'Morally bankrupt': David Littleproud slams Labor's ban on live sheep exports
'Morally bankrupt': David Littleproud slams Labor's ban on live sheep exports



@georgegreen348 Says:
Labor is ruining the countryside man I'm sick and tired of this is country folk don't get a say we just get harassed by the ministry and farmersure I'm sick of it
@Blackheathenly Says:
As McCormack accidentally said, this will bring the price of meat down. No-one believes your drivel, Littlechode.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
Federal Labour is a disgrace and i hope they lose seats in WA because of this ban. Keep the Sheep and let the farmers get on with their livelihoods
@MrHmauch Says:
Nothing wrong with live animal shipping bans… just adapt to it, process the animals in Australia and expand the industry, ship frozen meats around the world. Yes it’s that simple.
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Stop acting like it's a surprise will you . Banning Live Sheep Exports was a Labor Election promise in 2022 . You've had 2 years to change Farming Practice helped by $ 150 Million from the Government given directly to Farmers to assist them to change to other ways to sell their Sheep . The Ban doesn't come in until 2028 so you're getting 6 years notice in Total and have done Nothing . Morally Bankrupt is a Country that protects Animals by Law but disregards cruelty to Animals when there's Money to be made . Morally bankrupt ? That would be you Littleproud .
@goldenineke Says:
I’m not a Labor supporter but I’m totally behind this ban. One shipment? This cruelty has been going on for decades. These are living, sentient beings you are sending on these horror trips. And don’t start me on the cattle industry and how they are slaughtered overseas in countries like Indonesia. Perhaps this muppet needs to get on a ship with these sheep, visit an Indonesia abattoir and see if he’s of the same opinion.
@GM-jy6gd Says:
Labor and Greens will shut down all industries if people don't resist
@Theaddora Says:
It is cruel to transport these sweet animals to a place that will probably abuse them in every way possible.
@Wit_Shunter Says:
Let me give you the hint, Littlebrain. What you can do with sheep is shear them, and what you can do with cows is milk them.
How Labor can be "morally bankrupt" when they took into account animal welfare when making their decision remains a mystery. Perhaps Littleproud needs to buy a dictionary...
@MirageMages Says:
You mean he's a British conservative

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