TV host mocks Kamala Harris' embarrassing 'Call Her Daddy' interview
TV host mocks Kamala Harris' embarrassing 'Call Her Daddy' interview



@PatrickOnPoint Says:
She went on this podcast because the other popular podcasters didn’t want nothing to do with her 😂
@Ali-uf7kg Says:
Is this what we need in a president??? Whatever happened to commander in chief…
@VioletH172 Says:
Why is this podcast so popular? Are people this crude, immoral and lowbrow?
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
I truly have no concern for Trump or his voter base ! They do not pose a threat at all to our Constitutional Republic ! I do have a concern with big government and specifically this Harris administration that has lost touch with core values and common sense !
@MarcusK-z1j Says:
You guys have nothing on her, you guys are just confused about what to do. Keep trying, there's nothing you going to get
@Evansteven244 Says:
Call her daddy what aid recommended this show you are simply stupid beyond all recognition?
@Odo55 Says:
Kammie is being as real as the alcohol % of her hourly drink
@paulburgess2967 Says:
You stupid dumb pathetic excuse for a politician there's nothing real about the cackling hen and never will be . It lives on another planet and whichever planet it is I wish It would go back there and stay there this absolute fruit loop.
@gordonpobar-gk3kz Says:
Crazy thing is she’ll probably still win..America folks
@SherylHashimoto-iq1kt Says:
@dcking1738 Says:
You should be sitting in jail with Tina Peter's. Get deported to Manus Island already you inbreed dope.
@anselmdanker9519 Says:
Never heard of them 😂😂
@kablanetkablanet989 Says:
That's how it is when the delusional left raves about murderous Islam and accepts murderous Muslim terrorists and delusional media people who will tomorrow be the victims of those Muslim murderers, whom the delusional media protects! Christians! We need to wake up, Islam is the biggest problem in the world today! Islam is a political movement masquerading as a "religion" whose goal is world domination period!
@glennf9582 Says:
Never even heard of 'Call her Daddy'. 😳
@WonderworksSwitzerland Says:
She is obviously not the Brightest Candle on the Cake :)
@summerday9333 Says:
In 2o2o, obomster hid their last moron candidate in the basement & rigged the e1ecti0n & installed bozojo as puppet so obomster could pull his strings & control the wh from the swamp. Now in 2o24, obomster is so arrogant & stupid, he’s trying to do it again - this time - trying to keep the appointed now anointed cackling idiot candidate in the closet, & goona try to rigarooni this one too & then pull her chain. but it’s not working. America is awake & very wise to the wokester commie lies & scare tactics & will make this one too big to rig. Americans love freedom. Americans love the constitution. Americans love America. And Americans love President Trump. Americans HATE communism-So bubye commiekaka! Bubye obydoomski. Bubye you evil monster obomster. Go slither into a hole cause the MAGAs are coming after you & are gonna drain your vile putrid swamp & blow it to smithreens.
@ButButBut-i5h Says:
I love the irony of Caleb mocking anyone given the utter mistake he is. That's like being called out by a ditzy blonde for being 'slow'.
@TheDogsbollocks925 Says:
Get it right, call her Dummy.
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Snotty little poofters for Trump.
@audiehust1712 Says:
You have to be real when are you going to start
@aussienic8428 Says:
Its embarrassing to see you selling yourselves out because the boss supports Trump. You're a journalist? Really?
@HappyestMoments Says:
Call her Daddy!!! What the f podcast is that!!! Literally
@SilentMagician7 Says:
Dear Sky News, You're all idiots. Kamala Harris isn't going to say the real answer. That answer being a podcast like Call Her Daddy reaches new and young potential voters that are undecided on who to vote for. It's about reach. People that listen to podcasts etc. are likely not watching old, tired, and outdated media sources/networks like yourselves. Hence, going on CNN, MSN, and other news media is like beating a dead horse. Those viewers have already made their choice by now. I'm sorry you're all too dumb to realize this. Kamala Harris is 10 steps ahead of all you. Please join the rest of us in 2024. Thanks.
@Astronut54 Says:
@dner75-xh9le Says:
An idiot "interviewing" an idiot. The sad thing is that these retarded people will make more money than the rest of us over our lifetimes. Isn't the idiocy of human beings so captivatingly beautiful?
@ohasis8331 Says:
Come on Liz, you're asking a bit much aren't you?
@pcnetworks1292 Says:
She's dumb as a rock!
@linneamanion Says:
Kamala is an embarrassment. What about CALL ME MUMMY! Kamala is inept and she can't be REAL - she is a Dunce! She demeans us - she is sooo stupid and can't answer questions because she is lowest IQ and she knows it!!
@raybeaman8195 Says:
Kamala has done nothing for Americans other than ruin everything a vote for her is a vote for Obama
@altnarrative Says:
She almost said it herself. The best way to communicate with people is to be real and she can’t be real and her true self because she’s darkened and has nefarious motives. She’s soulless. Perhaps even, and I don’t know, without conscience. Who knows how far she’s gone in order to gain her underserved power?
@renetteburgess2378 Says:
I cant believe there are so many Aussie magats. Kamala might not be the flavour of the month but I rather sit down and talk with her than an inarticulate, sex offending, criminal, racist, egocentric megalomaniac!
@RasAlHaq Says:
There was no racism, no sexism, no insults, no discussion of sharks and batteries - that's not a real presidential candidate! 😂😆🤣
@jamesvillarreal8862 Says:
we are completely cooked if she gets into office. and by cooked I mean if she becomes president nuclear war will breakout
@NancyGray-fh7nk Says:
As an American Australian I'm disgusted to hear the idiocy of this. It isn't a joke. Your commentary is false
@krh007 Says:
Sky News seems to be be aligned to crap news media "Fox news" with both of you very Pro Felon Trump & his good Buddy Fuhrer Putin
@architection610 Says:
I like Sky News Australia because it's one of few conservative media outlets out there. Just can't stand this kid Caleb, who is only 24 years old and speaking and dressing like he's 47, even his mannerisms are twice his age. lul wtf??
@MrZipdang Says:
You Sky mob are absolute jokes! Seriously, your efforts to make Harris appear less capable or mentally together than your Orange Messiah are really funny. Clowns talkin to Clowns.
@spotsonadog Says:
I'm going to say something nice: I think Kamala would be great at hosting one of those Pampered chef parties!
@-me-myself-and-I Says:
Well, I'm telling you this, I'm not watching this rediculous podcast... My brain would have an aneurysm...😂
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Says:
Trump spreads misinformation with the most horrendous lies PART 2 USA Today poll move more toward young 5:45 male voters more toward Donald Trump 5:47 you're going to see these demographics 5:49 continue to break in these late days the 5:51 message that is being delivered by both 5:53 candidates needs to be strategic and 5:56 smart to make sure that they're getting 5:58 this done and right now that is not 5:59 helping Donald Trump Kate I mean they 6:02 continue Trump continues to do this the 6:04 campaign continues to do this so I mean 6:06 they must have some belief that this 6:09 works for them uh I mean does it appeal 6:12 to some sort of feral brain part of you 6:15 know human 6:17 beings uh you know look I I'm I would be 6:20 afraid to even try to get inside the 6:22 mind of Donald Trump and who he thinks 6:24 this is appealing to but look does it 6:26 appeal to moderate voters to swing 6:28 voters to the voters that he needs to 6:30 win over in the final month of this 6:31 election no I mean we know that 6:33 immigration is an issue that does work 6:35 generally in his favor but what people 6:37 don't like is exactly this kind of 6:40 language they don't like the hateful 6:41 rhetoric they don't like the divisive 6:43 language uh and so talking in this way 6:46 which you know I think Anna is 6:47 absolutely right does uh you know it it 6:50 it causes people to behave in really 6:52 problematic ways it also just coarsens 6:54 our politics it makes it harder and 6:56 harder to actually come to to Solutions 6:58 which I think may be exactly what Donald 7:00 Trump's trying to do here in some ways I 7:02 mean he is the one who took the 7:04 bipartisan immigration bill off the 7:06 table because he wanted to keep the 7:07 issue to campaign on it he's not looking 7:09 for Solutions so you know if he thinks 7:12 you know this is connecting with some 7:14 piece of his base maybe it is I'm 7:16 certainly not the the person who could 7:18 uh speak to what's working with the Maga 7:20 base but for in a general election when 7:22 you are trying to reach these voters who 7:24 are ultimately going to determine the 7:25 outcome of this election uh no this is 7:27 not a winning strategy and it's 7:30 dangerous better 7:34 generala want to talk about her rical 7:37 record 7:38 [Applause] 7:50 we that's beautiful that's all 7:53 right that's okay now he's on our side 7:57 we get a little itchy D it that way how 8:01 oh no he's on our side you know what 8:02 he's showing at Butler an amazing thing 8:06 happened you were two American flags 8:09 very far apart held up I think by 8:11 different brains they were very big 8:13 flags beautiful flags and they were 8:15 waving and as that horrible event was 8:17 taking place the wind blew the flags 8:20 together and they formed a perfect angel 8:23 I don't know if we have it but it was a 8:26 perfect for I'll tell you 8:32 [Music] 8:33 [Applause] 8:45 of adversaries love this this is a field 8:48 day for Russia and China who are going 8:50 to then amplify on social media ahead of 8:52 the election to just Stoke fear and 8:54 tearist apart this is listen everything 8:56 becomes politicized a month out from an 8:57 election but this is a step further that 8:59 I've never really seen something like 9:01 this when you're dealing with multiple 9:03 horrible national natural disasters at 9:05 the same time and it just shows Donald 9:07 Trump is willing to go so low yeah I 9:09 mean Doug you're from North Carolina a 9:11 lot of your family is still there I'm 9:12 wondering what you're hearing from 9:13 people uh on the ground about I mean are 9:16 people hearing these lies is it 9:18 impacting things at all they they sure 9:21 are and Anderson I got a call on 9:22 Thursday from Congress woman Virginia 9:24 Fox who represents one of the districts 9:26 most affected uh by the hurricane who 9:27 made it very clear to me that assured 9:30 her and other North Carolina members on 9:31 a call that they have more than enough 9:33 funds uh for Helen that they're good 9:35 there and look you know clearly some of 9:37 the media attention wasn't where it 9:38 should have been last weekend and 9:40 certainly you know we didn't know the 9:41 direction of the storm so some of the 9:42 resources weren't on the ground there 9:44 but when you're spreading disinformation 9:46 it means all sorts of agencies it's it's 9:48 not just Fimo right it's state agencies 9:51 it's the small business administrations 9:53 not just Joe Biden or Donald Trump in 9:55 this matter uh it's a comprehensive 9:57 federal and state and states effort uh 10:00 what they have to do is then take their 10:01 eye off the ball to tell people uh these 10:04 things are false and then these things 10:06 are true this is the news you can rely 10:08 on and this is what you can it takes 10:10 their eye off the ball and makes it that 10:11 much harder and there's also you know 10:13 brass politics in this as aissa 10:15 mentioned but it's also stupid Politics 10:17 the reality is the area of North 10:19 Carolina that was hit is overwhelmingly 10:21 Republican Donald Trump of the uh of the 10:23 25 counties that are under emergency 10:25 declaration Donald Trump won all of them 10:28 but two it can continues to shock people 10:31 guys it's it's horrifying stuff and this 10:35 is how you know Trump 10:37 events end in 10:40 violence we've talked about this right 10:43 like why why do why was it that that 10:47 that that millions of Democrats and 10:49 progressives and moderates and even 10:52 anti-trump Republicans despise Trump 10:55 rightfully think he's a danger to 10:57 democracy 10:59 but why was it that two a Vivic 11:02 ramaswami supporter and a registered 11:05 Republican were the ones to actually try 11:08 and take Trump's life why why wasn't any 11:11 why wasn't it a a leftist a Democrat a 11:16 Pelosi supporter a Kamala supporter a 11:19 Biden supporter why and we know why it's 11:23 because despite the fact that we hate 11:25 him and many of us think he rightfully 11:27 belongs in prison we're not just saying 11:29 that because we disagree with him it's 11:32 because he's literally a convicted felon 11:35 and there's more felonies to come more 11:37 trials to 11:39 come 11:41 right where we're like we want this man 11:43 out of power we mean defeated at The 11:46 Ballot Box and yes put in prison for the 11:50 crimes he's been convicted of by 11:52 regular working in middle class members 11:55 of a jury of his peers in his hometown 12:01 but we're not the ones calling for out 12:02 andout 12:04 dehumanization you people got to 12:06 remember this some there are some snobby 12:08 liberals and right in the comments 12:09 you'll know people like this who mock 12:12 everybody from the south and mock them 12:14 all for being poor and like they they 12:16 love their cousins and they're from the 12:18 trailer park and all of that I grew up 12:20 in a trailer park we have them in Canada 12:22 I literally grew up in a trailer park I 12:24 grew up with not a lot of money I was in 12:27 a lot of ways a lot more like the people 12:30 that snoody liberals make fun of and yet 12:34 what do most progressives want for the 12:38 Maga base we want them to have better 12:41 schools better 12:42 hospitals uh better access to uh welfare 12:46 and social services and equal 12:49 opportunity or at least much more equal 12:51 opportunity for their children as the 12:54 children of more privileged 12:56 people if we win especially leftwing 12:59 like leave out the corporate democrats 13:01 for a second if the Bernie Sanders wing 13:03 of the democratic party 13:05 wins the biggest beneficiaries are going 13:08 to be some of the Trump supporters in 13:11 red 13:12 States if they 13:14 win people on our side die not people 13:18 that look like me right not people who 13:20 are men who look like me but lots of 13:24 people because look at how he talks 13:28 kamla's like like let's tax the rich 13:30 some more Trump's like these people have 13:32 bad genes and are racially inferior to 13:34 me the white savior of our country this 13:38 is why every Trump rally is a violent 13:40 one I don't care if physical violence 13:42 doesn't happen at them every Trump rally 13:45 is a violent rally
@-me-myself-and-I Says:
Kamala, omg, are you kidding me...
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Says:
Trump spreads misinformation with the most horrendous lies 0:00 The misinformation they are receiving it also 0:02 debilitates gen or Workforce these are 0:05 individuals who are putting their lives 0:07 on the line to search and rescue for 0:11 victims of hurricane Helen a hurricane 0:14 of historic magnitude it is very sad 0:17 it's very sad damaging you're saying 0:19 that people feel like government can't 0:21 help them so they're not seeking 0:23 information that they are entitled to 0:25 which is very alarming I wanted to ask 0:27 you about I mean one of the themes we've 0:29 also seen with how Trump spreads 0:31 misinformation is that it's the 0:33 targeting of migrants often um and the 0:35 migrant Community we saw that in 0:37 Springfield we've seen that a bit around 0:38 the Hurricanes uh you're a child of 0:41 immigrants yourself um but also as a as 0:43 the secretary of the home Department of 0:45 Homeland Security you you oversee and 0:47 you watch this issue closely I want to 0:49 play something he said this morning um 0:52 and get your thoughts on 0:54 it she has no clue how about allowing 0:58 people to come through an open board 1:01 13,000 of which were murderers many of 1:04 them murdered far more than one person 1:07 and they're now happily living in the 1:08 United States you know now a murderer I 1:10 believe this it's in their genes and we 1:13 got b a lot of bad genes in our country 1:15 right now I mean that's obviously uh 1:19 disgusting what he just said and I want 1:21 to put the politics aside here um and 1:23 ask you kind of on a personal level but 1:25 also if I may as the Secretary of 1:28 Homeland Security how How concerned are 1:30 you with the repetition of that rhetoric 1:33 and how migrant communities are being 1:36 targeted by his supporters I think um 1:39 Jen you you put it powerfully just a few 1:41 minutes ago and quite poignantly we have 1:44 parents who are scared to send their 1:46 children to school because of this 1:49 demonization because of the false 1:51 information the targeting of migrants in 1:53 our darkest chapters of world history 1:56 we've seen this de demonization 1:59 victimize millions of people you speak 2:02 of my you reference my personal story um 2:05 6 million Jews were killed in World War 2:08 I my mother lost a tremendous amount of 2:10 family precisely because of this type of 2:13 rhetoric and the violence that it 2:15 breathes now most of the former 2:16 president's thoughts on undocumented 2:18 immigrants are well known including that 2:19 many are rapist killers and the like 2:21 today though that kind of thinking 2:22 crossed streams as it were with another 2:24 of his well-known beliefs namely in 2:25 genetics and breeding here's what he 2:27 told Hugh huitt today in the middle of 2:29 talking about murder 2:31 migrants do you know now a murderer I 2:34 believe this it's in their genes and we 2:36 got b a lot of bad genes in our country 2:38 right 2:40 now he also said falsely the vice 2:42 president Harris was quote allowing 2:43 people to come through an open border 2:45 13,000 of which were murderers that 2:47 number in fact comes from figures which 2:49 are not specifically about people who 2:50 entered the country during the Biden 2:52 Harris Administration they cover any 2:53 Administration going back decades in 2:56 addition that number he includes sites 2:58 people who are in jail or prison for 2:59 their crimes currently or who have 3:01 served uh their times for crimes back to 3:05 genetics though it is as we said 3:06 something of a pet subject of his in 3:08 this case in 2020 invoking not murderous 3:10 bad genes but Minnesota and nice 3:13 ones we have good 3:17 je a lot of it's about the genes isn't 3:19 it don't you believe the racehorse 3:22 Theory you think was so different you 3:23 have good genes in 3:25 Minnesota joining us now as Republican 3:27 strategist and Harris supporter andaro 3:29 also former Biden White House 3:30 communications director Kate bingfield 3:32 and Trump 2020 campaign senior official 3:34 eron uh pinii um I mean Anna it's 3:38 obviously you know this is what he's 3:40 done for years you know talking about 3:42 poisoning the blood and genetics I mean 3:45 it's these are not good uh these are 3:48 echoes of not good historical fact yeah 3:51 in 2016 it was Mexicans are criminals 3:53 and rapists and bad ombres in 2024 it's 3:57 bad genes look he's you know it's a kind 3:59 of thing he's been saying forever right 4:01 he's been pedling otherizing other 4:04 people we have seen that uh he blames 4:07 everything on migrants and immigrants he 4:09 makes up stories about Haitians and you 4:13 can say to yourself This is just 4:14 rhetoric this is just Trump and the 4:16 stupid stuff he says continuously you 4:19 people who support him say oh you know 4:21 don't take him uh literally don't take 4:23 him seriously here's the problem because 4:26 of the things he says people get 4:28 triggered because of the things he says 4:30 he inspires people like the mass shooter 4:34 that drove miles and miles and miles to 4:36 an El Paso Walmart and killed 23 people 4:39 because he was hunting down Latinos 4:42 because of the things he said kids in 4:44 school Latino kids in school get called 4:48 racial slurs and have that trauma 4:50 forever so his words matter his words 4:54 matter and this is just who he is Erin I 4:57 mean is the the sort of language bad 4:59 jeans poisoning in the blood is that 5:00 stuff moderate swing voters want to hear 5:02 in the winning days of a general 5:04 election it's not the most strategic 5:07 targeted me message towards swing voters 5:09 going into a general election the voters 5:11 are being very clear about what they 5:13 care about right now it's about the 5:14 economy and about immigration it's about 5:16 their families and their communities and 5:18 the way that politicians of every stripe 5:21 and color need to be talking to them is 5:22 on a humanizing level when they're 5:24 talking about the economy it's about 5:26 affordability it's about groceries when 5:28 they're talking about immigration 5:29 they're talking about their communities 5:30 and the safety and sovereignty of this 5:32 nation make it something people can 5:34 relate to and not something you need to 5:36 fear-monger on we're in the closing days 5:38 of this election and every inch matters 5:41 we're seeing young Latino voters in a 5:43
@kentsigmon268 Says:
You guys shouldn't make fun of her. She can't help it, she's a special kind of idiot
@michaelcoyne7382 Says:
@MinnesotaBeekeeper Says:
A drunk Cameltoes wants her daddy?
@juanangel1040 Says:
Wow! Just when you think she cant get any dumber or lower and any less Atrocious! How can ANYONE defend this light post???
@flurryX Says:
It was foul !!! Only got 1/4 way through
@jspyrogram Says:
I never heard of the podcast and have no intention of listening to some trendy show of the day.
@Aussiejohnm Says:
Very presidential I thought. Hum where was Trump, oh yea 60 minutes did not apologise. What a looser.
@monamorgan9452 Says:
Shows how trashy she really is.

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