Russia-Ukraine War: 'Israel must be ready to face consequences', Russia warns | WION News
Russia-Ukraine War: 'Israel must be ready to face consequences', Russia warns | WION News



@kuyanoy9968 Says:
UN hypocrite
@Kaberia_Imana Says:
Russia keeps forever warning, should just shut their mouth
@nezmo4906 Says:
The amazing Mother Russia run by putin... telling israel not to defend itself from hamas animals while killing innocent people in ukraine.... russia never ceases to amaze me with the amount of nonsense coming from them....
@cyclopes968 Says:
ROFL. we all have seen Russia's capabilities in Ukraine. Netenyahu was an ally of putin. Its putin who sided with hamas after attack on Israel. Now suffer the consequence from your former friend
@business3990 Says:
It don't make. Any different who runs there mouth , the world super power USA navy if need be , will an can shut whom ever , YouTube channels try an ma drama with a head line , , only to pose as a fool,
@Ahnsahnghong-1948 Says:
Believe in Heavenly Father AND Heavenly Mother!! For those who wants to go BACK to Heaven, we MUST keep the Passover!
@AhJodie Says:
So....... Israel needs more US weapons? Ukraine needs more weapons? Israel helps Ukraine, Ukraine is fighting in Sudan too..... USA funds both of them..... meanwhile, USA has more homeless than most countries (except Palestine and Sudan), and poor healthcare many can't afford, poor education system, poor infrastructure, food is unhealthy, violence, pollution, ........ something like half of all renters need help to pay rent.... unfit humans from poor food available..... high drug and alcohol problems, domestic violence, I mean...... Citizens need to take charge of what is happening with their country and money..... we need to focus on a better world of ethics, wisdom, truth and love that quits profiting from destruction and instead profits on every level from creating, respecting and maintaining life!
@operator9858 Says:
really getting tired of being censored. especially when its purely political.
@GraceJavier-zt3yl Says:
Crazy russia warn every nation dont support ukraine but hiw about russia dont gather weapon in n.korea india china ๐Ÿ˜  russia is unfair you started the war and now you warn other nation ๐Ÿ˜  crazy russia
@nalinrohankulatunga907 Says:
Sounds like the west runout of weapons trying to defeat Russia ๐Ÿ˜„
@angelabrandonsantacruz4596 Says:
Russia canโ€™t even warn Ukraine like they hoped
@boratalig7903 Says:
Russia China etc dumping the US dollar is more lethal than anything written in the comments section
@JmarRobinson Says:
If Israel supply weapon to Ukraine Russia will supply weapon to their enemy which will lead to Israel downfall
@tiptoe38 Says:
He is just telling the truth.
@Styles1991 Says:
Just like Us Faced consequences right
@Randy-ul7vz Says:
The father in Heaven will deal with all
@Rick-xp5sy Says:
They really want world war 3 donโ€™t they! Itโ€™s going to be a danger weeks around the world. Demand peace people!
@Joachim4964 Says:
Definitely Israel a Jewish state wil support their own tribesman Volodomyr Zelensky who is also a Zionist. Ukraine though a majority orthodox Christian country is ruled by a minuscule Zionist regime propped up by US & Israeli zionists. Itโ€™s very much similar to Sunni Saddam Husain ruling majority shite population in Iraq with a iron fist. Saddam too was propped up and supported by NATO.
@AlexAnder-oz6eg Says:
when you see America and Britain's world domination in the past and now it all comes to mind why they're helping Ukraine western dominance around the world slowly control countries around your enemies until you ruled the world but their plan is falling because Israel are worse than Nazis and a world don't like it.
@AlexAnder-oz6eg Says:
Israeli patriot's Israeli jets Israeli bombs and missiles it's all made in evil America USA
@tokasonumeanozie3096 Says:
Zelensky is using his comedian experience to win over an old man Biden ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@tokasonumeanozie3096 Says:
Honestly, Israel should stay away from the Biden trap because isreal is surrounded by enemies in the middle east
@user-xz4nv3fo9v Says:
Where is sanity on the welfare of human race,,,all nowadays is warfare and evil
@aydioskokulbaankohahahah4059 Says:
Warning warn warn warn WTF๐Ÿ˜‚
@RogerDosethee-bg8rw Says:
Zelensky in over drive ๐Ÿ˜…
@LiteOS Says:
but they give weapon to iran dont get what they saying, that they can do it for israel ? and its ok ?
@katana1960 Says:
Israel probably thinks Russian pushed Iran to push Hamas into attacking Israel to take pressure and attention off of Russia in the Ukraine war. So this is retaliation for that. The games never end.
@Scott_396 Says:
Blam boom kablooey
@joellemaster998 Says:
russia doesnt realize thier threats are hollow after not being able to defeat the poorest nation in europe after 2 years...didnt experts in russia claim it would take only 3 days? thier military has been found wanting,and yes the west and america supports ukraine with the old outdated weapons,that is defeating russias new and old stock the war would end if russia would just return to thier own country..
@drdoc7508 Says:
Russia is Imploding
@DharmicWarfare Says:
Russia needs to worry about Israel more like, as israel can use Pegasus and give live tracking info of all officials to Ukraine.
@tonyborg4510 Says:
Russia is criminal it should stop the invation of a free country.
@rossclarke211 Says:
Russia taking on more than it can handle once again
@elliotjoseph6093 Says:
Yeah if the US supports Isreal with other means or buy them back, Ukraine will have 8 Patriot battery systems. It's hilarious how Russia's UN ambassador Nebraska does these demands, it is because of Russia Ukraine gets more weapons to defend their sovereignty. Reason himars are hitting tones of Russian air defense and ammunition depots on Russias actual territory is because they invaded Kharkiv again. Reason South Korea is thinking to send weapons to Ukraine is because Putin giving Kim Jong Un weapon technology so their rockets don't blow up
@ZAFNick83 Says:
Wtf all these people still wearing masks lol
@user-rv9iy5ym5o Says:
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Just get out. Do you UNDERSTAND.
@jerrymartin3965 Says:
Biblical prophecy coming true.
@user-rv9iy5ym5o Says:
Just trying very hard to start a world war....Why?
@seanseany2225 Says:
Russia and chinas attitude is the same keeps giving commands to other nations
@decentgoronga3833 Says:
I support Russia but against Israel No. I love Israel
@danielyemane4355 Says:
Russia need to supply Syria. S500
@WillieMakeit Says:
we have allowed Israel to make superpower moves and this needs to stop now.
@somaloignoto2988 Says:
Israel is the heart of USA, so ask yourself where is the weakest point of human body??? Niiiiiiice ๐Ÿ˜Š
@mapakuyakubu9502 Says:
Israel will be shooting themselves on the foot if they send weapons to Ukraine
@sonofdsun Says:
You going around warning everyone ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ warn Japan, warn south Korea,warm Israel, warn Poland
@Clitores112 Says:
Israel has the right to send weapons and help countries being bullied.
@Crowshatecheese Says:
Russia should just be quiet.
@DEVILDOG3334 Says:
Comical Russia talking about what others should do lol
@anthonygermain212 Says:
Russia can't do anything but talk shit Isreal isn't afraid of Russian
@shawnglowka9627 Says:
Russia nobody is listening to you your doing worse to Ukraine maybe start taking your own advice

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