Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn't 'taking a bar of it' from Sarah Ferguson
Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn't 'taking a bar of it' from Sarah Ferguson



@user-ed5hp9ll7q Says:
@davidlofberg9792 Says:
Sarah Ferguson you are an absolute waste of space. How dare you use our tax money to further your low IQ version of politics
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Of course Sarah Ferguson lied to get the appalling MTG on her show. It is a common journalism trick to see if highly controversial people will say som etbing stupid on very big issues. But you tell them something else to get them on camera. Sarah would be severely criticised by her bosses if she did not try this trick. MTG has used and abused the media to advance her horrible career. Tit for tat.
@user-fi1vc2th6b Says:
Our reporters love telling people what they think.
@andrewcairns1962 Says:
you guys are as dumb as Americans
@dutchroll Says:
God almighty..... my YouTube feed has led this born & bred aussie to a sky news clip where all the extreme right wing nutcases in here in Australia are conglomerating in the one spot as a quintessential bogan commentator spruiks total nonsense! 🤣
@vicstamatiou2894 Says:
Obviously the question was to hard orangeanus dimwit
@rayrayrokkstarr Says:
Turn on your comments ABC 😆 isn't that our broadcaster? Why won't they even let me comment on their page 🤔 Furgz got learned, let us let her know we know....
@peterfoote5342 Says:
This reminded me of Daniel Andrews coming up against Peta Credlin in those COVID press conferences. Nice to see people like that even slightly unsettled by someone who can give it back to them in a calm, powerful, clinical way.
@MosaleeReadingRoom Says:
LOVE TC LOVE LOVE LOVE TUCKER MARJORIE Taylor Greene is the BEST ❤️💕🇺🇸❤️💕🇺🇸❤️💕🇺🇸❤️💕🇺🇸❤️💕🇺🇸❤️💕
@MosaleeReadingRoom Says:
Marjorie Taylor Greene is the BEST. SO proud of her. So sick of the RINOs ‼️‼️‼️‼️🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️🇺🇸‼️
@Milaperadotti Says:
Mtg got kicked off !
@Milaperadotti Says:
She is a loser!
@paulleverton9569 Says:
Masterclass in petulant infancy. She relocated to the area of Georgia where DELIVERANCE was filmed because they were some of the only ringworm infested, cousin fuckers who would vote for her.
@Manni793 Says:
MTG is a f….. idiot ant you like it typical sky news australia, you people are clowns
@nizviz Says:
The guy at the end, "I am not a robot." No, but you do possess a mutilated body not in the image of God.
@graemeozzie2251 Says:
I thought Sarah Fergusons questions were pretty straightfwd & reasonable especially given the upcoming election and its not like she gets to interveiw a US congress woman every day. Taylor Greene was triggered and unhinged by basic questions that any professional journalist would ask.The irony that she'd just been opining about 'free press" wasnt lost on Ferguson lol.
@sharkbait6945 Says:
MTG and people like her are indecent human beings who cant stand the real world instead dwelled in an universe of their own constructed with conspiracies. The fear of terrorism do creates insecurities and triggered racism to its full potential.
@benparker3224 Says:
Watching this video is like looking through a portal into a parallel universe. Anyone can look good if you take out of context clips or only show them "winning" an exchange. I'm disappointed in the Aussies that actually buy into the Trump cult.
@bobleonard99 Says:
Why is Marjorie Taylor Greene so crazy, stupid and mean?
@Cybertron-cs7sk Says:
I met Majorie Taylor Green in 2021 she was so kind and generous I felt truly warmed by her sincerity one of the nicest people I've ever met. It's so awful how the left paint her she is very supportive of fans from the right and will destroy you if you're on the left.
@ismailbel9751 Says:
@181stTIE Says:
Two take downs of stupid left wing reporters in one week. Both agencies further damage their self proclaimed integrity, just love it.
@worldwide.239 Says:
My comments get deleted here. This channel is a no for me. Take care. But wait,this one will be left here.
@TheRaggedroad Says:
Best American News channel is from Down Under. G'day mates.
@Royosankar Says:
MTG and tucker are two Aholes!!!
@yggdrasil9039 Says:
I notice Sarah was keen to get back to the Russia Collusion Hoax of 2016 😅
@user-fi9qi9nw3b Says:
Bargee Marg. with the ramrod face.
@user-fi9qi9nw3b Says:
Horse face Marjory gallups again. Wait till you see the photos of Marg. with 10 black mandingos and she wanted more.
@weekendwithbevoblog2171 Says:
Tiny bit dumber, try a lot dumber. Congratulations MTG and TC.
@janemelrose7208 Says:
Sarah played the bimbo like a fiddle exposed her for the petulant child and fool she is. Get over your delusions
@user-bl8lp5dn9s Says:
Why our media in Australian concern about what is happening in America we should talk about our problems, our country, our people,
@rodwat1 Says:
Well done Marjorie
@kj6146 Says:
Australian journalists and ABC, in particular, are an embarrassment on the world stage. Where are they training these fools?
@VelvetRiot-hz5mp Says:
ABC has to import female journos from the UK, not enough of them here. It's a wonder they didn't get that nut Yasmin to do it, but she bailed to the UK to be with a majority muslim black population.
@mckenziehellenann Says:
Thats putting that piece of work Ferguson in her place..loved it😊
@frankanderson9180 Says:
I see the ABC has it;s comment turned off,,,,, I wonder why ?
@daveswain2141 Says:
Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together, and this skank little Faux News presenter thinks she was great???
@ross4970 Says:
Underhanded tactics by leftists...go figure.
@origprankster Says:
Tucker and Marjorie, are both, unfortunately, anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian (& Putin) supporters. Unfortunately, it seems MAGA supporters are no longer the traditional Republican supporters of old. I was hoping Nikki Haley would win the Republican nomination. Oh well.
@leonharrison800 Says:
Greene good on Assange but wrong on everything else. Her Transphobia was not appreciated. She is vomit!!🤮
@wakinglife7065 Says:
This is so embarrassing. Our media does not represent us except SkY. Can we please defund the ABC. Every journalist (sky news not withstanding) needs to be fired and need to be replaced with all people on the ground who have a story to tell. This is just getting beyond ridiculous and incredibly embarrassing
@michaelccopelandsr7120 Says:
Every time Moscow Marge speaks she proves just how lost the Nazi, I mean MAGA, I mean Republican party truly is. We should be thanking her!
@damo7228 Says:
Sarah Ferguson is a Journalist. Sky News hires mouth pieces. MtG was asked a very simple question. Did she denounce Russian interference in the US election. She refused to answer it. She was asked 3 times. She denounced Chinese interference but not Russian. Kinda tells you she is a Facist.
@user-kc1bx5fi1x Says:
& Kat Wong is another dishonest actor - just repeating lies her left-wing colleagues have stated as 'fact' and not bright enough to research it herself. Too funny. Keep making these idiots look bad. Go Tucker & MTG!
@mikebryant614 Says:
Sarah Ferguson beclowned herself on national TV, good for MTG., demanding the questions be kept on topic- Something that is SUPPOSED TO BE the Journalists job.
@factmanamerican882 Says:
The 2020 election was STOLEN. Here's the PROOF. FIRST, America is NOT a Democracy. America is a Constitutional Republic. There is a HUGE difference. Democracy end up as dictatorships, and or one person rule. NOW about the 2020. I know100% that the Democrats committed MASSIVE voter fraud and stole the 2020 election. Here are the receipts. 1. First time in American history they stop the voting count, sent everyone home , but the Democrats stayed, and are ON CAMERA pulling out boxes of ballots and running them. 2.They are AGAIN, ON CAMERA bringing in VAN LOADS of ballot boxes through the BACK DOOR when AGAIN, everyone was sent home. 3. All ANYONE has to do is watch: 2000 Mules, once AGAIN the Democrats are ON CAMERA STUFFING BALLOT BOXES in the swing States. 4. Lastly, the Hunter Laptop was FLAT OUT LIED ABOUT BY 51 agencies, say it was Russian disinformation. Studies have been done and there was ENOUGH Democrats, up to 17% would NOT have voted for Biden had they known about the Laptop. So NO ONE CAN DENY the CHEATING. How can you deny the election wasn't stolen with ALL THIS PROOF ON CAMERA. AGAIN, ON CAMERA, SO THERE IS NO DENYING IT. So YOU need to watch 2000 Mules, and VERIFY he rest of my claims, then apologize to not just TRUMP, but to all your viewers for saying 2020 wasn't stolen. Show your character, Piers, and DO THE RIGHT THING.
@roostercogburn1984 Says:
ABC amateurs schooled again, love it.
@TheDrRJP Says:
JOSH, your Nat'l Championship odds need to be updated. FSU has +2200 odds now, not +2800. BTW, here's a REALLY BOLD prediction that's a 9.5 : "Josh will talk about ALL the new high school recruits and transfer recruits that FSU has for 2024."
@milkkchan7679 Says:

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