Festival Gnaoua : les rythmes tagnaouites à l'honneur • FRANCE 24
Festival Gnaoua : les rythmes tagnaouites à l'honneur • FRANCE 24



@josefinanavazo3088 Says:
Essaouira c'est une merveille
@arsenelupin6784 Says:
Gnawa Diffusion.............excellentissime !!!
@waldotruter6131 Says:
As the EU elections approached, the multicultural politicians grew increasingly anxious about losing power. The specter of South Africa descending into chaos loomed large, threatening to undermine their vision of a diverse, harmonious Europe. The 1994 miracle, where South Africa emerged as a rainbow nation, was their shining example. But now, corruption, mismanagement, and relentless load-shedding plagued the country, casting a dark shadow over their ideals. Desperate to keep the dream alive, they orchestrated a covert operation. Free diesel and emergency generators were discreetly supplied to Eskom. European taxpayers’ money flowed into South Africa, shoring up the beleaguered government. It was all done in the name of staving off the rise of far-right nationalist parties in Europe. To the public, the beautiful dream of South Africa remained intact. The politicians breathed a sigh of relief, their power secured for another term. But beneath the surface, the price of maintaining that illusion grew ever steeper. Marine Le Pen watched from the sidelines, sensing the fragility of their facade.

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