Gen Z voter says Kamala's campaign is 'all vibes, no policy'
Gen Z voter says Kamala's campaign is 'all vibes, no policy'



@Skibidi-s4n Says:
My son's are all in 20s now & will be voting for trump & straight Republican ticket I have a lot of children &: they will raise their children to vote Republican git to teach your children what is going on with the lying left
@Skibidi-s4n Says:
First time for my daughter to vote she just turned 19 she's voting trump
@Carlitinways Says:
I cant listen to lib dems retoric, it hurts how d u m b they R. It mskes no sense💩🚽🧻🪠
@GrandmaMaeCorporation Says:
Why is it right to give a donation to a special group of people over another: tuition, mortgage down payment, free healthcare , housing and food for illegal immigrants?
@YellowRose3332 Says:
Duh! If Harris was going to help; why doesn’t She show action now; she’s supposedly VP now what’s stopping her RIGHT NOW? She’s not going to do anything about it now; nor later; all she’s doing is relying on gullible no common sense people that would believe her lies.. AMAZING!! How easily people are manipulated and deceived! 🙀😟🙀 9-3-24
@samuelashton3304 Says:
@Mar-op2sd Says:
DEMOCRATS FOR TRUMP. although i will never vote democrat again. If you watch mahr with pelosi when he asks her why give homeloan help to immigrants, she tells him instead of not giving immigrants $ (from tax payer $) she says why not make them legal instead...admittimg their goal is to get new democrats by converting all the people theyre letting in to voters.
@JaniceRidgeway-u1j Says:
Well those are the ones that think Trump ideal of a blood bath, rounding up millions of people and going on a revenged tour sounds very good to them. She is not offering them any kind of hate and the right to attacked others that are not like them. So maybe the Gen Z that said that might be right. Care on.
@neilschauer5080 Says:
Trump doesn't have power to directly set interest rates..that's complete bs
@samuelashton3304 Says:
@bostonteaparty3926 Says:
Kamala is a complete idiot! Anyone putting their eggs in that basket are just as dumb as she is.............
@sueg2133 Says:
@audiotomb Says:
These kids fell for the unconstitutional student loan relief in 2022 - and they leaked the Roe/Wade comments right before the election, They want to come back now for another handout fairy land false promise?😮
@audiotomb Says:
Someone must find the clip where Kamala says The Youth Are Stupid
@cali4life717 Says:
Gen z is stupidly at is highest level we were all young once but not that gullible
@user-nm5rs8tv7m Says:
All the money she gives out will have to be paid somehow. You may get a down-payment on a home but the taxes will be so high you will lose that home within a few years.
@lauras.4057 Says:
Joy comes after effort, dedication and results. Not in place of… Recall extremism MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@bettiegross1767 Says:
Don’t believe her. Stop and think how many things she has changed already. Do you really think she will keep her word when she becomes President? No way! She will make us a communistic country.
@toddkit9929 Says:
25k downpayment policy wont abd cant work. Average home over 350k in america. A 20% down the cost to eliminate mortgage insurance which cost 2-3% value of the home which equivalent on average monthly.. $500-$750..not including; morgage interest. So as you can see 25k, only 7% or less of the value of average home cost in america and doesn't save a homebuyer much money to even afford a home. The only home these new home buyers can purchase with 25k down payment are FHA home, which already exists and has been around for decades. Which only requirexa buy to put down 3-5%..of any home no more value then 700k. The only thing; must meet qualifying requirements and home morgage insurece payment stilll connect monthly over the term of mortgage. Not to mention her other radical tax plan of unrealized gains. Meaning; if that same home goes up in appreciation value . Her unrealized tax plan will come into effect and force the homebuyer to pay the taxes on the appreaciation gained. For example; your home the gov. Just gave you 25k) make down. Well, if that home suddenly goes up in value by 3-4% or 9-12k homeowner will owe the tax on that appreciation. Which more then likely will be the same money the gov.gave you for the down payment.. which defeat her plan to help new homebuyers.. Her policies are destructive. She only makes them up to sound good to fool, the economically- and financially stupid. They cant work and wont work and she knows it. Btw. The 25k, will encourge real estate investors and home builders only to raise the home price exactly 25k - 35k more ...
@caviota2000 Says:
She’s full of crap.
@xampati Says:
¿Don´t worry CAGULLA HARRIS? We need a McDonalds in Guantánamo and with your experience, you could get the job, and help your friends of the Democrat Party serving time there to escape. and you will be the heroine again making miracles. ( HA HA HA HA)
Europeans cry so much ..... trumpy is 🐖 🐖🐷🐖🐷🐖
@broncosfan1619 Says:
Trumps campaign is all lies so what’s your point?
@veledajohnson1511 Says:
SHE IS A JOKE AND HER POLLS ARE FAKE...LOL... GOOD LUCK.... Her polls are collapsing and dems urgent need JOE BACK SOON ASAP !!!.... Everybody knows Trump is going to win the election easy ...people know our media is a joke just like phony kamala is.....
@michaelplog363 Says:
WTG GenZ! GEN-X Salutes-YOU!! Trump-2024 for Our futures, Beware of the Wording! Her policy allows for house funds for "1st Generation" this is not YOU! It means 1st Generation "Newcomers"/"Illegal Immigrants" She never specifically stated "GEN-Z" Watch-out for her and don't get tricked!
@jennifergarrett1449 Says:
states and counties regulate housing starts, not the federal govt. Thats a promise she absolutely cannot keep. The 25k for first time buyers means nothing when your income doesnt meet the amount necessary for a mortgage, thanks to interest rates
@greattools2057 Says:
Gen Z that’s voting for Kamala or at least supporting her. Do you support tampons and a boys bathroom since you’re a male and if you do, what are you going to do with them? Please tell the rest of America. We would love to hear it. And the $20,000 that she’s going to give you she’s going to get it back in just a year by unrealized gains just think about it throughout your lifetime. Your parents raise you in a home that the government is going to take if they don’t have a big check book, it makes no sense and your jobs. It’s going to be a trickle down whenever businesses have to pay 25% who’s going to pay the price? The workers. That’s what we need right Gen Z more taxes, Kamala Harris, and tampon. Tim is elected. You will never see the American dream. I’m voting for President Trump. I’m 52 years old and I know exactly what Democrats used to be and I know what they are today and they are destroying America $35 trillion in debt and a Democrat is running and asking you for your vote because you’re going to get a $20,000 down payment you’re selling out cheap. let us know about the tampons lol
@greattools2057 Says:
Gen Z make America great again Trump come November we want a piece of that dream!
@edgarbatister1001 Says:
Americans are really dumb that what I realize seeing this polls
@Alexandria.Washington Says:
Kamala the “Cosplaying Black American woman”! 🤬😡
@trandizzle5 Says:
Kamala is a thief she using trumps campaign 😂😂😂
@ericperry9700 Says:
She is VICE PRESIDENT right now will a fellow Democrat as president! Why wait to implement such 25,000 dollar stack credit.
@tyo8663 Says:
Every pundit has pointed out that a $25K handout will just push up house prices by the same amount. You're an idiot Henry.
@rainr2581 Says:
25,000 that's it when immigrants get 150K. Wake up !
@John1forall Says:
Just because gen z is weak and incapable of working, doesn't mean free everything. Buy your own home, earn it. Nothing you get for free is free nor appreciated!!!
@nohandsnofeetnoexcuses Says:
Bye Democrats 😅
@jlivingwater792 Says:
The Harris campaign is all bun no beef!🤣😂
@curtpro2326 Says:
Harris literally wants to ban tiktok lmao
@doublea29 Says:
1st time homeowner and first generation homeowners is double talk for migrants read the fine print don't fall for it
@deerdust3040 Says:
Why is it the younger generations think that government handouts and freebies are any reason to support the candidate? Do they not realize who is actually paying for all the freebies? TAXPAYERS!
@debbiebowman4426 Says:
Lol sir your full of crap her policies suck if she will even implement them which she won't and they truly hurt the middle class families
@gregmiller4311 Says:
Fox entertainment and utube. What a pair.
@ryandeffley7652 Says:
Hypothetical problems : 1) With 25% unrealized gains and nearly 50% on capital gains, people selling homes will have to raise the sale price by 400-600% to auto correct against the tax deductions. So this leads to fewer people being able to buy homes. 2) More people will then be driven to apartment renting, which makes the demand exceed the supply. That will cause rent prices to go up substantially. So now people can't afford homes or rent. 3) The 25K doesn't help because it's yet another 25K that will be added to the sale price of the home to auto correct. Plus, any handout is being paid by adding to the national debt. This raises inflation even higher and hits taxpayers.
@riseabove3082 Says:
what an I D I O T. He thinks 25K is free money coming from a magical govt chest and not from the tax payers? Besides, they will just raise the home price by another 25K anyway. It's not going to help as much as he believes. But guess who that Dem govt will help first, it won't be Americans, it will be their precious illegal immigrants. They seem to offer help to those before any real American. Lastly, I didn't get any help like this when I was home searching. I didn't get a free hand-out to payoff my college bill. All these librals just want free hand-outs it's no wonder they like socialism. Kamala is teeing more on the Communism tho.
@kierstenbrown4974 Says:
Wow that democrats who thinks Harris has great policies is an idiot. Giving them $$ to buy a house is oh so great! Yeah right! Handouts aren’t the American dream. To achieve the American dream you work for it and earn it NOT take free handouts! None of that is free. Someone has to pay for his “free” down payment!
@RoseBrockman Says:
@angelogioia-ku8il Says:
to the little gen z Femocrat at 25 k is already in place pal for first-time home buyers Hawk Tuah HARRIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT
@docbarm3338 Says:
Yeah that Harris housing policy has been a REAL help in CA, right??? It’s a complete DISASTER!!! I don’t want what happened to CA to happen to the whole of the USA!!!
@midwest3070 Says:
That kid has no clue how the world works!
@kipjohnston2184 Says:
Influencers better get themselves EDUCATED as just what a disaster Harris is promising. When TRUMP ECONOMY LIFTED EVERYONE! At 65 yo, always rented, During his administration I was actually moving towards being able to buy a home! Then the Dems destroyed it all! I’m still working because inflation is sucking me up. My millennial and Z are discouraged. Z hates America’s corruption. America is hanging by a thread to stay free! Harris is a COMMUNIST. Tell me where on the planet does that actually work for the COMMON PEOPLE???

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