This is going to be 'deadly' for years to come: Former DHS official
This is going to be 'deadly' for years to come: Former DHS official



@s.s.secretsocietyprim2967 Says:
Investigation!! Someone needs to be held accountable!! On why Americans cant get help. Noone agreed to spend their tax money on this! Investigation!!
@MaryGoodwin-r9e Says:
They need to find the tax payers moneyโ€ฆ.You have 29 days to put it back. Start now..,,,,Congress and Biden Administrationโ€ฆ.theft is a crime
@SuperDave71176k Says:
They should disband FEMA and block grant the funds to the states with strings attached.
@MaryGoodwin-r9e Says:
Not Factual!โ€™n
@johnburdette1092 Says:
@kevinrice4700 Says:
All those corrupt politicians have bullseye on their back.... they are so pathetic
@CraigCharley Says:
President Biden can order his whole military to fight Trump open borders
@CraigCharley Says:
Well American whole military should come home and fight Trump's OPEN BORDERS
@Tomcat8911 Says:
They say no one above the law,well they don't enforce the laws we have &add conspiracy. But with a government that don't think laws apply to them.I think we all should vote at home and California they won't know,no id!๐Ÿคซ
@kylebell850 Says:
FEMA BROKE AS GLASS. Thanks Dems. Truth finally slid out.
@lasersbee Says:
Liar Mayorkas has been an Incompetent Biden/Harris Puppet Buffon from the Get-Go... I can't wait for Trump/Vance who actually care for Americans and America to win the November Presidential Election by a landslide and get rid of all this Corrupt Woke Criminal Democrat Biden/Harris BS Train Wreck and get back to a NORMAL America.
@GeorgePrice-vp6td Says:
I agree they're running American people out and bringing a new breed of American inn and now these people that are all from a whole totally place with different traditions and values. Removing they're moving the American citizens out and making their new citizens. !!!!! Wow they'll probably build a re-education camp like Hillary Clinton wants to do for the old Americans like us and make sure we turn in our firearms at the gate. Before we get waterboarded !!!!
@colevetter8970 Says:
The government just had to violate our Constitution and not so much as ask a single citizen. This is what happens.
@genuineargyle Says:
Willfully destructive policies, political opposition lawfare, absence of accountability, 1A violations, all with mainstream media complicity = woke Communist psyop.
@snapfinger1 Says:
Even that weasel Chris Wray admits we are awash w/ violent criminals, terrorists & spies.
@lindag2312 Says:
And there is more on the way
@noname-fn6cp Says:
@DavidMartin-hv3mn Says:
Biden coming on national TV and saying that it was a lie that they didn't use any of FEMA money For the border. and then Lester holt on NBC, come on said it was a lie, Never fact-checking this administration. and now it turns out to be the truth. This administration just lies about everything. It's time for them to go.
@reginaldkaminski5805 Says:
This is what happens when college students vote.
@rmf9567 Says:
Mass deportations are coming so you better start packing your bags
@herold2370 Says:
$^& How many CHILDREN is tRUMP going to KIDNAP this time around? THOUSANDS the last time, folks! Wholesale, of course! tRUMPs family separation plan! You should look it up! Before project 20 25 gets YOU!
@lynnerussell4263 Says:
Folks are guillble they will still vote Harris in. And she will still let them in ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@herold2370 Says:
Oh well, Humpty tRUMPy said he would build a wall! Humpty tRUMPy didn't mean that at all! Humpty tRUMPy ment this, that, and the.............other thing! And a few BUTTs here and over there, too! Whatever keeps Humpty tRUMPy from TAKING the fall!
@Palmlily Says:
We shouldnโ€™t allow this criminal acts by this Biden/Harris administration, this is against the citizens of the United States of America, endangering us is unacceptableโ€ผ๏ธ
@fryrospyro8797 Says:
Elon Musk is Just another rich man pushing lies to folks that will believe anything a rich man tells them to believe. Trump showed the world how easy it is to con folks and make money OUT of them. Elon musk pushing his own voter register App . If you're stupid enough to register on a voter registeation App made by a billionaire who needs Trump to win because Trump has promised him and other billionaires huge tax breaks if he wins again. Once you register on Elon Musk's voter App, He will know every damned thing about you . EVERYTHING . HE WIIL BE ABLE TO MANIPULATE YOU ANY WAY HE WANTS TO. THE ONLY LEGAL VOTER REGISTRATION IS THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT VOTER REGISTRATION. DONT BE A SUCKER TO A BILLIONAIRE THAT HAS USED YOU FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS FOR YOUR MONEY. DON'T FALL FOR ELON MUSK AND TRUMPS LATEST CON GAME. THEY ARE BOTH COUNTING ON TRUMP SUPPORTERS TO FALL FOR THEIR MONEY MAKING CON GAME.
@fryrospyro8797 Says:
Never forget Who killed the border bill TWICE that was agreed by Republicans and Democrats ,that would have added 1500 more border guards and more technology and would have stemmed the flow of guns and drugs and illegal immigrants coming in. WHO MADE THE CALL TO STOP THAT BILL. A SHOWBIZ LYING COWARD CON MAN CALLED DONALD TRUMP STOPPED THAT BILL BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT THE BORDER PROBLEM SOLVED WHILE BIDEN IS STILL PRESIDENT. VOTE BLUE AND GET RID OF THE COWARD CALLED TRUMP.
@JonathanReyes-nb8ws Says:
Immigrants take the hardest jobs because they are desperate. If trump gets rid of all brown ppl wages go up for those jobs? I know ppl aka immigrants working 12 hr shifts for 40usd daily
@Gmny1MOA Says:
These people should pay dearly for what they've done to this country...this place is a dump now after 4yrs of this crap and we all knew it would be...but the politcal warriors will say donald did this blah blah blah the economy is great...what makes you guys think they wont leave you to rot if something catastrophic happens to you?..bc beleive me this gvnmt we have right now absolutely will....makes me so mad...just wait til what goes around comes around
@troy6882 Says:
Unfortunately for you by her word she's not going home getting it ????? O Greek's.
@EzraHagger Says:
Biden harris have ruined this country in 4 years harris wallz we wont have a country get trump back in all harris and wallz care about is takeing your money and giveing it to ch8na and migrants and putting tampinds in boys bathrooms where you think they would go ๐Ÿ˜…
@matthewfarren5423 Says:
Demonrats been bending us over since Lyndon Johnson . They have just nearly accomplished their goals now since Obama .
@MarcusAurelius-o1o Says:
Democrats Playbook is to lie, cheat, steal and Deny!@
@justinkey3181 Says:
Paula Deen cookbook author and tv personality has soldiers from Camp Legeune protecting her home. The Food Network in retaliation is refusing to pay Paula Deen residuals for her shows that the Food Network has with her under contract. The Food Network is against people protecting themselves, with soldiers or private security and believes it's unnecessary. They are living in a liberal Kamal Harris fantasyland. If you can't afford private security to protect your home call your Congressmen and ask for soldiers to protect your home like Paula Deen has. Everyone has the right to be safe and secure in their own home. This country is too dangerous not to have soldiers on our streets to protect us. Not everyone can afford private armed security like rich Democratic Plutocrats have, to protect their home. Tell your employer you can't afford private armed security you don't get paid enough, like rich Democratic plutocrats have, and you contacted your Congressmen and requested soldiers on your street. This Democracy in America is a sham.
@matthewfarren5423 Says:
Demonrat traitors . They want to be the wealthy elite in power after they've betrayed the union and sold us out to the United Nations and the European union . The elite aristocracy ruling over us deplorable peasants !
@jasonp5423 Says:
@matthewfarren5423 Says:
Billions to Ukraine , billions to Illegal invaders , 6.5 billion lost and unaccounted for in the State department under Hillary Clinton , 24 million to California under Gavin Newsome to clean up the homeless problem . Where's all the money ? Audit the Federal government thoroughly down to the last dime ! Where did it go ? Who skimmed and who benefited ?
@Gman6767 Says:
This country doesnโ€™t have years left thanks to our traitor politicians on the left and right. The border was intentionally kept wide open to allow hundreds of thousand of sleeper cells into the country ahead of the swamp turds war with Iran. The D.C dumb@sses are going for maximum chaos when the SHTF. I always said when the constitutional republic of the United States falls it will be because of treason within, not because of an outside adversary and here we are.
@FucNo-f7y Says:
The more threats to the u.s. the more money DHS gets so its in the best financial interest of DHS to make everything they can a threat to national more money from the taxpayers. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@akguitarworks7906 Says:
deadly for years to come... it will only mix with the chaos that is going to come and exponentially grow for years to come. It is the natural outcome of godlessness. Christ is the only hope.
@Zack-e9h Says:
Tired of your garbage Fox. All American are not stupid enough to believe you lying propaganda
@JerryMoondancerRobinson1 Says:
They can Lie all they want. We have True Americans in Need. Show Us The Money ๐Ÿ’ฐ. PS. They also Tapped Into The Medicare Fund & Reprogram Monies to Offset The Tax Breaks On Buying Electric Vehicles!
@Del-ji3xr Says:
The Brandon administration has absolutely destroyed America, we must unite, and vote an end to this nightmare. This may be our 1 and only chance America. VOTE!
@essernobles1053 Says:
If Wray says that then why doesn't he do anything?
@lanceemola2450 Says:
Why are these people still in office?
@phyllischaffin4052 Says:
It's quite simple. Do we Americans want four more years of this crap? Our country is being destroyed. Joy does not pay bills and feed me.
@pcp.9834 Says:
Put them in prison camps, they did it in World War II. The Japs were in prison camps, till they were released or vetted ๐Ÿช–๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ’ช
@KBilitsky Says:
How can this administration live with themselves doing this to our country??
@cconnon1912 Says:
Selling fear? Same old GOP, cleaning immigrants, poor people, etc.
@arthurh5707 Says:
And this is why the country needs to be rids of the political elite part once and for all. And jail crooks like Pelosi, Mayorkas, Biden and Harris.
@edwardgerrit1056 Says:
EDWARD'S FINAL REMARK'S ใ€Šใ€Š$โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†$โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†$ใ€‹ใ€‹ EVERLASTING LIFE LOSTS NOW PUT YOUR SOUL'S IN THE AIR ใ€‹ The judiciary of Italy is composed of courts and public prosecutor offices responsible for the administration of justice in the Italian Republic. These offices are occupied by judges and prosecutors respectively, who are known as magistrates. Magistrates belong to the magistracy, that is to say a branch of the State that may only be accessed by Italian citizens who hold an Italian Juris Doctor and successfully partake in one of the relevant competitive public examinations organised by the Ministry of justice. IN FEW MINUTES/ SPEECH ๐Ÿ—จ BEGINS AS TO WHY ONLY FOOD AVALIABLE FOR THE RICH BY GENERATIONS EDWARD'S STREET BRAIN TALENTS ATTACKS ใ€‹ Accountability Article 28 of the Constitution holds accountable public servants and employees of public bodies under criminal, civil and disciplinary laws for any act carried out to the detriment of citizens' rights.[12] This accountability extends to the State and public entities involved in the administration of justice.[12] Italian magistrates are not directly liable for acts owing to the exercise of judicial or prosecutorial functions. Law 117/1988 of 13 April 1988 applies the principles laid down in Article 28 of Constitution by allowing individuals to file a liability claim against the State where a magistrate willfully or carelessly carried out judicial or prosecutorial duties, or a denial a justice was brought about owing to the magistrate's conduct. By law/ my office ๐Ÿข qualify to place today's wicked government in flesh coverings under arrests for violating the sabbath day ? Cowards who turned their back against the almighty God jehovah. You'll pay for the damages. NOVEMBER 5TH not godly day of liberation, but man's continues attacks against jehovah's son.. ministry continues/ you must be holy..

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