New home needed every two minutes to keep up with population growth
New home needed every two minutes to keep up with population growth



@joelc9439 Says:
You conveniently forget that there are tens of thousands of houses in Australia which are left empty... And there are another thousand plus homes which have only one person living in there..
@jojowynne233 Says:
Sleazy Albanese, you’re screwing Aussies over by bringing in millions of immigrants! You will not be winning the next election! You’re an absolute disgrace of a PM! 🤬
@jrbs Says:
This is a WEF generated housing shortage across the western world
@python27au Says:
1,000,000 homes over 5 years? Thats 200,000 per year. Didn’t they say they were limiting immigration to 400,000 per year? In addition to the thousands of homeless we have already, and the domestic growth. How is this supposed to solve anything? Cant they count!
@johnwilliams3329 Says:
Yep. I agree.
@michaelriddle716 Says:
Choosing illegals over your own people, you might be a tradior.
@c.s2001 Says:
Hahaha hahahaha
@bethlehemeisenhour8352 Says:
With such a positive video like this, you make my day.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
Deport the antivaxxers
@attilatasciko4817 Says:
Thanks .
@666huntufireman2 Says:
Unfortunately we have ignoramuses within our government by the name of a Labor party that have the IQ of a peanut.. So until these useless dkwads are removed there will be a continuance of this idocy.
@ragnarironspear1791 Says:
Two houses per day that sounds familiar here in Britain
@darrenashley126 Says:
Australia can't sustain this type of growth. Apart from the Upper East side of Australia, we don't have the rainfall and can't grow enough food for the influx of migrants. It's easy for the Pollies who don't have to pay for their food or water and the wind and solar farms are taking more food off the tables, you idiots.
@sunshine8704 Says:
That is un invasion that’s why they building apartments like Crazy
@2Bros-OVO Says:
I blame you Victorians and Welshman, You let ya cities get gentrified and over populated, then when you get hit with all the restrictions and george orwelled you run up here to QLD and start ruining what little housing and jobs we had left
@eb2505 Says:
I was thinking of renting out my roof space. It’s a flat roof, but could fit probably 15 people so long as they lie still and don’t have to get out.
@eb2505 Says:
I have heard 100,000 to 120,000 per month. Why don’t we get to.d this from official sources?
@moistfarts351 Says:
Not population growth.unchecked deliberate imagration.corrupt treasonous parasites in gov past n present
@KJSvitko Says:
Population needs to be in balance with jobs, resources, nature and the environment. Having a bigger population in any country than the country can support makes no sense. Access to food, water, shelter, energy and jobs should guide population levels. The worlds population is still expected to add another billion people to feed, clothe and produce pollution. Humans are crowding out all other species of plants and animals. Education and birth control are key to reducing poverty and hunger. Having a child that you can not provide for yourself is cruel and irresponsible. We need solutions not just sympathy. Endless population growth is not sustainable on a finite planet. Every country needs to "TRY" to be more self sufficient. When there are not enough resources to sustain a population something has to give. Countries need to focus on quality of life for their citizens and not just quantity of life for cheap labor. Why import fossil fuels when wind and solar energy can be produced locally and solar energy can power electric vehicles. We need solutions not just sympathy.
@anderander5662 Says:
Soon be 3rd world
@rdhudon7469 Says:
The same tactics are being used around the world , but nothing to see here !
@eb2505 Says:
..population importation. A completely manufactured problem by a grossly and egregiously incompetent government.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
Promises are easy to say, it's whether you keep them that makes the difference.
@garywetzel8240 Says:
STOP IMMIGRATION you're getting the bottom of the Barrel with these Invaders. Help Your Own Citizens and the Homeless
@borisdaborghadanuff2382 Says:
Or we could just shut the bloody door!
@secretgoldfish Says:
Population replacement for the more compliant (while desperate) slum world of less doesn't need homes, just high density box-life boxes and deliberate/self-fulfilling 'supply and demand' gimping/devolvement to help the inflation and 'sustainability' (of government reliance and big corp profits) initiative to shamelessly carry on.
@CatherineScarborough Says:
So, you sack all the unvaccinated workers, then claim there is not enough workers, then say you will allow extensive immigration into Australia, and now need 1,000,000 new homes to accommodate them, not us? Are you serious! How deranged can you be, not to mention how many immigrants do not hold to Australian values nor respect our Christian nation! Unbelievable!! ... More riots and anti-Australian sentiment that neither the government nor police are equipped to handle. Well done, sheer stupidity!!! 😡
@ministryformensbehaviour Says:
Populate the regions. Don't just cram more ppl into the already over-crowded cities.
@JohnsonCranium Says:
Can we have a mandate that stops fat white aussies from breeding? 😅 I’m sick of seeing fat white aussies with 6 fat stupid kids 🤮 It’s gross 🤮 Make the fatties stop breeding ffs! 🤦‍♂️
@DC-lw7dj Says:
Net immigration intake needs to be zero for a few years until infrastructure catches up. If a government worked well for its citizens and kept the costs low (housing,etc.) to the extent that a single parent can provide for expenses, the birth rate will pick up pace without having to rely on immigration intake. Voting for both major parties (uniparty) means voting for excessive immigration intake. People should vote for a party that is sensible on immigration intake! Increasing population by record numbers is foolish during an inflation and housing crisis. I hope voters teach this Labor government a lesson for making record numbers of Australians homeless and for record worsening of housing costs.
@buckjofiden4804 Says:
This is an intentional crashing of the Western culture by the WEF UN EU in order to create a one world government.
@TheHandymanQld Says:
STOP BRINGING IN PEOPLE THAT DON"T BELONG HERE!!! ... Sudanese. Middle Eastern Muslims. Chinese. Indians, and the rest. The day will come when cultures will clash, big time.
@starhopper1706 Says:
Deport the "culture" that is incompatible with the West. Two birds with one stone.
@UnknownUser-sc6jx Says:
Not population growth just mass immigration of people that contribute nothing to the country besides traffic on the roads, rubbish on the side walk and lines at Centrelink.
@Deano00777 Says:
“Let’s bring in more immigrants to build the houses”
@laurel1854 Says:
Its a biiiiig lie!!! No 8 billion!!!!!
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Albo has shackled young Australians to renting a one bedroom apartment for the rest of their lives, and they still vote for labor. That's the really funny part. Then there is the untold story of Albo's mass immigration and the gender balance. Then there is the unsustainable Albo mass immigration pressure on the health and welfare systems. In fact if you wanted to completely destroy a country, you cant go pass the WEF endorsed Albo mass immigration plan.
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
There wasn’t a housing crisis in 2019 and the working homeless, what has happened? Why do Canada, UK, USA have the same problems
@pittuk6500 Says:
Australian's population is dropping, it's all in the invasive species segment
@user-sf6cg1iy1o Says:
@MultimediaM-mu9vf Says:
BS! How this wasn’t needed 2012 to 2019 (people didn’t fuck I guess)
@Chad.H. Says:
Every 1.5 minutes new "college student " arrives. The government now uses the term "permanent former overseas students " because once they are in, they are not going back! They are not here to study!
@Paul-nu7nj Says:
they should build a new city, top left or in all that wasted space in the centre of australia
@newdude491 Says:
Silly Aussies! Plenty room for everyone already. Three bedroom home fit four families. Put mattresses in tool shed rent out as student accommodation.
@MattyEngland Says:
Population growth aka immigration
@evanangel2022 Says:
Cut immigration immediately and put our people first
@kjnightbird121 Says:
Unchecked Immigration IS NOT GREEN. 🌿🚫
@Crypto_prod35 Says:
The elite can help out with their large properties. They can help out too
@clifffowler2581 Says:
Every two minutes for your homeless citizens? I'm sure that's what you meant.

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