Media doing 'reverse ferret' on Joe Biden after Supreme Court rebuke
Media doing 'reverse ferret' on Joe Biden after Supreme Court rebuke



@MarilynClark-i3b Says:
The Supreme justice judge should apologize to the american people , for misleading them!!
@richardpierce7819 Says:
Finally some one who knows the UCMJ .
@billbright1755 Says:
Jill doesn’t want to relinquish the trappings that go along with the keys to the White House. The blue state lawfare campaign backfired on their plans for a reelection in 2024 so now they’re circling the wagons for another spin plan to drag Biden across the finish line. Nothing is off limits for them to retain power at any cost.
@johnblasiak2499 Says:
Too ridiculous to contemplate other than to remove her
@kimcoon5614 Says:
Give Biden a crayon and coloring book then give him a nap. He's done.
@periloustactic Says:
Stop! The bs fearmongering. That's not the way the system works. Far too late. Never trust the democrats or the msm again.
@johnpittman3756 Says:
The dissenters stated the assassination because that is what Obama did to a US citizen in a foreign nation. More projection by Dem judges? Yes. Guest forgets that DEms think only conservatives should go to trial, and be convicted.
@thai2500 Says:
The American military executes "unlawful" orders ALL THE TIME! What is your definition of "lawful"? Good grief.
@NgaruawahiaDrones Says:
Democrats are in Reality saying what THEY will do --- Look at the orders Surrounding The Raid on Mar El Lago which was not a lethal event only because Trump and his bodyguards were NOT THERE
@scipioafricanus4328 Says:
Justice sotomeyer doesn’t know the definition of a woman so with intellect so low how can we take anything she takes seriously.
@genegeorge8529 Says:
Did we just lose the ability to charge Biden for opening the border, and flying people into the U.S. from foreign countries? Does Biden get a pass for violating our Constitutional laws concerning immigration. How about starting a war in Ukraine, and not being able to account for where they gave the money? Biden and MYORKIS should both be charged and go to jail. Does Biden now with the SC decision get a free card.
@brentjeralds777 Says:
Unlawful order... Yet the FBI and CIA carry out such things everyday.... Judges and prosecutors have the fictorine of absolute immunity
@KennethHorn-jc1mf Says:
Great news 😂😂😂
@unitedwestand5100 Says:
I told you. If you listen to Pelosi, and Obama, you'll hear them say that this election isnt Trump v Biden, its Trump v DNC Oligarchy. Biden is a puppet. A useful idiot. A place holder. There are two things keeping them from replacing Biden. Kamala, and Jill. Both know too much. The who, what, when, and why they have been committing elder abuse. Plus, if they get rid of Biden, they get rid of Kamala. Thats counter productive to their DEI policies, and would be a FU to Kamala. Kamala would scream racism, and theyd lose the rest of the black vote. As well as split their odd ball coalition of groups apart. You cant please all the people all the time, and while Joe is not mentally or physically fit enough to be Presidenjt. He is their best hope to keep their odd coalition of voters together. The Dems absolutely will not accept yeilding power if they lose this election, the very thing they accuse of Trump.
@unitedwestand5100 Says:
Sotomyer just instigated an insurrection......
@rkymtnchi503 Says:
Only Trumpers would be dumb enough to believe that giving every president now and in the future even more power is "owning the Libs". You guys are even more brain damaged than I thought
@ripvanwinkle2002 Says:
not to say this guys wrong, but this guys wrong the military has on many documented cases engaged in unlawful orders. Mai Lai comes to mind.. im not saying its common but to say "never" is ignorance or a lie
@patwatson8338 Says:
The Dems will stop at nothing
@bogeymaker24 Says:
Sotomeyer and Jackson were way off the reservation with their comments and deserve to be severely critisized for their words.
@deliliah50 Says:
Joe . Did jill write your speach.?
@donktheclown Says:
Long live the Great One !!
@mikeslater6246 Says:
I have seen several videos on this ruling where Biden supporters have actually suggested to Joe in the comments that Joe should send Seal Team 6 after Trump since he (Joe) would now be immune.
@Shabenn Says:
Being st*pid enough to think presidential immunity means Trump will use it to have a political opponent bumped off, should be enough to lose your seat on the supreme court. That's just pathetically st*pid.
@curtcoeurdelion Says:
The liberal meltdown continues and is even accelerating into pure and open madness. Hilarious to watch!
@curtcoeurdelion Says:
After gaslighting the public for four years, the media and the Biden regime are now gaslighting themselves.
@deniswauchope3788 Says:
Joe Biden directly caused the deaths of 13 US soldiers by his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, but that was an official act; i don't want him prosecuted for that, though it was disgraceful and a tragedy. What he should be prosecuted for, and found guilty of, are his many crimes: accepting bribes, money laundering, and treason!
@bobbicatt Says:
Their witch hunt failed.
@garyhill2740 Says:
Hard left Democrats just can't stop lying and spinning. These lunatics have got to go!
@JanetMight-cr2rh Says:
The CIA collided with the Mafia and killed JFK ,MLK and RFK.!!!!!
@alancotterell9207 Says:
There is nothing to worry about - many other US Presidents have also been gangsters and actors. There is only one St Valentine's Day each year.
@frank35341 Says:
@jamesray9034 Says:
CIA - hold my beer 😊
@babua63 Says:
Tell Sandra Sotomayer that her entire civilian career has rested on the brawn and sheer selfless heroism of Seal Team 6 and their like. The Judge need not wallow in and spew venom just because her colleagues did not agree with her.
@sherryB5 Says:
Unbelievable gaslighting from the democrats and Biden house. 0 confidence in these crooks .
@jjackson2225 Says:
As an American, I'm ashamed that we even have to have this discussion....
@peopleforpooping Says:
Wow they gave him an orange spray tan to make him seem alive 😂 now, when liberals scream "orange man bad!" Like usual, ill assume theyre talking about biden😂
@rodicaionescu3024 Says:
Not only his speech but his demeanor is terifying Ge looks so wired like robot Scarry stuff 🇱🇷😢
@PhoenixWoody Says:
Maybe Sotomeyer should have a look at those sealed JFK files...
@jasonwells8528 Says:
They can use lawfare to legally assassinate you as 99 years in prison same as an assassination if not worse. The 3 New York cases come to mind. In one case they took 34 misdemeanors where Statute of limitations had ran out and some how converted them to felonies. Biden too senile to stand trial and Garland refused to supply tapes. Biden was only VP and therefore had no immunity.
@phyrexianjudgement Says:
Democrats are literally evil
@HelamansArmy Says:
"The military would never carry out an unlawful order..." Yet, police officers, although not military, did enforce unconstitutional COVID dictates without concern for their oath. Let's not forget how easily they're manipulated through propaganda.
@busdweller Says:
Well they took JFK out.
@1cmnsents Says:
The TRUE IRONY here is ...... that there are over 85 people that were associated with the CLINTONS and have DIED under mysterious deaths... Such as a woman who was coming forward to claim sexual misconduct but was found DEAD with "THREE GUN SHOTS" to her skull and was reported as a "SUICIDE". THE LIST OF CLINTON ASSOCIATES WHO DIED MYSTERIOUSLY. CHECK IT OUT.
@freeradical6390 Says:
Yeah, and the CIA did not kill Kennedy.......because it was illegal. lol
@ricardovega4737 Says:
All members of the JackAss Party have lost All kind of Sanity and Common Sense !
@jamesadkins1780 Says:
Shucks. We can’t prosecute Obama for his drone strike.
@gs7585 Says:
He’s wrong. The US military on Obama’s orders killed a US citizen overseas with a drone strike. No due process.
@C5B-jc1yj Says:
Sotomayor in her dissent just suggested Biden could hire Seal Team 6 to take out Trump with no accountability. Her dissent is criminal.
@DanielRichards644 Says:
Sotomyer is a Seditious Treasonous bitch and so are all the democrats that parroted the BIG LIE.
@CraftyRoseDentalinstructor. Says:
The immunity for official negligent acts does what President Biden already has been protected of..... President Biden received payoffs threw his Son Hunter from Russia , China and Ukraine.... and no one has come close to holding him accountable for that corrupt treasonous activity ... This white house declaration from President Biden over SCOTUS is pure panic over his disastrous performance in the debate.. The desperation displayed by Biden is pathetic... all he knows is political maneuvering...... he has no moral of professional stand . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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