Collins presses Gov. Burgum on his claims that US is 'living under a dictatorship'
Collins presses Gov. Burgum on his claims that US is 'living under a dictatorship'



@crankyoldguy7 Says:
Biden 50 years in office and still has done nothing.
@SkaterGod510 Says:
An appointment of Burgum to VP is a vote for Biden! He's the Governor of N. Dakota and says he can't change his states abortion ban. An insight to how he will be a Vice President (I can't).
@43adsfa3qlaw Says:
all you Dem voters, when this guy is VP your lives will be much better economically in four years. Trump/Burgum will push for economic and tech growth and we will all be more prosperous. Prosperity and economic growth solves all problems folks. It lifts all boats.
@43adsfa3qlaw Says:
Blinkin, on Biden's staff, contacted the 51 intelligence officials and asked for the letter. That is a fact and everyone knows it. Biden is not excused for using the letter, his own campaign set up, in the debate to lie about the laptop. Collins not being a journalist as usual, just a Dem party apparatchik.
@philipraeburn8005 Says:
CNN you keep trying to normalise the criminal, rapist, fraudster, insurrectionist, con man, LIAR Donald Trump and his MAGA accomplices! I bet your ratings are suffering because of it!!
@chevylover1019 Says:
Dictatorship is coming soon if Trump wins. Now that the president has full immunity is easier to become a dictator. Beware America
@georgeeiland1579 Says:
all you trump haters, 4 more years of biden? wake up
@martha7525 Says:
Both are liars but can't decide who's uglier? Can u imagine having to see those two for 4 years? 🤢🤮
@vanessacorey200 Says:
Exile Burgum to a REAL dictatorship and ask him a few years later what a dictatorship is. Trump and his whole clown car bunch of groups and individuals are really fond of deliberately using loaded key words in absurd ways to attack their opponents with false allegations when in fact those key words are exactly what Trump and Co are doing. That is a morally bankrupt and entirely dangerous tactic. People in the US and around the world are learning this garbage from Trump and his cancerous associates and groups that it's A OK and absolutely acceptable to be crappy and indecent.
@ArtVandalay2010 Says:
Please sir, please! 😂😂😂
@clarkm8840 Says:
The level of obsequiousness of these people vying to be Trump's VP is just astounding.
@heygringo7 Says:
I can't get through this clip. This guy is an idiotic puppet
@annehurst2172 Says:
Democracy dies if trump is elected.
@patrickhayes-dn8hu Says:
It's too bad he is not as competent as Vice President Harris I mean look at the outstanding job she has done at the border for example only 20 million have crossed the border illegally and counting.
@Motherplantmusic Says:
Collins, a freshman at CNN, knows how to fact check in real time and challenges MAGA a-holes on their blatant lies. Tapper and Bash were embarrassing. Shame.
@Ruthianblast Says:
Does Ms. Collins ever get anything right? It's funny the stuff she says. Blind foolishness when it comes to Biden and his fascist tactics but freely makes up unfounded Hitler comparisons to Trump.
@Beenscheese Says:
Didn't know dictatorships had open borders, what a jackass
@jeffeastwood1051 Says:
The question that needs to be asked at a debate is why Mike Pence is not Trumps running mate. This bootlicker Burgrum is going to give Trump exactly what he wants. A place to put his feet.
@terrycollins9744 Says:
Caitlin Collins owes the Governor and all Americans an apology and her resignation! She is Fake news
@Barefoot433 Says:
I see rats abandoning ship already.
@DC21NY Says:
7:09 lol how can Republicans ask questions about open boarders when they stopped the boarder bill for trump?
@joycewilson527 Says:
Who is this Maga idiot!!!😮😮 wanting to be a VP
@vernemil Says:
Where do these Republican traitors to our democracy come from? White rural America and farm states that's where. Okay, so to summarize what information Kaitlan was able to get out of the evasive answers from Republican North Dakota Governor Burgum was clearly fizz, foam and nitrogen gas that gave voters absolutely zero. He ranted about Hunter Biden's laptop that had nothing to do with Biden. He falsely called Joe Biden a dictator without any fact or basis except that he chastises Biden's executive orders that don't go through Congress knowing full well that this Republican majority Congress is totally dysfunctional and unproductive. So effectively he uses the belligerent dysfunctional Republican led Congress to call Biden a dictatorship for his having to do what he can with executive orders to run the government. Evidently Burgum has no idea what a dictatorship is. Ironically, a Dictatorship is what Donald Trump, who Burgum is kissing up to here, explicitly states the wants if elected. He blames inflation on open borders, that's laughable economics, even big business CEO's have warned that another Trump presidency would absolutely kill the USA economically and also they have emphatically stated that immigration is what has saved the U.S. economy. But not only that but let's not also forget that when Biden tried to push forward legislation to address the open borders situation, it was Republicans who blocked the bill and voted against it. The same Republicans who complain about open borders and immigration are the ones who prevented legislation that would have address it, solely so that Biden couldn't claim he fixed the border / immigration issue. So his answer is hypocritical like that of his Republican peers. Finally and most pathetic of all his responses, when asked Kaitlan's most important question: What specifically he could bring to the Trump ticket, he had absolutely nothing to say or offer that would separate him from Trump's other V.P. prospects. His answer is, that's entirely Trump choice. LOL No chutzpah there, just kiss kiss kiss. Well everyone knows that a President picks his V.P., but if you want to be a candidate for V.P. in any party and you can't even articulate a single rational reason for why you're the best candidate for the job, then you're flying blind with no instruments, you're completely incompetent. It reminds me of when Sara Palin could not even mention a single magazine much less one she had subscribed to or read. Wow! Thanks North Dakota, you're on par with Alaska now. Thanks Kaitlin for exposing the absolute weaknesses of Doug Burgum. Everyone knows that a V.P. should be as capable to lead the nation as the President that they serve. All Burgum has said that qualifies him is that he's a Trump "supporter", aka butt kisser. He made no appeal to the voters that he could run the nation if anything happened to Trump. Of course the Dem's and CEO's of the USA already know that Trump himself cannot lead and that's already been proven by his last insurrectionist administration. Hopefully all of America knows that neither are good for America.
@brucesimian3743 Says:
He's just another stupid Trump knob gobbler.
@williamengel6085 Says:
The convicted felon will choose the clown with the ATM to pay for his lawyers 😏 Remember to vote BLUE!💙🤠🇺🇸
@Sebuin Says:
DOUGIE BOY = PENCE MARK 2. Vance will scare trump as a hungry smarter, better looking, younger competitor. No way Vance gets it. Doug will be the right kind of lap dog. Money says if it's one of the ones they have talked about it'll be Doug's lips he clamps to his butt. His argument is "My lips are softer Donnie" Lol because yeah he can do more for his state as Diaper Donnie's VP than as governor of his state .....riiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttt.
@LA-ish Says:
I would've listened to what this guy had to say, but he lost all credibility with me when I heard him calling the Biden admin. a "dictatorship" and that it is Biden who has been "lowering expectations" for the debate. Both things completely absurd.
@brad28480 Says:
FORMER President, Governor Suckup
@brad28480 Says:
Bypassing the other two branches via Executive Order equals dictatorship. Trump did it, but those obviously cannot be acknowledged when you are that far up Trump's rump.
@brad28480 Says:
Dictatorship projection so when Trump does it, he can say Biden did it too.
@brad28480 Says:
Years of allegations about Hunter's laptop and the most we got was the dick pic Moscow Marge thought it would be appropriate to show on the floor of the House of Representatives. The amount of time and money spent on a hoax investigation meant to deflect from the things the Trump Crime Family did is obscene. Every accusation leveled at the Biden's are things the Trump family did and the evidence is there. The GOP will never investigate one of its own, so that's all swept under the rug and shouted down. You know where the laptop investigation screwed the pooch? Setting aside the incredibly convenient back story, the repair shop owner didn't turn it over to authorities. He gave it to Rudy and his bunch of nimrods who then set about doing their thing. Automatic disqualifier because the chain of custody was compromised. It would never hold up in court. Secondly, it has never made it to actual law enforcement because their techs can easily tell if and when tampering happened. That should tell you everything there is. The "evidence" is conjecture, allegations, and 100% Grage A GOP bullshit. Burgam wants to be president. That's why he sold his soul to the Orange One. No one can support Trump that much without an ulterior motive. Not him. Not Stefanik, not any of them. Well, maybe Marginal Trailer Groan, but she's about as intelligent as a barbell and far less useful.
@shellieeyre8758 Says:
The freaking laptop.
@alexauman2111 Says:
If Biden is a dictator, I’m a woman
@stillsmallvoice1277 Says:
"If the extreme MAGA cult do not want to be called stupid, then they will have to stop being stupid" or supporting stupid people. Arrogance and stupidity are a very dangerous combination. Basic humility is the answer. If we do not know; by seeking wise and well-informed advice, making wise decisions becomes simple. "Stupid is what stupid does". Peoples’ words and actions reveal who they are; Trump is a stupid, conman and criminal. Therefore, what does that reveal about a person if he is their hero.
@desertstar223 Says:
This is guy is too disgusting for words
@benpost13 Says:
Most pathetic dude in politics
@mdbhsv Says:
She's so dumb! I'm surprised CNN showed her being wrecked!
@annarepetto2430 Says:
Exsqueeze me?! Innovation is going to falter if Trump is elected and we can expect a total brain drain as well.
@midnight1638 Says:
This man is a sleeping pill.
@drewburnettepodcasts Says:
He has no argument for why he should be VP. Can't name a single reason. Wow! Lol
@kennethjames237 Says:
BTW, 100 percent chance Biden has all the questions ahead of time
@kennethjames237 Says:
“CNN most trusted name in news” ? Maybe 35 years ago, they are clearly an extension of the left today, they don’t even try to hide it
@colleenc9286 Says:
There are no exptations for potato joe
@sgtgeneweenie Says:
Every Republican Accusation Is A Confession
@Dbo83-g5v Says:
Sorry Doug you are drinking the Kool aid too fast here you are out of your mind.
@bradleybonjui_0146 Says:
Wow fly swatted
@brianbice1427 Says:
Wow, he just said the all that stuff about the laptop was false and she, the reporter who is supposed to hold people accountable for what they say just let him lie through his teeth, it was proved that the laptop after it was stolen was loaded with Russian and Chinese disinformation, that was proven and should have been a focal point but was largely ignored allowing Republican propaganda inciters to continue to spread lies but he should have been stopped and corrected if this interviewer was doing her job.
@petelutz2967 Says:
I am dizzy from watching him talk out of both sides of his mouth!
@taarirebecca Says:
Please correct your guests, DT is not president, a disgraced Former president
@maryhorn8531 Says:
trump SAID he was going to be a dictator on day 1- that's it! trump is NOT the president-it's ex-president trump.

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