Albanese government 'demanded' gender hiring quotas
Albanese government 'demanded' gender hiring quotas



@WillxWLM Says:
So Labor wants all men to be in back breaking work while all women are in leadership roles? Labor is majority female government, so is Victoria state government and they're doing a terrible job. Hire on merit or we will continue getting incompetent leaders.
@johncotton5561 Says:
Albanese policies - divisive, disruptive, dangerous, detestable
@scottpreston28 Says:
Pauline Hanson is a women, can she replace albanese. Lead by example.
@loneventhorizon Says:
Control over the internet is interesting. There already is a certain amount of control in place to stop malicious content. But what these guys are talking about is a way to manipulate the content we see for their own political parties benefit. The way I see the issues with the internet at the moment, is that the algorithm that drives social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram work by pushing more of what you look at. So on Youtube, if you look at shoes, Youtube will push more shoes on you. This inherently is what is radicalising people. If you watch Sky news, it will push more Sky news on you. Pushing you to the right, further and futher. My idea is that the only control that should be put in place is for this to stop. It shouldn't push you one way or the other just because you looked at a couple of videos on a subject. It should maintain a balance so extremism isn't influenced by the nature of Youtube selling itself by trying to influence you. We should have the choice of our own path, not be pushed in certain directions according to these social media algorithms. I mean we are being manipulated by which ever way these companies feel they can make more profits.
@nedabo69 Says:
This is another reason why the federal government to the local council are failed bodies, they are full of DEI employment, basically, the wrong people in the wrong positions making rubbish decisions.
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
You really have to wonder why you would ever bother investing in this country. It simply isn't going to be remotely competitive with other countries who create the same products and deliver the same services.
@tomjones5338 Says:
Albo need's to call himself Mrs Doubtfire
Where's all the lady bricklayers and roofers and gyprockers and carpenters to build all the new homes Albo has promises
@coal_man Says:
Albo is a racist and a sexist.
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
Didn't Earn It.
@LouSimpson-vn5wn Says:
Oh! Magoo, you've done it again.
@yetanotherspuart3993 Says:
And what about places that have 55% woman hired, or only woman? Oh thise are okay. Just got yo eject men from society yes? Come and end me then hovment shill.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
This has already swept through the commonwealth public service over the last ten years, without any prompting from anyone but the left leaning public service itself. People who were obviously incompetent at their current level were regularly promoted further up the line because of their gender. End result, less actual work achieved, more meetings. Dud ideas routinely promoted, discussed at length, but ultimately dismissed. Activity substituting for achievement. Then all the while pressure back on the people who could actually do the technical aspects of work. Nothing worse than you working your butt off while the DEI hires have lengthy morning and afternoon teas and closed door meetings that emanate nothing but giggles.
@muaddib4868 Says:
The Australian Department of Defence has had and still has gender targets for over a decade.
@andrewf3346 Says:
Hire on merit, not on DEI quotas, didn't earn it
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Expect nothing less from the current federal government 😂😂😂😂
@antcramp Says:
Why do you post 3 videos with the exact same content but with different headlines. Did you hire a Gen Z ?
@jasminetutt7631 Says:
The whole government is complete bullshit
@TheClownVP Says:
Demand hiring on merit not on race or gender
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
It's about time this shoddy grubberment got out of people's lives.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Yeah because he & Potato head Dutton the Mutton have become newly Satanyahu's wives Mrs AlbaYahu & Mrs DuttonYahu, Congratulations to both
@mattmacca3990 Says:
Goodby Albo..

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