Fareed's take: What Democrats can learn from the UK election
Fareed's take: What Democrats can learn from the UK election



@juliangriffiths242 Says:
wrong on several counts the large majority you mention in the beginning at the last election was won by Boris Johnson. You said Starmer has Eschewed woke agenda in fact they have been embroiled in several episodes that have highlighted thier inconsistent positions on this. The left will win but it is in fact a reaction to all the problems encountered by the tories - they've had enough - and labour has an inbuilt tribal voter block wh will vote for no-one else. there isn't actually much to get excited about with Labour
@wjchanter Says:
It's immigration and the economy!!
@alanconway94 Says:
If you want to learn anything about UK politics, here are a few pointers. Under the First Past The Post voting system, you only need 40% of the popular vote, to gain a majority in Parliament. Due to population differences, the only votes that determine the outcome of a UK General Election, are cast by English voters. Since 1979, the centre of UK politics has been dragged so far to the right, the Labour Party is no longer socialist. Starmer's "changed" Labour Party, is nothing but "Conservative-lite". It has to be, for him to win. The voters of England are right of centre and will not have it any other way. Eventually, over time, this will cause the break up of the UK; especially if Reform infiltrates the Conservatives. Upcoming generations of Scots and Irish voters, who really are socialists, will continue to press for leaving the UK and rejoining the EU. It will take decades.
@nsaiswatching289 Says:
Holy Shit Fareed, the RIght have you trained so well, now to say "Woke Politics". What a shame you have turned into. Someone that does not live up to what it preaches
@robertlight5227 Says:
America has a left?
@jamesstreeter7434 Says:
Fareed is basically saying stop talking about diversity, abortion, anti-discrimination, and anything that makes whites feel uncomfortable. Democrats are the party of diversity because we have diverse members. We need to be ion the middle..yes..but the middle of the Democratic party.
@SwoleTown Says:
The native population in the UK is soon going to be outnumbered by muslim and other immigrant populations. They can play pretend for now with all this stuff, but pretty soon we will see.
@tokukeitaro Says:
Jfc Fareed, im embarrassed i ever took you seriously.
@tokukeitaro Says:
Noone who is conservative is competent or stand for anything except serving the rich.
@FalconsEye58094 Says:
big difference, the UK already has a bunch of things the US wishes it had, including but not limited to, basically a direct popular vote and a national health service. The Democrats need to do better than being center
@user-zb1fm4bp2h Says:
Both UK and Dem are trash as well as u liber voice
@haleytakamura6772 Says:
It's refreshing to have an influential voice saying it's better to come to the center politically instead of all the insanity that has been happening in politics at the obnoxious extremes
@JZef Says:
I profoundly disagree... What's the point of the left winning an election if they don't do anything remotely lefty and embrace everything the right stands for? Sure, winning elections is important, but not if you have to forfeit every semblance of a principle. Kier Stammer will win not because of any brilliance on his strategy but because the Tories have imploded and are finally being punished by the people.
@colinbaker3916 Says:
Correction In 2019, the Tories won 365 seats, a majority of 80. They didn’t get a majority of 365.
@AahFukIt Says:
Anyone running old style British style goverment should change asap! And make it more equal to other parties and opinions!
@donttrip8282 Says:
Hi from the UK. This clown wants the US democrats to learn from Labour, when basically all they did is turn into the US democrats. This is genuinely hilarious analysis, fucking stupid, but hilarious. Labour are winning by default this time because people are that mad at the Tories, that's it, it has fuck all to do with Keir Starmer's strategy, all that did was assure the establishment and mainstream media that he poses no threat to the status quo, whilst voters have fuck all idea what he stands for, Starmer keeps u turning on policy and pledges he lied about being progressive to get the leadership, then pivoted right, it is mostly an anti-Tory vote that crwated their lead. But Labour are going to do more austerity and privatisation and other Tory tactics the main criticism is their is vanishingly small difference between them, the funding has moved away from grass roots to large donors and they mostly appease various lobbies including the Israel lobby. Some of their new candidates are literally former corporate lobbyists. Only a shill or an idiot would think this is all a great development.
@jmaitland5709 Says:
Small correction, Rory Stewart is not a Tory, he left the party 8 years ago and has been an independent ever since.
@DJ-fl4gn Says:
This video can be safely ignored. Anyone who describes Reform as "hard-right" can not be taken seriously. And I say that as someone who will not be voting for Reform.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
I hate when they use reporters for quotes. We know you’re all on the same team y’all left crazy people you create article so another person can reference it it’s sick.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
. They never govern dad’s conservatives. That’s why they got beat. Look at .growth instantly of UK reform.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
The Tories governs like liberals that’s why they’re losing. They don’t deserve to lead their weak bitches.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
UK’s problem is the Tories the conservatives didn’t govern as conservatives. They were liberals they didn’t do what they promised. They deserve to get beat and that’s why UK reform is growing like crazy in two weeks they went from 0% to second place because they have a conservative agenda that’s what it’s a teacher populism is rising fast.
@dildo196 Says:
neo-liberalism is dead. the populist right has also pivoted left on economic issues all over europe
@elkanaajowi9093 Says:
Don't worry about that base, the Democratic Base, it is mostly composed of parasites that cannot survive on their own and are protected by the Media. The normal majority of democrats are just spellbound and cannot move - even though they know for sure, that their ideologies are not only not sound but borders insanity.
@monacophotographyevents2384 Says:
@mikehefford6499 Also, political debates on TV in the UK, whilst they can get heated, are certainly more productive (and civilized) than any debate that Trump takes part in. American debates, descend into childishness. Do Presidential debates ever allow questions from the audience? I would love to see Trump handle questions that he is not prepared for. He can barely handle anything that is already pre-written. Also, look at the behaviour and language, of people such as Taylor-Greene and Boebert in interviews that do not go their way. Does it not worry Americans that the third in line for the president thinks that a deity speaks to him, and instructs him what to do, and that he compares himself to a biblical character?
@monacophotographyevents2384 Says:
There are many systems in America that a European like myself would consider to be corrupt. Such as, the electoral college, the lobbying system (and by extension, huge political contributions), gerrymandering, and the fact that politicians nominate the judiciary, and they are then there for life. Also, a big no, no, over here, is religion in politics.
@RayGoodwinCanoe Says:
As a Uk voter I really appreciated this analysis. Seems spot on. Anyway roll on 4th of July when I get to cast my vote. (PS Happy 4th July to US viewers for a different reason).
@kakavi26 Says:
F cnn
@jardonic Says:
Wow CNN thinks Democrats should be status quo centrists? Truly a shocker. How'd that work in 2016? Hillary was the embodiment of stale Democratic centrism that no one cared enough to vote for, and it brought us the Trump era.
@ksandhoff1 Says:
Runi is a loser , and can not win!
@marlow769 Says:
Why can’t there be a party of say “progressive republicans” that hold our Constitution inviolate (including the 1st and 2nd amendments), reject the total woke nonsense of the left (the groomers, 89 pronoun people, Hamas supporters, people that glue themselves to the road or throw soup on paintings, or protect criminals as if they are the victims, etc) BUT also respect the fact that Yes, that’s a baby in that womb but the body still belongs to the woman and that the fetus is still just a parasite until it’s viable to live on it’s own outside the womb, and I don’t mean with extraordinary technology. Also they can accept, no matter your religion, that the founders knew, regardless of Their religion, the perils of entangling religious dogma into politics or allowing any such influence in the governing of this nation and will maintain that constitutional divide.
@captainamerica5826 Says:
The world is tired of the lefts wore bs, normal people (conservatives)are being elected all over Europe,and in November the US will do the same.🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲❤️❤️❤️
@87hiten Says:
Democrats moving away from wokeism means purging it from members like AOC ... today democratiic party has become too left..Its the republican party who have taken up the centre in most issues..
@MatthewWilson-vl7qc Says:
Only, Answer to immigration is , CHANGING the corrupt ,Incompetent . Govs. in 2nd ,and 3 rd world Nations by Force , it's called Colonialism ! And ,it Works !
@hydrolifetech7911 Says:
I now understand why Fareed works for CNN! He is basically saying Democrats should move father right to occupy the political space Republicans vacated(right wing) when they move farther right! What a terrible idea!
@XMen77711 Says:
Wow!! Fareed's is not playing games. Good real news report Sir!👍🙏
@Beatit19 Says:
You are quite mistaken in your assertion that unfettered illegal immigration is a “cultural” issue. Caring about immigration does not make anyone a xenophobe or racist. Typical liberal conflating and diversion. I say that as a moderate who tended to side more with the left, until it went INSANE.
@carltonurwin3923 Says:
It’s difficult to compare the Conservative party and the Republicans. In fact they’re to the left of the Democrats in many polices. The conservatives support the NHS / Welfare state, introduce the gay marriage bill to Parliament etc. The British accept we need some socialist policies to make a fair country. The
@andrewmichaelfernandes9982 Says:
And of course polls are never wrong. Plus when have the Democrats done anything but hug the center? From B Clinton to J Kerry to B Obama to H Kerry to J Biden they've dearly clutched the center.
@onlyahuman493 Says:
By being centrist he means supporting genocides, disastrous foreign policy , pleasing the rich and hide like coward in front of cultural issues and of course vote blue no matter who...if that what it means to be a centrist , then I'm a Radical and Radicals win elections just ask the president of Mexico your neighbor!
@anon9753 Says:
Labour will only win because the Tories have messed things up so badly that not even Rupert can cover it up.
@mark35806 Says:
the conservatives are gonna lose because they done a shitty job and haven't governed conservatively!
@Mimi-fo7kp Says:
Immigration is not a cultural issue. It is an economic issue.
@britsareweak Says:
Wait, so the conservatives in the UK are in tatters and Fareed’s message to Democrats is: ACT MORE LIKE CONSERVATIVES!
@pattierichards7391 Says:
The ruling party was rejected in the UK out of disappointment, as so often happens. However, the Brits are bucking the tide, as the main story coming out of recent elections throughout Europe is the rise of conservatism.
@jim2376 Says:
"[R]esurgent Donald Trump"!?! No Fareed, the felon isn't resurgent. The polls show the felon is losing votes.
@tracymuckle8512 Says:
This is pie in the sky. Farage will never be the leader of the Tories, Starmer purged Labour of anyone that didn't agree with him and what you're not considering is Labour WAS a left leaning, worker's party. The hyperbolic use of "ideological woke politics" is lazy and beneath you
@illegitimateotaku794 Says:
As a Brit, I'm so disappointed in this take. I think it's misinformed and assumes that UK and US politics atm have the exact same dynamics. People are fed up w the Tories - they're not voting FOR the kind of radical centrism embodied by Starmer, and I say that as a Starmer partisan. Case in point: people's main criticism of Starmer is that he's dull, wishy washy, they don't know what he stands for and his agenda isn't bold or ambitious enough. Also, Fareed seems to forget that we are not living in the era of Bill Clinton: the reason why Donald Trump won in 2020 and may win in 2024 is because there is still a huge amount of residual populist sentiment in the US because people don't feel like Govt is making their lives materially better. Incrementalism and ideological centrism among both parties in the last 4 decades has been so socially destabilising and led to the rise of forces like MAGA. One thing's clear: economic populism is a vote winner in America - it can appeal to Independents and even to Republicans (in the midwest for instance). Bold, progressive solutions is what Americans want, along with sensible societal policies steering clear of the culture wars. Economic populism is even popular in the UK when its fully costed and done right - people hate that Starmer is committing to the same tax and spending rules as the Tories and won't rule out cuts to budgets, but love his more "radical" fiscal policies: the abolition of non dom tax status for the wealthy, removing tax breaks for private schools, closing tax loopholes for oil companies and private equity, etc. Finally, I'd like to remind people that the UK is pretty left wing compared to the US. So is the Labour Party compared to the Democratic Party. The Dem strategy shouldn't be to tack to the centre even more, it must tack to the left - especially in light of the fact that Biden *might* lose in 2024 because he's lost young people who are an increasingly powerful, but disillusioned voting block who got him over the line in 2020 with, in their minds, very little in return. Economic populism is the answer for Dems - they just need to make sure it's done and marketed to voters correctly, and must embrace it completely. Remember, Biden's been most popular when he's passed bold stuff like American Rescue Plan (and crucially social safety net provisions like the Child Tax Credit), the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package and the CHIPS Act and student loan debt forgiveness (with young people)...
@RorkesDriftVC Says:
The trouble is that right-wing media is not bound by journalistic standards. They'll loop extreme comments or misrepresent events.
@doonewatts7155 Says:
In the UK historically the third term of government ends that party's tenure

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