Increase in ADHD medication prescriptions in Australia
Increase in ADHD medication prescriptions in Australia



@DonaldDeCicco Says:
Mysteriously, the number of adhd prescriptions is on the rise. But happy adhd awareness month!
@freespeech7747 Says:
Neurodiversity’s are increasing as we consume more toxic seed oils, more sugar and more convenience food, as our water supply gets worse and our seas fill with higher levels of micro plastics, as our air is more polluted and as the earth is contaminated with metals
@DL-zl5tn Says:
Always prescriptions .. great for pharma and doctors back pocket … instead of proper fresh food diet and lifestyle changes ..
@benhall6840 Says:
Doctors working for there drug lords
@wtf22playa56 Says:
There is no such thing as ADHD...just bad parenting
@kingkuts Says:
Fast food- not enough good bacteria- world wide
@bestestusername Says:
they have to push adhd drugs onto kids thats how they keep the new generation of sensitive teachers in the job, my son's school is case in point. Half the kids in class are on something and the teacher still struggles.
@Berserker978 Says:
They used to be called high energy or hyperactive kids and were NOT drugged but put into Sports or anything to burn up the excess energy and their Diets changed.
Its not 'medication....'
@Autofill-o7s Says:
The kids jacked up on energy drinks , Eating crap processed foods. Big pharma jumps right in.
@StephenBrowne-e5l Says:
how did humans ever survive before the discovery of Adhd
@user-hy2qo6lj2q Says:
Just a quick look at my school reports and you'd know straight away I must have undiagnosed ADHD. So many final lines of the teacher's comments mention my challenges with attention and other common features of ADHD. "Away with the fairies" was a common description. I was high achieving at school and, as a female, not extremely hyperactive so it wasn't enough of a problem to do anything about it...but everyone who has met me knows there is a problem with my attention. It is sometimes embarrassing and gets me in to trouble with friends, family and at work. Maybe medication would have been helpful, but I figure I have made it this far and been pretty successful without it so I'm not in a hurry to formalise the diagnosis. It is enough to just be self aware of my own shortcomings and probably helpful for those closest to me to understand why I operate the way that I do.
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
The pharma gravy train rolls on.
@dantemachiavelli4803 Says:
Come on, we all know there is a massive problem with ADHD being way over diagnosed by the system, doctors, phycologists ect, especially with young boys, don't pretend like it's people diagnosing themselves, especially young boys, I would like to see what data they used to make this determination.
@shadowwater1 Says:
Big Pharma likes swimming in peoples bodys.
@nhraandnascarfanatic5907 Says:
Aka amphetamine addiction
@CatsandJP Says:
That’s because Doctors over prescribe and kids steel them to get a buzz.
@mk1479 Says:
Maybe stop poking kids with needles.. Just a wild idea..
@ndk4 Says:
I thought all adhd medication needs to be prescribed?
@hillsong930 Says:
That way lies madness - let kids be kids and stop creating a future generation of junkies. ADHD meds are designed to zombiefy a kid so that adults can shed their responsibilities of teaching, listening, disciplining, and guiding a young person.🙄🤬😠
@GeoffSmithwick Says:
This is science. More people need to see psychiatrists and get diagnosed with conditions to get help.
@oldnutta7611 Says:
Doping up the population has many advantages. Equilibrium is a good example of that.
@creditelectric Says:
The big fear industry will react on queue.They react rather than listen.
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Bad Parentings quick fix😂
@richardcarey169 Says:
A Generations Shame Children today who won’t play the game Are taken to doctors for the chemical cane What used to be boisterous or making a fuss Is some sort of syndrome that academics discuss? Behaviour’s a spectrum from good to bad Calling it abnormal seems somehow sad You’re a nightmare kid and we can’t cope So sit down here and take this dope Some parents struggle to teach their kids They go for help, when they’re on the skids What do we do? The child is ill Take them home and give them a pill The experts call it Attention deficit or Hyperactive Isn’t it time we got some perspective We lecture our kids about drug abuse Then give them amphetamines with a lousy excuse ADD and ADHD are just letters to most To doctors and scientists they’re butter on toast To parents and teachers kids seem angry and bad The more kids diagnosed make drug companies glad Who first used amphetamines for these conditions? And did they consider their medical missions? We think these drugs are a miracle cure The kids are controlled that is for sure But what of the cost in ten years time When the kids are grown and waiting in line Waiting to get their next prescription What we are doing defies description Rick Carey August 2004
@Nihhginah Says:
Pushing drugs on kids month that’s what you should call it. Say the truth. Stop lying to parents.
@grxve___ Says:
Its an amphetamine, not a medication. It is literally the same thing as meth, trust me i know because i had a Severe addiction to it. It is EXTREMELY addictive and very dangerous. Ive been 1 year clean now, I had gone to the ER due to overdose causing serious cardiac/ cardiovascular events. Im 22 and even after quitting I suffer from chronic medical conditions that will affect me for the rest of my life. Dont touch it, its so dangerous but it doesn't get the stigma that it should. Vyvanse, Adderall and other ADHD medications are so much more dangerous than the average persons perception of it. It only took me 2 years to cause my body serious irreparable damage
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Of course, Humanity only got sick 29 years ago We must be medicated with big pharma
@Nihhginah Says:
Look into parents. Stop trusting these drs. They work for the drug companies pushing this goonun. Stop drugging your kids it will stuff them for life they’ll be junkies for life. You want your kids going down this track.
@mathewreed8669 Says:
Very lucrative for doctors. Not really more ADHD just more pressure from big pharma to diagnose
@patriciawitt8174 Says:
Be the United States they've diagnosed nearly EVERY child with adhd, autism etc
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@Wild-E-cyote Says:
Pharmacy pushing. This ADHD crap. The US changed too antidepressants be pushed on kids now.. there is a better way..
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:

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