Hungary: Protest against anti-LGBTQ+ policies; 'Important to show we exist, that we matter' | WION
Hungary: Protest against anti-LGBTQ+ policies; 'Important to show we exist, that we matter' | WION



@DanielHogendoorn Says:
@eyeswideopen880 Says:
What a difference compared to the Pride parades in North America, at least this one in Hungary keeps their clothes on.
@chris__211 Says:
Whatever you do in your bed room keep it there none cares about pride stuff.
@adrienne-w3q Says:
@madeleinevangall1446 Says:
Your dont live in Europa. You dont need to look 😅 Peace and love is they right way. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR😊❤
@madeleinevangall1446 Says:
Love is freedom. ❤😊
@j.j.d4649 Says:
W man and woman STRAIGHT
@j.j.d4649 Says:
Pride ❌💩🤡🤮🖕🔪
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
People should also start a march against Pedophiles as well as Male Perverts who want to Hijack Women's Sports and Women's Bathrooms.
@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ Says:
People should start doing a Pride March for Straight Men and Straight Women.
@geeta8889 Says:
Who's against the lgtb community the most.. it's the muslims. They also call non muslims infidels.
@carafinocarafino Says:
And so they shall be cast into the lake of fire. Crying, why me, why me God? But their voices will not be heard.

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