Trump takes aim at President Biden's debate preparation strategy
Trump takes aim at President Biden's debate preparation strategy



@HectorNieves-wk5cv Says:
I don't think it's right, fair, or impartial to see a debate in the House of Democrats and full of left-wing reporters who are obvious militants of the Democratic Party!!
@lynnski-ex3zk Says:
What are they gunna do when FJB starts undressing like the Alzheimer's patient he is??
@commonsense1907 Says:
An unfair news media is a threat to our democracy. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are struggling to put food on the table now with the mean policies of the Biden Crisis Admin. Many forced to get food at food banks. Food didn't cost this much when President Trump was in the White House. War in Europe, the Middle East. Didn't have this mess when President Trump was in the White House. World leaders see Biden's weakness and respond accordingly. Illegals pouring into our country at the American taxpayer's expense. How many terrorists? How many sick with covid or who knows what else? Some illegals have allegedly murdered Americans. What is the update on the illegals who attacked NYPD officers and flipped the bird after they were released? Trump 2024! People get what they vote for.
@Margarete-jn6si Says:
Personal constitution, abortion, border, economy, crime rates, wars, conviction. Not a single winning topic for Trump. So let´s debate on sharks, OK?
@tacc8227 Says:
Biden takes the week off from running America to debate Trump is a tell tale of the Democratic state of mind!
@user-kg3pl5ob8q Says:
So, the debate is hosted by a network that openly lies, hates, and despises President Trump. It will be moderated by two of their people who openly hate and despise President Trump. And, the questions and microphones will be completely controlled by the moderators. Then, after the debate, they will proclaim victory and celebrate Biden's performance. What a joke.
@samjawahar5173 Says:
Drug testing must be done before and after debate for both candidates. I strongly believe that is the end of American election 2024!
@DFWM-C Says:
Ohhh, victor 🙄 Don’t carry tomorrow night 😂 CNN is so fake!
@guarmiron5557 Says:
There will be over 30 Western countries that convicted felon Trump will not be able to enter as a criminal. How can criminal Trump carry out international relations when he can't enter certain countries legally?
@guarmiron5557 Says:
The only question should be, "Do you think a felon should lead the US and have the nuclear codes?" There is only one sane answer.
@guarmiron5557 Says:
CNN stop normalizing the fact that you are hosting a debate where one of the individuals is a 34 times convicted felon. You are about to normalize a felon!
@deucestemwinder3349 Says:
Trump will wipe the floor with poor Joe. Like Daniel, Trump walks into the lions den and will prevail. We love Trump and you will too😊
@eduardohadley6861 Says:
Im voting Democrat
@claytonmims3597 Says:
Why is potato Joe spending a week working with 16 people to prepare for a debate. As president for almost 4 years and 50 years in politics shouldn’t he already be well versed on issues facing the country and the world? Meanwhile president Trump is speaking to the people
@user-we2fy6po2b Says:
Homecoming for the Trump
@franktirino7034 Says:
The first time Biden freezes and CNN saves him, Trump should shame CNN for elderly abuse and indicate he is not participating in it and walk off the stage. How do you debate a vegetable? You don't. Get off the stage as fast as possible Mr. Trump, you can't win. If you mentally destroy Biden, which you will, everyone will call you a bully, if Biden shits himself and is able stand upright for 90 minutes, Biden wins. Sick stuff. But its todays democrat cabal.
@NghiNguyen-zf4bu Says:
Joe Rob Ballots was Rapist and Killed Teen girl 13 years old Her Name's Jocelyn NunGaRay by immigrant Criminal had Approved all Policy of Joe Rob Ballots
@TheTruWilStUFree Says:
CNN has now, beyond a shadow of doubt, proven themselves biased and with zero integrity or interest in airing opposing viewpoints.
@QuantumOfSolace1 Says:
Biden, Cnn and Tapper against Trump - who says its rigged??? We all know Biden will have the questions before hand and have cheat cards with the answers on them - smh
@BlurAcidGhost Says:
More jobs for us at least
@Sukmycocus Says:
Trump will make a fool of himself
@nagakurashimpachi-ve5et Says:
This CNN Democrats woman Maria is saying nonsense. She hates Trump and not telling the truth.
@nagakurashimpachi-ve5et Says:
U. S. president Biden study for Debate? Practice Standing for 90 minutes? Like KG kid. It's mean Biden is unfit for office. Actually, Biden is TOO OLD. enough to retire.... Why democrats let Biden reelected? Biden memory is getting worse. OMGH
@Driver_USA Says:
Jacked Up Joe has CNN doing dirty deeds and America sends them their money in campaign donations. What a sick joke. These people must laugh in our faces for putting up with it.
@reformedtubers1028 Says:
The most hideous presidential debate ever one is a sane former President while the other one will struggle to read the scripts🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Nobushido Says:
Democrats are Racist.
@Nobushido Says:
Yeah. Your strategy is to silence everyone. You cut his speaker on your show you'll do the exact same to him. And now you won't let anyone do live commentary on youtube?!?! You're OBVIOUS cowards. You're OBVIOUSLY terrified of the truth. YOU... CNN... YOU ARE THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY. NOT MAGA. NOT CONSERVATIVES. NOT CHRISTIANS. NOT GUN OWNERS. YOU. You and the soon to be gutted deep state you represent. WE are the revolution. NOT YOU.
@FerallHog Says:
Hook Joe up to a real time Lie Detector Machine. He’d short circuit the thing.
@Andrew1987ism Says:
Trump is concocting a web of new lies that he's prepared to spew to the millions tuning in to the debate.
@chrisvassale321 Says:
Are they going to DRUG test Joe B . He has spent a week dopping for the debate … Delaware can I have the village idiot back
@dathpo Says:
I can't wait to watch this rigged debate, IMO. Joe should be well rehearsed. I wonder how well reheased he'll be for an invassion?
@jackpinewood9344 Says:
Jake Tapper called Trump Hitler and Jeremy Bash, Dana Bash's husband was one of the 51 Fool's that signed the Hunter Biden Russian interference Laptop hoax letter...... That seems fair🤔
@justovicent979 Says:
@TheGogobutt Says:
Biden looked pretty good at the State of the Union. He will do fine. It's up to Trump to make his case. And not go off the reservation or loose his cool. Abortion kills mostly black democatic babies. So sad that it's the Dem's #1 issue.
@ShamooStu Says:
The *entire world* knows the "debates" are rigged. But anything the Dems do will backfire.... as usual. Trump 2024.
@curtisgoss2669 Says:
Trump is inhuman trash. He will NEVER have my vote or support. And neither will any candidate for any office who kowtows to the fake human DJT.
@periloustactic Says:
Biden will need a heavenly blessed miracle. However, If the democrats want to put the final nails in the purverbial democratic parties coffin, please, by all means, send Biden to the debate. American citizens need to take this great nation back before the democrats bury it 6 feet under.
@zanzikar7 Says:
So the "president" is out of commission for a week? It proves that we really don't need a President, we can self govern ourselves just fine. By the way, everyone knows this "debate" will be rigged into Joe Biden's favor.
@QueenSorrow5150 Says:
So they are going to take a drug test. I don't see the problem with that, but i do see a problem if they don't take it
@andrewnau433 Says:
What happened? Dj. trumpsterfire couldn't sit still for "policy time?"
@andrewnau433 Says:
Finally! Active push back on the lies! Too bad it was only from a guest and not the network as a whole. The fourth state is helping a dictator rise to power like democracy doesn't matter. Do your job and make America informed again Vote blue 💙
@ryanharrell2950 Says:
CNN ought to thank Trump for the Thursday's ratings since no one has watched CNN since Trump was President.
@kookkrack99 Says:
TRUMP 24!!! We are tired of the BS on the whit house Latinos and Afro American’s will unit for a better future
@LJ-jj2lu Says:
What happened to Trump's hair, it's more yellow than usual lol. What a mega loser
@EricGreniervideo Says:
Meanwhile, Democrats keep wanting to rip babies from their mother’s wombs. Did any of y’all ever listen to what Trump actually said he was saying that migrant workers are tough and strong.
@wendyreal247 Says:
The migrant fighter league is not the worst idea, telling the nation to drink bleach is among your worse dunb ass ideas
@richlohr7633 Says:
Why does Biden have to take an entire week just to prepare for this? Doesn’t he already know everything about the economy, immigration, Ukraine, Gaza, etc.… it’s almost like everybody has been doing his job for him and now has to actually learn it. Sounds like he’s desperate. If RFK Junior was included in this debate he would destroy both of them.
@julietmurphy8637 Says:
CNN has already shown blatant bias, including from the "moderators" of the debate, and an absolute lack of integrity and transparency. The cowardly shut-down of the Leavitt interview, for example...
@cozycabin752 Says:
Biden may do okay if they dont pump too much into his blood
@user-ii3hj3ts1l Says:
If it does debate that will be amazing. Let's let america see what an ass he is.

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