Documentaries on Japan's war crimes screened in Tokyo
Documentaries on Japan's war crimes screened in Tokyo



@wongcy713 Says:
If Japan can truthfully and sincerely acknowledge the war crimes committed and repent rather than politicians paying respect to war criminals on a regular basis . Only then can East Asia move on.
@OrithDark Says:
My comment: Japanese: 「私たちの共通の過去の遺産へのアクセスを制限することは、私たちの内なる生命の書の頁に、炎の言葉で破滅を焼き付けるようなものだ。」 English: "To restrict people from the materials of our collective past is to scorch doom in words of fire upon the pages of the book of life within us." Chinese: "限制人们接触我们共同的历史遗产,无异于在我们生命之书的页面上用火焰书写毁灭的命运。" Russian: "Ограничивать доступ людей к материалам нашего общего прошлого — все равно что выжигать слова рока огненными буквами на страницах книги жизни внутри нас." Vietnamese: "Ngăn cấm con người tiếp cận với di sản quá khứ chung của chúng ta chẳng khác nào khắc chữ bằng lửa, ghi dấu sự diệt vong lên từng trang sách cuộc đời trong mỗi chúng ta." Afrikaans: "Om mense te weerhou van die erfenis van ons gedeelde verlede, is soos om woorde van ondergang met vuur te brand op die bladsye van die lewensboek binne ons." Spanish: "Restringir el acceso de las personas a los materiales de nuestro pasado colectivo es como grabar con fuego palabras de condena en las páginas del libro de la vida que llevamos dentro." German: "Den Menschen den Zugang zu den Zeugnissen unserer gemeinsamen Vergangenheit zu verwehren, gleicht dem Einbrennen von Unheilsworten mit Flammen in die Seiten des Lebensbuches in unserem Inneren." French: "Restreindre l'accès des gens aux témoignages de notre passé collectif, c'est comme graver des mots de fatalité en lettres de feu sur les pages du livre de vie qui est en nous."
@JL88 Says:
These good people of Japan, unafraid to speak the truth….if only the Japanese Government were this way, or the United States pushed for this information to be included into war crimes archives perhaps Japan would have to print facts into their history books instead of trying to white wash history.
@25lighters91 Says:
Hopefully the first step towards ancestral reconciliation and forgiveness across Asia

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