


@chinazodivulkan9528 Says:
Fools are not scholars who sustain the excellence of mental growth and advancement of references to excel.
@chinazodivulkan9528 Says:
How is Netanyahu delaying on a hostage release deal when Hamas refused the American deal with American hostages included?
@hennievanthof373 Says:
@hennievanthof373 Says:
It wasn’t not a debate, Trump lying the hole time, there is not speek too
@emmasalva6311 Says:
Netanyahau did his best for his country but there are some people who are not satisfied for his efforts before Oct 7 people rallied againts him even in the midwar they ask for early election that makes the terrorist more strong.
@ryn8068 Says:
So some "talking head" says there is a chance for a deal and he rattles off so called facts to support his argument. Noa says that there is no way Hamas will agree to returning any of the hostages. i24NEWS who has more credibility? Sinjar thinks as long as he is alive and as long as he has the female hostages as human shields he is winning. Sinjar sees Israel tearing herself apart and this is what Sinjar wants. i24NEWS just presented the family members demanding new elections. If there was a new election that could seriously hurt Israel. The political system is very fragile because 10% or more of the seats goes to people who are anti-Israel. That makes it very hard to get 50% with only 90% of votes available. The irrational hatred within Israel of Net' is illogical. Only Israel can destroy Israel.
@JoanoftheArk300 Says:
They are still boarding the BoX 📦 cars 🚙
@JoanoftheArk300 Says:
SIN WAR?! Wtfu DEMons
@Huzzunga Says:
I’ve been watching the Netflix special on 9/11 before and after. One relevant part that struck me was while speaking with the singular representative that voted against the Use of Force for the Bush administration, the point out, and play Cheney speaking at some dinner that “ there is no bargaining with terrorists, they only understand force of arms, and force of arms is the only solution against them”. Of course the program is criticizing Cheney for speaking what they called “emotionally “ when calm speaking was needed. No Cheney was exactly right. Whatever screw ups the US made on Afghanistan and Iraq, parts of the Patriot Act, or the end game and middle time political moves in both places, Cheney was exactly correct. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian leadership understand death and.violence for political ends and nothing else. And if we don’t join Israel in wiping out all three, it just goes on and on.
@bettygadeloff5724 Says:
19:50 “ they are not looting as much as they are taking what they need for themselves and then selling the rest for exuberant prices”. ?? Isn’t that looting?
@user-vs8zl6sq1g Says:
I am watching and you say that Trump was not giving facts. He was telling facts . Joe the joke was not. All you have to do is look up the facts not propaganda that is false. You all for some reason think that Joe is a good president, he is 100% the worst then Jimmy peanut Carter then Obumma. That is the facts.
@comacuma2869 Says:
A traamp indo european dog of spaain in the holyland ,,sonns of prophets??
@BobvanT Says:
Standing a 100% with Prime Minister Netanyahu ! You elected him, he will finish the job and afterwards you can have your elections .
@AbueloB Says:
Imagine if Israel turns back to God! Someday soon!!
@louisabenitah8673 Says:
hamas can't live at your border, if Hamas gets away with this Israel will be attacked again, and often.
@louisabenitah8673 Says:
These protest just strengthen Hamas. I find it wrong.
@brianpeck4818 Says:
If it wasn't for Netanyahu, and the IDF , you guys.Would all be palestine right now, so be thankful, And respect your government and military
@brianpeck4818 Says:
We need to find SINWAR !!
@louisabenitah8673 Says:
its ridiculous, Netanyahu fights harder for Israel, he knows the beast, and has been at the forefront of every war.
@user-dn1of9rm4y Says:
Biden knows to read a teleprompter somewhat. 😅
@dand4485 Says:
It seems really strange 3 countries are negotiating a peace for the war with hamASS... Egypt, Quatar and the U.S. This seems so messed up why is not Israel included? Quatar has been housing hamASS leadershit hard to think they are impartial, Egypt again allowing tunnels across/under the boarder to again help support/supply hamASS, and president branDUMB so clueless he can't find his own way off a debate stage.... How would this ever present anything far to Israel?
@es1653 Says:
Why doesn't Israel plant oak trees. They are better than pine trees since they don't burn!

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