stop & go workers won't be on 200000 dollars like thay are in Victoria big build
@kriztov265 Says:
Albo's train wreck aside Dutton isnt able to put up much of substance either. its another long term theoretical policy with support from those who just dont want Albo's shyte show. Typical Australian voter response. " Well at least we voted the ones we dont like out" until next election and its reversed again and it all starts over. Both policies bring virtually no value added returns for us just lots of tax sent out of the country. When one of them puts up a solution that brings a majority of the money being spent here and our industries being brought on line to make it happen maybe . then maybe it should be supported. The best short term solution is to get our coal systems up and running so manufacturing can get going not expect us idiots to wait around for another 20 years for cheap power according to a politician who are by nature very adept at not knowing and sidestepping at every oppertunity.
@LizVENVILLE-ti8mp Says:
My concern regarding the environmental impact of energy sources like solar and wind is valid. Here are some clarifications: Recycling and Environmental Impact: Solar panels and wind turbines can be recycled, although recycling technologies are continually advancing to handle their end-of-life phase responsibly. Cost of Power: The cost of solar and wind energy has been decreasing, making them increasingly competitive with traditional sources. Their long-term operational costs are generally lower than fossil fuels. Environmental Impacts: While solar and wind energy have lower operational carbon footprints, their manufacturing and installation processes do have environmental impacts. Efforts are ongoing to mitigate these impacts through innovation and best practices. Climate Effects: Solar panels harness sunlight for energy and do not directly contribute to hotter climates. However, large-scale solar installations can alter local climates by changing land surface properties. Oil Spills: Oil spills are primarily associated with fossil fuel extraction and transportation, not with renewable energy sources like solar and wind. It's crucial to consider these factors comprehensively when evaluating energy choices and policies. Each energy source has its strengths and challenges, and advancements in technology continue to improve their sustainability and efficiency.
@YvonneCrean Says:
Go Peter 👍
@drewideas Says:
Thank you lord that " A LONG TERM SOLUTION " has finally been tabled. The profits put back into Australia’s Coffers Rather than Feeding Multinational Conglomerates.
@desking8065 Says:
Your choice of nuke sites do no comply with nuke energy regulators. A 20 km buffer zone around the site with no more than 200 persons living within zone A 50 km Emergency zone in case of mishap. Towns around coal fired power stations are with in the 20km buffer zone
@gwenyfred1743 Says:
Why not privatise the building of them? Might happen quicker
@peterkirgan2921 Says:
Why doesn't Mr Potato Head refurbish the current coal plants???? Save alot of time & money are these politicians dumb ? So what has Dutton said about immigration? Homeless people? Utilities?? Has he been down to Circular Quay & seen the Homeless??? Absolutely probably not !!!!!!😢😢😢
@claudiademaria5522 Says:
Raymond William Tinkler Top contributor The more I think about what Dutton said, the more I suspect that what he has said about the "putting off" of investors, the more I think that is the real reason behind this whole Nuclear Power station BS is aimed at achieving. It also keys in with the LNP's accusation that Labor's targets are unachievable because if it does scare off investors the renewables that those targets rely on, won't get built and won't therefore reduce emissions and won't produce the electricity we will need. I see this now as a method that will cost the LNP nothing, because they will never build these Nuclear stations in 2035-7, but will sabotage the efforts of those trying to do it with renewables. Dutton and his crew are just saboteurs. Knowing the LNP for what they are, i.e. saboteurs of any forward thinking plans that Labor proposes and initiates and then blaming them if they fail. It has been their Modus Operandi forever. BUT I WOULD NOT BE TOO WORRIED…. AS DUTTONOCCHIO AS USUAL HE HASN’T DONE A REAL GOOD RESEARCH ON THE MATTER AND HE FORGOT TO CONSULT THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION…..HERE HAVE A WATCH!
@colonelklink9911 Says:
The Shadow Climate Change and Energy minister appeared on the ABC this morning. And clearly stated that his nuclear plan has zero detail. What do we have here? One Newscorp hack interviewing another Newscorp hack.
@Larry-go8bg Says:
He hasn't put the whole plan out on the table how can you say that when Dutton puts it out with no detail sais it's a con to get elected and that's all it is. If this pigs can fly policy got up as soon as it was up and running the LNP would flog it off to their corporate tax dodging donors and your children and grandchildren will be price gauged forever and a day. Don't forget who sold off the electricity network in the first place the reason everyone's being ripped off and price gauged now as the LNP has flogged pretty much all the public assets off and now blames Labor or anyone else for the rip-offs going on from once public owned assets.
@stephengrocott3917 Says:
on the table next to his coke can
@bigearz255 Says:
This is not some simple voice referendum. Nuclear energy is far more complex. We need more detail. Far more detail and we need it now. It will take time to mull it over.
@BigFerg-hf6uv Says:
Well done PD about time for an open discussion on all options available including nuclear.
@donaldrossalexander9388 Says:
Good on you Peter 👍 because most of us want it and the naysayers will agree in the end ! The Labor states have their heads in the sand and will pay for it !!
@moe2470 Says:
Lies for votes?
@graemeschubert6162 Says:
See how quick it is to pay off Sqizzy😅
@ManOgwaR Says:
Australia should have gone nuclear decades ago! Unlike other nuclear powers, Australia has an abundance of uranium to cater for nuclear and for it to drag its feet on this has squandered a huge advantage that Australia has had over the rest of the world! It just defies logic that Australia hadn't made this move sooner!
@KenDyer-wl4lf Says:
It's a very small table........based in Queensland. I hope the other States and territories are noting the size of the inadequate and under-costed table....
@wilbur1884 Says:
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
****Peter Dutton has put the 'whole plan' on the table**** REALLY?? WHAT PLAN??
@user-du8kd3sn8n Says:
Yesterday you said he had not. Of course he has not. Why constantly pushing this dudes messages? He will leave all of you hanging on when he dumps nuclear as an expensive and toxic dud
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Ha ha ha. They just failed to mention how many and where. Apart from those minor details, the plan is complete.
@Didigetitwrong Says:
But! As I understand it Nuclear energy still relies on a fossil fuel that must be found in economically mineable quantaties? I think the development of nuclear weapons should be on the table as well now?
@russdrummond7292 Says:
He’s also thinking AUKUS I guess. As a nation we need to acquire and own a much higher level of nuclear technology than we do now.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Go!! Peter Dutton. We would all be glad, and don't let door hit you on your way out !
@spikeprotein5924 Says:
I like a sense of humour, and this is gold.
@jennymills3147 Says:
Go!! Peter Dutton. The country is watching . 👍
@bretloyd8097 Says:
"Whole plan". . . 😂 Paladin Pete must be a nuclear engineer building SMR's in his spare time. . As no one else on the planet has managed to build one.

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