Julian Assange 'rediscovering normal life' after years of imprisonment
Julian Assange 'rediscovering normal life' after years of imprisonment



@marycw Says:
Great news Stella. Glad to see a positive note reported on Sky News about Julian finally being free as he should have been all along! You need to get rid of Sharri Markson though!!!!
@helengross2771 Says:
Finally free.
@robbnnn65 Says:
Wow! 14 years is a long time! Keeping Julian in my prayers!
@Joseph32547 Says:
It's about time Mendax was freed.
@JamesCoot-zz6ro Says:
Freedom fighters
@Harien-fs6gn Says:
He’s so lucky that US Republic party has taken a part to pardon him as long as he plead guilty. He’s lucky that it case within allies ( US and Australia) . Freedom and health are very valuable..indeed. 😁
@tracycameron2580 Says:
Praise the Lord! HALLELUJAH!
@billnyethesciencedenier1516 Says:
I don't believe any of it
@musclecactus5183 Says:
@meredithisme3752 Says:
Let's hope he doesn't come involved with corrupt Labor or he won't do well
@gregdean8441 Says:
Life after you are a criminal sure he will make millions!
@andybeckett4340 Says:
Hope he downs a good bottle of MaCallan ,a tray of Lobster and a has a good Shag with the wife before going back to exposing the imperial military industrial complex elite that are ruining the world
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
Australia is far from normal. Julian just returned from abnormal UK. Tried in court by an abnormal US. Back to abnormal Australia. All that remains to be done is to fight for Australia.
@RULE3O3 Says:
Stood by his convictions? The only difference between Assange and Osama Bin Laden is Jules wasn't living in a cave. Innocent men don't hide on their knees, they stand and fight against their scumbag accusers
@electronicscaos Says:
There's where they want the truth: imprisoned.
@falls2488 Says:
the us govt is the biggest world threat.
@8gagee Says:
Oh, good for him...good luck and God Bless!
@joanholland3438 Says:
I’ve been praying for him and he needs to be free❤
@Genesis-007 Says:
The witch hunt for Julian Assange has proven; when the truth becomes the enemy of the state, the state becomes the enemy of the nation.

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