Anthony Albanese downplays fears of another rate hike
Anthony Albanese downplays fears of another rate hike



@Yourbrightspot Says:
Tell us about the secret donation to zelensky 250 million.
@wrfuplease1131 Says:
Albanese is a true f wit given over a billion dollars of Australians hard working dollars to a country that's owned by Blackrock and we as Australians don't do business with. Albanese is truly a criminal no different to Joe Biden fuxkwit
@nuggetnelson2865 Says:
You have destroyed this country Anthony albanese hope your proud of yourself you have done nothing good for your own people Your weak and a gutless dog
@alane8673 Says:
@GregHartin Says:
Albaneses and Charmers are deceptive liers and should have criminal charges
@Graham-m4p Says:
Labor....the enemy within.
@rob6543 Says:
There will be a rate increase 100% under this useless weak leader, tell me one thing that is PM has done right, one thing , ges I’m glad I broke my back like so many other mums and dads so we can help ,,I have 4 children and they all work hard and still can’t afford to live,
@richardtravers8772 Says:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 His Mother must be so pround of her son, he has dragged himself out of the gutter by doing absolutely squat. He now is trying to send all Australians into the gutter. THe is only worried that if the Reserve bank increases interest rates his hopes of getting a second term are out the window. How anyone could vote for these lying, incompetent Clowns beggars belief.
@foff3379 Says:
He is a goose
@Rosa-m5k2e Says:
Who listens to this idiot Albo more smoke and mirrors well I can’t wait for him and his party along with the evil Greens disappear in a big puff of smoke come the next election
@scottprice1943 Says:
Well I feel better, good thing we have only seen 13 interest rate increases and the highest cost of living ever...sleep easy everyone the worlds greatest PM has it under control😂
@kevinmoor6408 Says:
Albo and his front bench of goons don't seem to understand how inflation and interest rate rises occur. Then again, no Labor government since Goof Witless has. Handing out printed or borrowed money without an increase in economic productivity might be a hint.
@BigBopper-zm1kf Says:
@jferrie1 Says:
The more handouts, the more inflation it's pretty simple. People have to lose out to bring down inflation. We got in this mess with handouts over a bad flu season which I don't know anyone that died....😊
@pieterwiffers3095 Says:
Sack albo now
@gail9906 Says:
You are the problem PM! You have torn Australia into shreds and will be voted out at the next election leaving us in tatters while you swan off to enjoy your tax payer paid retirement! 🤬❤️🇦🇺🦘
@kentaitchison889 Says:
ALBO you don’t even know what day it is
@aaronhopkins6697 Says:
Albo you should do what England's PM just did and resign, you know, get out while the getting is good.
@aaronhopkins6697 Says:
He is down playing it so when he gives himself his next pay rise hopefully not to many people will notice, that's his style have you all realised this yet ? If not then WAKE UP PEOPLE.
@tilkanash Says:
If He was Fair Dinkum , they would reduce the Fuel Excise and Freeze it!
@lylehooper6986 Says:
If Airbus Albo says no, you can bet your life it will be yes. Australia's worst government EVER
@robinwood590 Says:
Put blame in bs the mates party there in it together wake uo peopke ir are you blind nit ti see it.
@rodsloane706 Says:
Albanese....downplaying the prospect of another rate increase? Let's wait and see. Blaming the previous coalition gov't for all that's wrong in world now...after more than 2 years in office? You could only say that he's got regular form for that sort of blame shifting behaviour.
@jmcham1000 Says:
Whitlam led a far left labor government that took Australia decades to recover from. The present Albanese Labor show is even more far left than Whitlam so the destruction is greater and will last longer.
@garyjohnstone6422 Says:
Interest rates feed inflation which cannot stop while he continues spending unnecessarily. $450M for a jet a few weeks back for example. Socialists love to spend your money. They believe they know what`s best for you and spend it wisely for you to help you!! Ggrrrr
@alistairgrant9705 Says:
You have no idea Albo
@connorduke4619 Says:
"Trust me, history proves fascism always works well for the citizens" - Albonazi.
@mudbutton2 Says:
LOL. These peanuts and their impossible green energy dreams are contributing to the cost of living crisis.
@GeoffTrevenen Says:
Would Arsehole Albanese really know. He's right his bag is full
@typhoon3356 Says:
So we’re getting a rate hike…got it…
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
@StevenLeach-d3g Says:
I can't wait for the federal election to get rid of this stupid dumb hopeless idiot wanna be PM.
@jazzysnaps Says:
Labor achieved the 17.5 % hike in the 80s for those who don't know. So can anyone afford aprox monthly repayments of $15,000 .on an average loan now?
@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 Says:
BREAKING NEWS: The Lodge apparently in complete chaos as birds attack staff, said they look like ...LIARBIRDS...
@iakg1777 Says:
sleazy & the RBA will do exactly as told by the international banking cartel thugs. expect a rate rise because that is the fastest way to destroy the country outside of foreign invasion that sleazy has implemented. it's all about corporate/political/one world govt that is being imposed on us & the rest of the world.
@timwilson4684 Says:
One would hope that a poor little illegitimate boy who grew up in the hardship of having a single mum trying to raise him in a council house would be more caring about those struggling with high interest rates , a cost of living crisis and those marginalized indigenous living in outback Australia who are suffering as a result - but not Elmer Fudd - he is only concerned with himself and finding a legacy he can be remembered by - voters of Australia please vote this weak little pissant out at the next election.
@Rod-rx4go Says:
Albo the Racist Against white Australians
@sallydonaldson9802 Says:
Ayatollah Albanese
@peterjames174 Says:
I think there will be two rate rises, it's going up because Labor has no idea, it's not improving.
@Gregory-i4r Says:
He's only interested when it might come back to bite his arse. So much for the party that was going to handle it. We need a land slide here. This party needs to hand back the wasted on climate change and the referendum. All shit they never explained.
@weekendwithbevoblog2171 Says:
I feel much better knowing Albo is looking after things. I'll now tell the poor bastards who are living in cars at my local park that things are going to get better.
@ricky6864 Says:
Albo the proven liar
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
He is a clueless lying labor gummy bear. He wont admit - he has burnt his own brand. And the lesson here to voters is. Labor is stealing Australia away from you. And you let them - that's what you do - when you vote labor. You give them this fake agenda of - racism - gender - climate. It took Jacinta Price - to try and tell the liberal party - wake Australia up to the lies of labor. And even Dutton sat back - while senator Price - did his job for him. And Dutton still does not get it - labor is stealing Australia away from you. With - the message of welcome to country - is telling you - live on stolen land. Fake native title land claims. The LNP - has to change legislation - and return balance to politics. That everyone is Australia - is EQUAL. And that labor is stealing Australia - from you at every level. And you let them do it. Vote labor out. That's accountability. And then if labor keeps losing elections. Eventually - they will get the message. Voters wont support them - unless they talk for all AUSTRALIANS. The U.K. election - showed only 35% voted labor. And the U.K. is like the U.S. - you don't have to vote. The problem being - is the U.K. now has a government - that got in on way less then 50% of the vote. It's just that voters did not turn out - for the other political parties. Labor and the liberal party in Australia - are hovering around the same amount of support. As neither one - is honest with voters - or has the right policies. And labor have now set off - an argument with the Australian muslim community. That will see labor seats targeted - with independent muslim candidates. Why labor has used Australia Day - as a clear target of their policy to steal Australia away from you. And how Naidoc week - is now open warfare - not about it's original purpose of - RECONCILIATION. Albo - is dead man walking - politically speaking. His reputation is toast. Albo - is a criminal of the highest order - TRAITOR OF AUSTRALIA. Make no mistake - he is the worst kind of Australian - you would hope NEVER to meet. Even his attempt at fake rage against Israel. Has caused labor a major political strategic blunder - with muslim voters - now rejecting labor.
@simonmurphy4012 Says:
O look another lie... What's the best way to tell if albo is lying and talking shyt??? His Lispy mouth is flapping in the breeze.
@stuartproctor6642 Says:
he actually believes his own lies !!but australians dont! time to go albo~
@NateMcCarthy-d4b Says:
I got no relief this week i keep seeing AnAl claim he has plans but he can’t seem to tell anyone what those plans are. He’s so used to lying he just lies and thinks we’re stupid enough to forget what he said 🤦‍♂️
@markb7898 Says:
Albanese thinks he is doing a great job, he is so delusional. A rate hike will not bother him he will just give himself another wage rise. We simply do not matter to this toxic labor government.
@Jimmeh_B Says:
He's done nothing to ease anything. A quick cash splash, which is all it takes to keep the labor voters happy. Declare petrol a generic product. Fix THAT problem to begin with.

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