Pro-Trump think tank leader makes ominous threat about 'second American Revolution'
Pro-Trump think tank leader makes ominous threat about 'second American Revolution'



@kirkjackson2679 Says:
That obviously unconstitutional immunity ruling is going to backfire on them in a big way on election day.
@wildhorses78 Says:
Who told you lead, pesticides, and estrogen-poisoned cowardly MANgina eunuchs that abortion is wrong? Then to link its demonic beliefs to its rejection of the AGW all around it right now; Satan who?
@wildhorses78 Says:
In the name of Jesus Christ I order *IT* to tell Me; demon from hell!?
@haruhisuzumiya6650 Says:
Sherman wants to go down to Dixie 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@haruhisuzumiya6650 Says:
That's a threat 😂 Lock n load socialists
@dylanlucas1635 Says:
TALK ABOUT THIS 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaoswitch1974 Says:
Goodbye America
@lucaswalden6006 Says:
So the people in the comments would rather get put further into the economy hole then change? Nobody in these comments is part of the 7% in America. Most of you probably don’t make above 70,000 a year, even if you’re a veteran like me, I’m 24 and barely surviving by on 50,000 a year. Something has to change, and it’s gotta be from the TOP first.
@clementiahk9916 Says:
Cnn is a Communist news network. The leftards.
@Bernard-fo2qo Says:
Another conservative nutjob.
@victoriaporter8665 Says:
I was already voting blue even tho I'm a Red vote ,but abortion and Project 2025 have sealed the deal for me to vote Democrat for the rest of my life 💙💙💙💙💙💙Go Joe💙💙💙💙💙
@EddieEads Says:
Terroristic threats. He should be arrested.
@nanettefranco6617 Says:
Hey.... I got an idea, Why don't you look up agenda 47.. There is no such thing as project 25.It's all made up by the fake news.. And you're still listening to these Liars.. Oh I forgot you're too lazy to do your research. Brain washed..
@Amused-px6cr Says:
Take the words of these calculating Fascists very seriously. Ignoring their actions is part of what made Trump possible
@enigma70x Says:
Project 2025!🇺🇲 🔥
@firefly11777 Says:
"NATO" is loving only Americans hardwork taxpayers wellfare.
@justsomerandomgirl Says:
Lying cnn
@airfun5001 Says:
Reminds me of putin who said;” if you want peace just let me have the part of your country we already destroyed and have under control….”
@jamesbush4451 Says:
CNN , you suck !!!!
@DumbCarGuy Says:
No worries Folks. At Bidens most recent Rally Biden promised he was going to beat Donald Trump again in 2020. . Plus i love how he blew off the young black lady in the blue shirt for the white people literally right next to her, hugged them and took selfies while ignoring the black lady. Classic Biden Guarantee CNN will not show that video. I guarantee it.
@l.c.7507 Says:
That privilege… he always knows they gonna win… scary times
@danieltaillefer3604 Says:
" A good revolution is not initiated by political actors. It occurs when exogenus shocks - in the form of economic or technological trends - are tamed by COMPETENT management. " The New Yorker This implies " a bottom-up process as the transformations are already happening in society, beneath the surface of politics." Republicans used to promote this " mass organization that united elite and working-class voters." The MAGA group, representing what's left of the Republican party, is instead trying to impose its views to the world, convinced that only them know what was good for the country. This is typical of authoritarian spirals in the making, where coercion takes the podium. Never mind Trump or MAGA revolution, thwre a pushing a revolt with sole goal of grabbing power, where needed commonalities end up getting ejected. A slap in the face of democracy.
@lifeontheX Says:
@markdavis1338 Says:
Given the speed at which cnn broke this story… your bosses are backing the fascist’s plan.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
It’s not ignoring our global allies is settling wars. This Russia war is going on because Joe biting his week and the war machine wants bomb so they can build more. It’s all bullshit needs to end.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
He doesn’t wanna move it he wants to fire all the lunatics that are causing chaos in our country and he wants to close down the department of the education and send the money back to the states $86 million. Kids can’t even read on the common core.
@cjgazerro622 Says:
I like that right there is a cutting all the bullshit Barack Chrissy out of Washington. If we continue for eight more years on the path or on those come country will have to cut welfare totally any Medicaid totally military and a half will be broke. It’ll be over the US dollar is not the world currency on the brink on the Biden Biden has this country for four more years or the Democrats. They’ll destroy it.
@MarlaniDavis Says:
Is he freaking serious?!? Who tf does he think he is?
@angelainamarie9656 Says:
I don't acknowledge the authority of this government right now as long as Donald Trump can commit crimes without consequence. I certainly will obey no orders from any Republican and I will not comply with project 2025. This is a lawless Nation right now.
@Manfredmokate Says:
Cnn have been paid to back Trump up 😂😂😂
@alenjenkins6121 Says:
Proper little shitler ain't he. Bet he's got a brown shirt somewhere. Wake up America!
@johnsarcoxie6543 Says:
Kevin Roberts better look out American people won't put up with it or him.
@alenjenkins6121 Says:
How is this scumbag allowed to threaten any American citizen and get away with it? . Arrest him and either jail or deport him and his minions.
@pcastromedina Says:
CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS. This is not longer a trustworthy source of news, you are just spreading lies to favor Trump because the convicted felon psychopath has no chance of winning the elections. The American people are not dumb.
@brucefox297 Says:
This guy is a serious dumb ass
@dingleberryridesagain3606 Says:
One dangerous statement from another nutcase from the right,,what did he say ?? Go figure ! Wake up US
@r2hildur Says:
Their biggest weakness is underestimating their political opposition and its base of voters, assuming their weak and powerless.
@His-Story-Tales Says:
That entire foundation needs to be charged with terrorism and would not ever be able to expunge their records. These are terrorist and I don’t see why the congress haven’t already put something in place to ban anything affiliated with the heritage foundation for life.
@richardsmith748 Says:
Is there a centre anymore? The extremes do not exist in reality.
@monkeybusiness6862 Says:
This is from the syllabus of your 5 unit -Floriduh- Whorida Advanced College Placement course titled _"Critical Race Theory"_ [CRT] Lecture 2: _The Hamburg Massacre._ That explains why QMAGAt-Fascists are so ashamed of and are burning books to whitewash from history; its 401 years of Ku Dunce Qlan, Democratic-voter-suppressing, WASP-skinned-massacres.
@monkeybusiness6862 Says:
Part 1 of 4 _The Hamburg Massacre_ July 4, 1876. It was the first of a series of civil disturbances planned and carried out by white Democrats in the majority-black Republican Edgefield District. *With the goal of suppressing black voting.* Disrupting Republican meetings. And suppressing black American's civil rights. *Through actual and threatened violence.* It was a key event in the African American town of Hamburg, South Carolina in July 1876. Leading up to the last election season of the Reconstruction Era.
@monkeybusiness6862 Says:
2 of 4 _The Massacre_ Beginning with a dispute over free passage on a public road, the massacre was rooted in racial hatred and political motives. A court hearing attracted armed white "rifle clubs," colloquially called the "Red Shirts". Desiring to regain control of state governments and eradicate the civil rights of black Americans. Over 100 white men attacked about 30 black servicemen of the National Guard at the armory, killing two as they tried to leave that night. Later that night, the Red Shirts tortured and murdered four of the militia while holding them as prisoners, and wounded several others.
@monkeybusiness6862 Says:
3 of 4 _The Hamburg _ In total, the events in Hamburg resulted in the de@th of one white man and six African American men with several more African Americans being wounded. Although 94 white men were indicted for murd*r by a coroner's jury, none were prosecuted. The events were a catalyst in the overarching violence in the volatile 1876 election campaign. There were other episodes of violence in the months before the election, including an estimated 100 African Americans killed during several days in Ellenton, South Carolina, also in Aiken County.
@monkeybusiness6862 Says:
Part 4 of 4 _Hamburg Massacre_ The Southern Democrats succeeded in "redeeming" the state government and electing Wade Hampton III as governor. During the remainder of the century, they passed laws to establish single-party white rule, impose legal segregation and "Jim Crow," and disenfranchise African-Americans with a new state constitution adopted in 1895. This exclusion of African-Americans from the political system was effectively maintained into the late 1960s.
@wildhorses78 Says:
This is from the syllabus of your 5 unit -Floriduh- Whorida Advanced College Placement course titled _"Critical Race Theory"_ [CRT] Lecture 3: _Mississippi Burning._
@wildhorses78 Says:
That explains why QMAGAt-Fascists are so ashamed of and are burning books to whitewash from history;
@wildhorses78 Says:
its 401 years of Ku Dunce Qlan, Democratic-voter-suppressing, WASP-skinned-massacres.
@wildhorses78 Says:
1 of 2 *August 4, 1964* _The Bodies of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner discovered_ “Yesterday morning, three of our people left Meridian, Mississippi to investigate a church burning in Neshoba County,” project director Bob Moses informed an auditorium of volunteers on June 22, 1964. "They were planning to work in Mississippi that summer and were being trained at Western College for Women in Oxford, Ohio."
@wildhorses78 Says:
2 of 2 _Bodies of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner_ “They haven’t come back and we haven’t heard from them.” The assumption of movement workers was that they were de@d. The digging began early on the morning of August 4, 1964; six weeks after the men had first gone missing. After several hours of digging and 15 feet and 10 inches deep into the earth. The bodies of Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney were finally discovered. Lying face down; side by side.
@makalipo Says:
The anti-democratic right-wing radical, Kevin Roberts, has done us a favor by publicly stating the intentions & goals of his Project 2025. Now there’s no ambiguity about the intent of Roberts, Trump, & the far-right. They’re anti-American scum who want absolute power over America. They want to impose a draconian far-right fascist Christian theocracy on us. They want Trump as a king. They’re spitting in the faces of our Founding Fathers who fought a Revolutionary War against a king, to give us the democratic freedoms we now have. Don’t let this happen to 248 years of democracy.

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