'BAD LOOK': Karen Read allegedly photographed getting close to her lawyer
'BAD LOOK': Karen Read allegedly photographed getting close to her lawyer



@McQuizzical Says:
Shame on you Fox News for this pathetic gossip mongering! That photo has been debunked, it was created by the same psycho that hung and m*rdered that poor turtle. A very serious and disturbing offence.
@Physics072 Says:
Bad Look - Fox News catfished by FAKE video. Do they have any shame left?
@RobynHurley-zp9sh Says:
Has fox watched the trial???? I watched all 9 weeks of it. You are reporting falsely
@RobynHurley-zp9sh Says:
Stop this!!! They are friends. This is such speculation
@susanq7870 Says:
"šŸ˜‡look the other way" says Alan Jackson in his closing
@LoneWolfCrooner Says:
Shame on FOX for not bothering to send people out to get the skinny. That girl in red is so judgemental. As if what she said is FACT. FOX is going down just like the rest. šŸ¤® ps The photo is FAKE!!!
@angelagendvilas6814 Says:
Come on! Shame on you for not doing your job! It's been proven to be edited and not true!!Do you need the proof because you can't do your job?
@cheeseisdelicious111 Says:
Even if she was.... so what?
@Physics072 Says:
It was doctored and has been proven! Alanā€™s wife was there with them! Fox news was fooled. LMAO.
@flynneart1111 Says:
@ElleR3416 Says:
Do people not actually research and look into things before they ā€œreportā€ on them anymore?!? Embarrassing!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
@gardnerdynasty9455 Says:
You are such a disappointment, Fox News.
@mauiswift6391 Says:
Thanks !
@lulubells930 Says:
Itā€™s a fake. Liars.
@diannlimo4502 Says:
FAKE geez
@BobHunley-qd6rh Says:
Even if she is cuddling with whoever , they are consenting adults. I donā€™t know this case , but what adults do romantically with their body is their business. I remember when my 2 nd year in Recovery I was on a Spiritual search and now Iā€™m into Zen , metaphysical Eastern Thought , ect . I was in some traditional church, and they all had a special thing going it was good kind of enlightening. But when married couples tried to tell me not to date and be intimate with women while they went home and ā€œ did their thing ā€œ I said ā€œ thatā€™s it Iā€™m outta here , itā€™s easy for you to dictate but not your business who Iā€™m intimate with in my adult life , what nerveā€ and split. Ya Fox changed a lot. Iā€™m conservative but religious conservatives need to chill mind their own business.
@MoonDragon1 Says:
Itā€™s disgusting the DA even charged her with this the corruption and lies from the police and DA are so bad! The FBI is already debunking the states whole case! John was never hit by any vehicle! No evidence of it with the lack of injuries to him and lack of damage to her car and the states theory is BS!
@julies9053 Says:
Yā€™all are an embarrassment. This photo is PROVEN PHOTOSHOPPED over and over, yā€™all are looking really slow and pathetic right now šŸ˜‚
@absolince Says:
Fix news lawsuit incoming?
@SksPap Says:
Gross. My family will be boycotting Fox News... Again. First Tuck, now this.
@spitfirenana1234 Says:
Shame on you FOX news - Julie almost chokes on her sarcasm- what do you think Karenā€™s life has been ? If you want to find the truth you need to talk to the people that were in that house only they know what happened - all Karen Read did was leave him at a party they did the rest!
@user-in2rk1bu3j Says:
Horrible Reporting. Catty, unprofessional. The attorney is her greatest advocate. That can spark an intimate relationship.
@starshine3588 Says:
Thereā€™s no definite proof that she killed himā€¦.and yes the one killed is the victimā€¦.but that doesnā€™t give you the right to convict the wrong person. Just because the brother may feel she did itā€¦doesnā€™t mean she did. Those people he was hanging out with could have done itā€¦..or it could have been a complete accident that no one realized had happenedā€¦..but you shouldnā€™t act like sheā€™s guilty when thereā€™s no absolute proof that she did it.
@kelseydelp3234 Says:
What she does is her businesses. What's sickening is that that corrupt police won't investigate what really happened in this case !
@beverlyknowles8234 Says:
I just hope her mouth gets rest from puckering every day! They used the troopers errors to cause a mistrial...not evidence!
@KristenMeghanTV Says:
How stupid is Faux news? The photo was debunked and proven it was a fake photoshop.
@sunsetting36334 Says:
Classic Fox News running with the most obvious fake video ever. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
@frankmanley4253 Says:
Fake news
@beatemuller1881 Says:
KI šŸ„± Fake!!!!!!
@melodieshimon Says:
This isnā€™t surprising in the least . She told anyone whoā€™d listen I did it I did it itā€™s all my fault .
@sjdrummerboy Says:
Click bait.., fake and should have law suits coming
@Magnolia_Gypsy Says:
Wow. So Fox News is now a tabloid news organization???? Perhaps you should watch more News Nation where they vetted this fake video! For you to run this on your network is 100% supporting a dyed in the wool democrat District Attorney Michael Morrissey! Who is a delegate for the Democratic National Convention. He is the one that made Karen Read a celebrity, after the MSP investigators in HIS office not only did an embarrassing investigation! One of them being relived of duty over this case. One, of a whole unit that should be under review at best! ā€œHow is it she got away with this alleged crime?ā€ Are you kidding me?! If you are not going to even bother to watch the trial or educate yourself by at the very least reading all of the court documents in this case, maybe you should leave the news to people who do their job.
@martinlewitt431 Says:
It might be more appropriate for the attorney to maintain a professional distance, but this is not a bad look for Karen Reed. It makes sense for her to fall for this attorney that has been a hero for her. Since she believes she truly is innocent, O'Keefe is not the only victim here, she has been accused of being a cop killer, called a c**t, been mocked and had unattractive private medical information exposed, had O'Keefe's family and children turned against her, and law enforcement has been behaving unprofessionally, unethically and hostilely towards her. They are obviously out to get her and it isn't a stretch to think they have actually framed her.
@amandao568 Says:
Youā€™re a little late. The photos been out since at least last week.
@paulstrauss9146 Says:
If you were the prosecution, you would be under Federal investigation. Are you going to mention that?
@paulstrauss9146 Says:
The police are thoroughly corrupt and this is what you report on?
@freespeech_american Says:
Horrible "reporting" and actually legally liable here for presuming her guilt. She's lonely and cuddled with a lawyer. Boohoo. That DOES NOT presume her guilt! So much evidence pointing to her being innocent. The blue wall of silence is real and I think it's quite possible she was set up.
@hooligan6a Says:
It happens
@Asisya18 Says:
The literal experts from the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE testified that there is NO WAY her car hit O'Keefe. Fox needs to vet any info they take down as truth coming from the scumbags who are passing off lies as truths. MSM is bad enough without adding more examples of why you are not to be trusted.
@logicandreason8090 Says:
Fox News the title has a typo in it, it's photoshopped not Photographed.
@justin395 Says:
Faux newsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
@justin395 Says:
How this segment made it to air is wild
@chris13x Says:
@radybay9088 Says:
It was a long and emotional case - and she was framed by the prosecution. Her getting a hug is the least of this countryā€™s problems.
@Uwannaknow24 Says:
Are we shocked??? Not at all smh!!Paul is so very correct!!! Read is eating the attn up and gotten what she wanted and it all started from her college room mate she had msg the weirdo TurtleClown!
@Biogirl00 Says:
Who is this news reporter? She obviously has not watched ANY of this trial. This should be taken down.
@ladydrama2009 Says:
What the heck? Is it a slow news day? Why do not you report on how that slime ball Proctor and his cohorts did and said. Not good enough!
@paulaheckman9928 Says:
And??? Who cares!!
@iBlueClovr Says:
Disgraceful segment
@williamp6800 Says:
Whatā€™s disgusting is these two commentators that have no idea an innocent woman is being railroaded. You idiots donā€™t even know that forensic experts have said itā€™s not possible that she hit him. Two clueless morons commenting on a case they know nothing about. Fox59 News do better!

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