October 7 condolence motion passes without bipartisan support
October 7 condolence motion passes without bipartisan support



@mickatlas3272 Says:
Why would Labor even mention Gaza on a vote about Oct 7 our wait because Labor have Muslims in their Party Leadership need to Vote LABOR OUT
@TheDavidhopper Says:
Have a suspicion Albo is on the Hamas pay roll.
@infidel202 Says:
Albonso babbling yet again, just say 7th October was terrorism and Australia stands with Israel in their fight against terrorism
@alistairgrant9705 Says:
Albo playing politics Can’t help himself
@juliestannard5538 Says:
Even the Global council of Imams condemned Hamas and the atrocities it committed on October 7 2023. They also condemned the taking of innocent hostages and offered condolences to the families of those affected by the actions of Hamas. But not grubby, spineless Albo and the nauseating cowards of the ALP. Shame on you all. Do really think that pandering to 3.2% of hate filled zealots will keep you in office?
@haywoodjablowme883 Says:
No 2 state solution... Ever! Terrorists should not be recognised, am so proud of Peter Dutton
@Lulustella23 Says:
What a load of shit… when have Hamas ever lived in peace with Israel… they have had their own state since 2005… October 7 is what they chose… would any of them live next to Hamas… ????
@fazall2023 Says:
So disgusting, shame on Labor, NOTO LABOR/GREENS/TEALS, Stand with Israel❤
@OdinDogOfRoar2024 Says:
Of course Kieran is reporting this like it id no big deal he is happy the Pro Labor Gronk
@ashleyhulme4683 Says:
Fuck wits doing fuck wit things.
Stand up and be counted.
@garryharman2915 Says:
I stand with Israel 🇮🇱 💯
@diggerduckaussie6834 Says:
Shame shame shame on you albo and that thing wrong wong traitor, Australians are standing behind Dutton. Never ever again labor will be elected in. And a person found after being kidnapped 10 years ago, Palestine people steal kids for slaves. Wake up people
@roywells7974 Says:
there is one crucial factor in all the uninformed or misleading statements of support from the labour greens teals side of our politics and that is that palestinians do NOT want two states they are only interested in a one state solutions theirs run as an islamic caliphate and completes annihilation of Israel and the rejection of our western ideals. full stop. albo is a two faced hypocrite lets ged rid of him and his crony's soon PLEASE
@Outbackvintagevehicles Says:
Albanese you are cruel and antisemetic.
@macisback9059 Says:
Farking idiots.. Hamas & Palestinians do not want peace, they do not want a 2 state solution.. They wanted this war, they knew the repercussions & didnt care, well suddenly now they are being slaughtered they care.. TO BAD, they started it now.. Most Muslims do not want a 2 state solution.. Muslims do not like western democracy, dont like our laws unless they can use them against us.. This is a Muslim against the world war.. Islam wants to take over.. WAKE THE FARK UP..
@Harien-fs6gn Says:
Jewish community in Australia and abroad are in dark days right now since horrible holocaust tragedy trauma decades ago. 😌
@hughheeney3554 Says:
The Teals are not independents, they are Labour MPs.
@dogzdigital Says:
Not surprising, Dutton always puts Israel ahead of Australia.
@georgemarijanovich Says:
Who gives a fak about Biden.
First, I know this is politics, and there must be a clear division made between the majors as it nears an election, it is however refreshing (hear me out) to see that we now have 2 points of view, for far too long we have had the left and the left light with political ideologies that were not that far apart (yes you missed that part didn't you), however (moving forward) the simple solution to this situation is to divide the motion into 2 pieces, one for the peace opinion (debate it later, not on Oct 7) and one for the condolences that occurred on Oct 7 (which should pass imho), then they (our politicians) can fight it out at a later date, both points are important but the condolences should be straight up without the sneaking of political ideology, which is clearly why the opposition opposed the motion, not that either pov will make an appreciable difference to the countries involved that are divided by religion on the other side of the world, this is clearly targeted at our domestic politics, yes it will affirm Australia's stance to one side or the other but don't for one minutes think that this motion was not designed for domestic political purposes.
@lynettekeen9912 Says:
Labour doesn't speak on my behalf. Never has ,never will. Disgusting behaviour I stand with Israel. God bless Israel .
@sungazer73 Says:
Get a room
@mic9771 Says:
If Australia abandons Israel, Gd will abandon Australia.
@risingstar67 Says:
The war in the middle east has made one thing very clear --- A new voting power base has grown in most western countries and it will use its influence to subjugate governments into submitting to its agenda, as it has in the UN, to vilify Israel.
@robertfitchett-o6n Says:
Cart before the horse and Labor should stop hiding behind a morally corrupt UN. Iran doesn't want a 2 state solution. They openly say that. A year wasted on pressuring Israel instead of getting Iran to agree to Israels right to exist has lead to this escalation.
@bradbell884 Says:
@ChampionTuition Says:
Australia is falling into the hands of islamists jihadis muslims
@ChampionTuition Says:
No islam no Muslims for Australia enough is enough
@poppytaboar1192 Says:
Two states, what a joke Israel pulled out of Gaza on the 22-09-2005, so they have been running their own affairs since then. All aid money went into tunnels and weapons FACT. So the two state people need to look at history, it a joke. Penny Wong is a disgrace. The Greens should be in the compost bin that way they might be of use.
@wilbur1884 Says:
@cinematiclion7121 Says:
Albo is a weasel, and Peter Dutton has shown the integrity that is expected of our elected officials
@AngelineGriffin-zl7do Says:
Watch your tonnages, do not be like the people who go against Israel, God's chosen people. If you are a bible believing Christians ✝️, listen to this ; Genesis 12: 2-3, God almighty is saying. " I will bless those who blessed Israel 🇮🇱 & I will curse 🤬 those who curse Israel 🇮🇱 🙏. I will curse 🤬 you if you dishonour my people Israel. Through Israel all the families of the Earth shall be blessed 🙌 😇 🙏 ☺️ ❤
@johnhome5872 Says:
Albo blowing it out the backside as usual.
@sonofawwiivet8336 Says:
Putins bday is also Oct 7th🤔🤔🤔
@willbusn5683 Says:
What do teals lady know about this conflict?nothing..hillarious
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
Albo is the face of woke Labor Obfuscation.....What an utter disgrace!!!!
@Coastal603 Says:
Not a good look for Australia. We need a new government
@raymusic5840 Says:
The Zionist Death Grip and mind control. Government is organising crime. Self appointed genocidal Globalist cult overlords, inbred bankers, Attacking Infrastructure To Collapse Civilisation. Globalist cult eugenicist Plan to Make Humanity Obsolete Through Controlled Technology. The Political Puppets Of The Global Government, the Khazarian mafia and the Rockefellers & Rothschilds. Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, convicted War Criminal.
@jollyroger7624 Says:
What is it that the idiots don't understand about the Arab terrorists not wanting a "2 state solution". They have rejected it many times in the past. What is the big stick Albanese and Wong are going to use against the terrorists, to force them to accept sharing the world with Jews and Christians?
@raymusic5840 Says:
The Zionist Death Grip and mind control. Government is organising crime. Self appointed genocidal Globalist cult overlords, inbred bankers, Attacking Infrastructure To Collapse Civilisation. Globalist cult eugenicist Plan to Make Humanity Obsolete Through Controlled Technology. The Political Puppets Of The Global Government, the Khazarian mafia and the Rockefellers & Rothschilds. Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, convicted War Criminal.
@philplowman2251 Says:
Albo set this up to save his butt in NSW he is pathetic
@ralphsimpson4593 Says:
Dutton is playing grubby wedge politics. Should be ashamed of himself.
@lauracraft7719 Says:
I’m really concerned about a potential vice president that has ties with China and doesn’t know when he traveled when and where. And somebody that could be the first gentleman that sleeps with the nanny. And a woman that doesn’t know what nationality she is.
@aussiepastor4352 Says:
Thank you Albo, - YOU have just CURSED Australia.
@ulrikezachmann7596 Says:
So did it pass? You didn’t say.
@KevinHoekman Says:
Sad day for Australia.
@ThatGuy-ze5kk Says:
When a little boy whose mummy never said no worms his way into the leaders chair of a nation!
@UltraPerception Says:
the motion of Condolence. I mean u made a huge thing about it. He was good he paid Condolence to both parties as not all is right in war on all sides. The Palestinian attack, the First one was stupid. It was stupid thing to do and the consequence was lot of people who may not hd been associates who unlikely were had been killed.

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