Voluntary superannuation payments sacrificed to accommodate financial stress
Voluntary superannuation payments sacrificed to accommodate financial stress



@WeveGotBush Says:
They want you to contribute so then they will pocket it then blame Pandemics and GFC.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
**Consumer confidence jumps to ‘highest level’ in two and a half years** Previous News.. Not opinion.
@Pet-rf6rh Says:
Tax treatment of super has changed so many times since inception, better to pay the mortgage off as quickly as possible.
@imantifeminism556 Says:
Now sky terrorist zionist nazi propagandists have finally decided to take a break from barking the last 4 days about zionist terrorists & Israhell
@oldnutta7611 Says:
Compulsory super is when they garnish your wage then charge you for doing it.
@OpenWaterReal Says:
Notice how Labor have more control than ever, yet Australia has more issues than ever? Because Labor and its voters are the problem. If you want Australia to improve and its long lingering issues to finally disappear, it's time to grow up and reject Labor. Your choice 😎
@alwaysright3718 Says:
Super is a rort...

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