US aid pier temporarily suspends operations | Latest English News | WION
US aid pier temporarily suspends operations | Latest English News | WION



@The_Living_Ham Says:
👇 who gives a crap button.
@thesearchforterrestrialint7795 Says:
at $30 per hour the $300 million US pier in gaza only cost the equivalent of ten million hours of American labor.....................Work harder Americans so America can build piers in Gaza to then give the free stuff that you pay for to Gazens for another 76 years.
@567307 Says:
1:22 ask HamASS, sin-WAR, Hizdabulla, and eye-ran - SH!tLAM 🤡
@wynetsang Says:
Nature wins over US military.
@John-.-Smith Says:
8.6M kg? How funny. Usually, it's measured by ton, not kg. So, it's only 8600 tons. Not much. Don't try to fool people by playing with numbers.
@danielmartin7838 Says:
I don’t agree with feeding terrorists or civilian populations that hate the aid-giving country and it people. Gaza hates the west, period!
@paulburns4715 Says:
@patricianoll1229 Says:
@Trinergy-Livewire Says:
This Administration is highly effective at Money Laundering. The Leader perfected this in the Obama Administration.
@anthonyshumake5488 Says:
Apparently this 3oomil$ sham wasn't thought out
@sarfarazjamaliraqi Says:
US is behind every War in middle East, US is wasting American Tax money on Israel, Israel should be settled near America to maintain peace in middle East.
@ruelethefirst3002 Says:
suspend, lol more like disassemble and move out.
@itadakihokkaido4305 Says:
More tax.payers money wasted!!!!
@hildegardhartig Says:
Yes, its Hamas....but im sure the world will blame Israel as usual
@DonaldDucksRevenge Says:
The LORD does not want a pier there to feed HAMAS. They are the ones starving children

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