Ret. US colonel on what could happen next between Israel and Hezbollah
Ret. US colonel on what could happen next between Israel and Hezbollah



@w-e3v Says:
Israel pulled an order 66 in real life😂
@rovieperez6104 Says:
Ret.colonel on what could happen next between ISRAEL/AMERICA and hezbollah ✌️
@terryadkins9831 Says:
Colonel could happen next tells CNN he hasn't got a clue what will happen next they jus pay me to say stupid stuff to trick you into watching this video
@nikmuhdhafizharun4869 Says:
America is israel's dog
@sultanjalal6692 Says:
Instead of the great USA wasting money on a bottomless hole called Occupation, Genocidal and Zionist state. Spend it on your ppl. 20-30 Billion a year goes along way to fix your broken health care system? Turn the tap off and step up and annouce the recognition of Palestine. That will end all this.
@michael1001t Says:
Mafia run Zionist TV channels advertising F35 to milk dum politicians to buy them.
@terryadkins9831 Says:
Everyone know you can not believe anything CNN says or obamas cnn general
@victorr7114 Says:
Vote no more for warmongers politicians in the US and abroad
@GaryFord-ib7oz Says:
Kamala/ biden war and negeoation with butchers andvterrorist What he claimed trump did HE/ SHE IS DOING AND WONT STOP
@GaryFord-ib7oz Says:
Border Patrol endorsed me, endorsed my position,” the 81-year-president claimed during an exchange on immigration. The National Border Patrol Council refuted Biden’s claim mid-debate.
@asamqaisy8536 Says:
CNN forged NEWS BLA BLA BLA FREE Palestine
@aymanbourchachene7363 Says:
what did hizbolsh actually strike? what was their objectif? and declared motive? For those who only listen to biased media you have an illusion of understanding what happened but you actually have zero understanding of the situation after this analysis. Hizbolah strike was a success. the intercepted rockets where sent to be intersepeted to overwork the iron drom so the targeted drones do their job and they did. And what this man tells you Oh isreal was able to intersept most of the rockets. Lol poor American people and their midea. Hizbolah bombed an Israeli intelligence center right next to Tel-Aviv. That is the news you should of heard.
@ОйбекОдилов-к5ж Says:
It's just a scene, Iran is an ally. Everything is made up to ensure colonization of the West Bank.
@AntonGebhart Says:
@justcam504 Says:
what he said? lol 0:59
@_____billionaire______ Says:
Israel has Palestine hostages since 2001
@hamzarafique8032 Says:
CNN = Complete Nonsense News
@Parislondon-i1j Says:
Took civilians as hostages and they’re claiming international law 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@terryadkins9831 Says:
What could happen we dont know were just making a video for the money we dont know whats gonna happen
@反ヨーロッパのサムライ Says:
October 7 was a pre emptive retaliation against israel.
@user-nl9sl1bt3v Says:
CNN is now understanding Israel 🇮🇱 Islam is wicked
@effjoo Says:
Imagine such a tiny country able to resist Israel and usa. God is on who's side now?
@jeanyvestheriault8362 Says:
wondering if the US will provide vital information to Iran or Lebanon if Israel attached them.....too funny hey! Shame on the US
@ediesimmons9391 Says:
Unfair war US go home
@MohammedVelladath-ub2jd Says:
American's and Israel not birthed for one father's mother one but father' morthan one of
@iansangster3375 Says:
Well, I I am not sure about this guy. He seems to gloss over the effect of the Hezbolah and Iranian responses making them, seemingly, ineffective......Mmm. I have more faith in the balanced analyses of Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Scott Ritter.
@cihankocer9463 Says:
Israel wolf in sheep clothing..
@rayblack9657 Says:
Yes but what about more Advanced missiles that have the capiblity to move out the way?
@yamik5524 Says:
Jewish-Americans on Izrayl
@jessiewaters-m2w Says:
Matthew 23:24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. Luke 6:39 Jesus also told them a parable: "Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? John 9:39 Then Jesus declared, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind may see and those who see may become blind."
@JackMa152ddd Says:
Send more tax money to the jews after all they printed the money in the first place.
@ILDG86 Says:
So basically the US is aiding G in Gaza ?
@AdilAkhtar-db7dh Says:
@Mattyssa Says:
Sweet sweet Americans you are so delusional at the moment
@alari829 Says:
As long as US tax payer goes to Israel We see this shit, great for Us economy
@JoeBidenTheModernJohnFKennedy Says:
I heard cnn is gonna collapse. Sooner or later, it will become a big headline.
@EtamarTheGOAT Says:
Bro im tired of hearing this conflict. Just give the israelis what they need in terms of weapon and dont trust the arabs. Lebanon was once a diamond, its a pity to see what muslims have done to it.
@BeyondLensMFB Says:
This retired guy is under Zionist Payroll till he dies. 🐖
@BeyondLensMFB Says:
If Israeli iron dome systems can detect and defend Hesbullah and Iranian missiles why the hell Israel calling US Fighter Aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean see to defend Israel. 😂😂😂😅😅
@C.A._Old Says:
*West Versus east.*
@JahanMoslima-q7t Says:
Jackson Melissa Brown Steven Williams Donald
@Awaatif-k9t Says:
A shiitty little country acting like Rambo
@augustsoomre4795 Says:
Psalmid (Laulud)19:8 Issanda Seadus on laitmatu, see kosutab hinge; Issanda tunnistus on ustav, see teeb kohtlase targaks. 9 Issanda korraldused on õiglased, need rõõmustavad südant; Issanda käsk on selge, see valgustab silmi. 10 Issanda kartus on puhas, see püsib igavesti; Issanda seadused on tõde, need on kõik õiged; 11 need on ihaldatavamad kui kuld ja kui palju selget kulda, ja need on magusamad kui mesi ja kui kärjemesi. 12 Ka sinu sulasele on need hoiatuseks, nende pidamine toob suure palga. 13 Eksimused - kes neid märkab? Salajastest pattudest mõista mind vabaks! 14 Ka ülbete pattude eest hoia oma sulast; ärgu need valitsegu mind! Siis ma olen laitmatu ja olen vaba paljudest üleastumistest. 15 Olgu sulle meelepärased mu suu kõned ja mu südame mõtlemised sinu ees, Issand, mu kalju ja mu lunastaja! Jesaja 56:Issanda lepingu pidaja tasu 1 Nõnda ütleb Issand: Pange tähele õigust ja olge õiglased, sest mu pääste on ligidal ja mu õiglus ilmumas! 2 Õnnis on inimene, kes nõnda teeb, inimlaps, kes selles püsib, kes peab hingamispäeva ega riku seda, ja kes hoiab oma kätt igast kurjast teost.
@kaderterki807 Says:
Money makes people sing passionately
@claudeedelson4068 Says:
Means nothing
@staffangoldschmidt2721 Says:
Dear CNN by the way Luxemburg is not situated in nothern Europe just look at a map, it's in the west🤡😅
@LifeHorizon13 Says:
all lies and bs from crooked news network cnn
@victorr7114 Says:
Stop shipping free loaders converters to Judaism to colonize Palestine and steal their land
@yoramhazan3636 Says:
I just saw an interview I would like to share. An 22 israeli wothe bibleman soldier in the border police told how she fought a long side with her father, who was a high-ranked police officer in the south of israel on october 7. They were surrounded by hundreds of hamas terrorists and continued to fight protecting the town of OFAKIM. The yound soldier heard on the police radio that her dad has been killed and decides not to call her family to tell them the bad news and she continued to fight, to protect the town. Her family heard about the news and kept on calling her but she did not reply. She had a job, to protect people's lives. That is what her father told her and that was what she was doing. Recently, she completed her officer's course and recieved her father's personal gun. She asked her commanders that the slogan of her father, the words that she had always heard from him, will be engraved on the gun. They agreed, and now her gun has the inscription from the bible: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me"... גם אם אלך בגיא צלמוות It could have been a Neflix movie, but these are the people of israel, these are my people... now think about Hamas terrorists hiding in tunnels, jihadists, suicide bombs, using their own people as human shield and realize why we will always win against terror and evil.
@missouriboy2463 Says:
could, maybe, might....

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