Political expert reacts to JD Vance saying Trump would veto a national abortion ban
Political expert reacts to JD Vance saying Trump would veto a national abortion ban



@paulyosef7550 Says:
Welcome to the United States of South America.😅
@Tom.788 Says:
He lies like a cheap rug. No integrity.
@DavidUSA2525 Says:
And project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump.
@lauravaras9609 Says:
Too bad JD VANCE'S mother did not believe in abortion LOL He is the typical poster child for abortion LOL
@jacksek12 Says:
Communist News Network
@comatose3788 Says:
I commend Trump on holding his stance on this issue. I know for a fact this man is willing to get shot in the head for a chance at being our President. They are pushing a backlash to swing a vote on legal nation abortion. Abandoning voter responsibility pushing this single issue to them. A lesser man may have crumbled. God bless you Trump.
@comatose3788 Says:
I can't help but notice the amount of women in here talking about their body their right. Abortion sure seems to be a major problem around here. It's almost like this just keeps happening over and over to same women. I take it this isn't the; Unless this is an emergency with no other choice crowd. More of the not willing to live up to her actions indictment murder type..
@comatose3788 Says:
Live up to her actions.. I wish I could get you in child support court. They would rip you up with that line; live up to your actions. Then again depending on the man financial status women sure seem to wander on their stance. On and especially when child support is involved. They would be standing on that line hard.. live up to your actions! I guess you're special. You'll have your cake and eat it too.. While getting away with indictment murder. After all this your right. While we get told we have no say in keeping our children, if they even are our children, if we are even told..
@comatose3788 Says:
They said; "if women were allowed to vote, they would wickedly advocate for things like abortion". Wickedly advocate seems a bit harsh. However you do seem to be pushing a backlash to swing a vote on legal nation abortion. You wouldn't be abandoning your voter responsibility to America to try and push a wicked issue now would you? I mean honestly how could these guys know 100 years ago women would try and do something like that?
@comatose3788 Says:
Why wouldn't this be a state matter? He has always been clear about this stance. Stop asking him for national approval for murder. Yes, you are disgusting creatures. Deal with your own soul. Unless this is an emergency with no other choice, this is just a women not willing to live up to her actions.
@jeffg1524 Says:
Look, a large majority of Americans support abortion with restrictions, so the pro-choice movement is not some ultra-lib fringe group made up of hysterical leftist feminist hippie kooks. It's mainstream. Hypocrisy is what this is about. You think abortions will magically disappear once some demagogic, holier-than-thou conservative politician/legislature says so?😆😆 Rich Republicans/evangelicals will just fly themselves or their spoiled pregnant kids somewhere to get the procedure done in secret, by a qualified doctor. The ones who can't because they don't have those means will resort to what it was done before Roe -- underground, back-alley abortions by unqualified hacks, or self-mutilation, killing not only the unborn but themselves. That's why SCOTUS adjudicated it and deemed it a constitutional right in the first place. By all means enact sensible restrictions and penalties for those who abuse it, but banning it altogether, even in cases of rape/incest, or leaving it up to craven politicians who will play politics and use it as a wedge issue, is not the answer. It will just make it worse. It will NOT go away just because some law says so.
@i_am_nature11 Says:
Are You a Childless Woman? J D Vance Hates You
@RonaldWuerch Says:
Trump said that long ago...Trump wants to leave it up to the state...Trump is right you are either wrong or lying...🤣🤣🤣
@user-qv9dk1zt7h Says:
Trump's given abortion back to the states and CNN doesn't like that 🤣
@Lifeisliving289 Says:
Trump has said himself he would veto an abortion band. Thats it. CNN has made yet again a pro Kamala news story. Im still wanting to know how long Kamala knew about Bidens health issues.
@CharlieFlask Says:
He hates the childless cat lady but he will veto an abortion ban. He is full of 🐂💩
@Nezzzzzzzz Says:
Why are they so concerned with killing babies?
@Nezzzzzzzz Says:
Trumps already had 4 years to ban abortions already. SCOTUS gave it back to states. He has stood the same position for 8 yrs now
@brucebowlby7261 Says:
This happened with the early voting. And was found out
@brucebowlby7261 Says:
@Channel--Ai Says:
You cant do any abortion ban nationwide. Scotus already ruled its states only for now.
@hollygoodtree8902 Says:
This is a none issue. The votes for an Abortion ban does not exist. Any AG in a liberal state would also challenge such a ban immediately and could BASED on dicta in the Supreme Court decision win at the Supreme Court. But it is not CNN's job to report news. It is CNN's job to report propaganda in service of this incompetent administration and most importantly, the most inept candidate ever to exist.
@jenny6253 Says:
Jeez people are so dumb. They don’t realise they have more say at state level than federal level!! If Abortion is important to you, live in a blue state - easy!!
@jenny6253 Says:
It’s quite clear Trump would veto a federal abortion ban. He has always believed that the abortion issue should be handled at state level. There’s very little Trump thinks there should be federal law on. Only topics covered in the constitution. He’s for less government not more!! He hasn’t changed at all on that issue
@Xtraq100 Says:
I am a spouse and father to women. This November, this Texan Independent voter will vote for the women in my life. Vote Harris/Walz and for Colin Allred if you live in Texas!
@susanchaffin7632 Says:
Send shady back to ohio and lock the felon up!
@willman9567 Says:
Wonder why the dems didn't make abortion law when they had the chance after 50 years?
@Conservativemind929 Says:
@roileon24 Says:
CNN is nervous that Harris might lose
@sheilaluse4145 Says:
I'm a trump supporter, however ; having said that I do not want anyone telling me what to do with my body, still that's the least of my worries, Camilla is a uneducated idiot. I will take my chances with trump.
@GratifyMeNow13 Says:
Somebody should ask Trump how many abortions he has paid for.
@日本民謡お江戸日本橋 Says:
Please know that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has used horrible weapons (electromagnetic weapons) made by the Soviet Union about 70 years ago on the Japanese people for over 60 years, and is still using those weapons on the Japanese people. And please know that there is a Japanese person who has been suffering for over 60 years due to the inhumane agreement between the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the Japanese government at that time. That Japanese person is suffering every day because of the horrible weapons used by the CIA. I am asking for help. The content of this comment is true. Many Japanese people know it. Former US President Trump also knows this fact. In March of this year, a Japanese woman named Tomoko Akane was appointed as the President of the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. Can someone please sue the CIA, which uses horrible weapons on the Japanese people, the Japanese government, which tolerates the use of those weapons, and the "inhumane agreement" concluded between Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi and the CIA in 1957 at the International Criminal Court? That Japanese person (name: Tetsuo Sone) is waiting for relief. I am asking for relief because I have suffered for over 60 years due to the horrible electromagnetic weapons used by the CIA. To prevent the use of deadly electromagnetic weapons, we ask the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for US CIA Director William Joseph Burns. ( Japan, Mie Prefecture, Yokkaichi City, Name: Sone Tetsuo) ( email address 、 [email protected] ) ソビエト連邦が、約70年程前に作った恐ろしい兵器 ( 電磁波による兵器 )を C I A ( アメリカの中央情報局 )が 60年以上にわたり日本人に使用してきたこと、及び、今現在もその兵器を一人の日本人に対して、C I A が 使用している事実を承知して下さい。 そして、C I A ( アメリカの中央情報局 )と当時の日本政府との、非人道な取り決めで、60年以上も苦しまされている日本人がいることを、世界の人々も知って下さい。その日本人は、C I A が使用する恐ろしい兵器により、毎日苦しんでいます。助けを求めています。 コメントの内容は真実です。日本人の多くが承知をしています。アメリカのトランプ前大統領もこの事実を承知しています。   今年3月には日本人の赤根智子氏がオランダの国際刑事裁判所 の裁判所所長に就任をしております。 恐ろしい兵器を日本人に使用する C I A と、兵器の使用を黙認している日本政府、及び、1957年の 岸信介首相と C I A との「非人道な取り決め」を、どなたか国際刑事裁判所へ告発して下さいませんか。 その日本人( Name: Sone Tetsuo )は救いを待っています。 C I A が使用する恐ろしい電磁波の兵器により、60年以上も苦しみ続けている私は、救いを求めています。 恐ろしい電磁波の兵器を使用させない為にも、国際刑事裁判所によって、アメリカのC I A 長官の ウィリアム・ジョセフ・バーンズ 氏に、逮捕状を出してください。 ( 日本国
@RandallJacobs-bp8uw Says:
Whats so hard for people to understand : the power goes BACK TO THE STATES. EACH STATE HAS THE RIGHT TO DO AS THEY WISH. That's what Trump, and most people, have always wanted! Those on the "far right" who want a national ban are few and far between, and Trump does NOT agree to it. The ones on the " far left" who want the federal governent to step in and FORCE a sate to abort a baby are out of their everloving minds. Row v Wade was thankfully overturned, so that each state can do as they wish. THAT is how the Founding Fathers wanted it.
@mikemalekiani3058 Says:
Who cares of RFK ? He can go to jail with Trump !!! Both are embarrassing to this great nation!
@BornLoveandEnergy Says:
Pay back for everything they did to people these last few years. #vote red Give 2020 back to TRUMP 😂 Always paying to cheat, open Border for people to come in and help cheat. Allegedly 🤔 How you force people to stay 6 feet away then leave the Border open to hot up the place. Fighting to keep a man out of office cause he will do right and they know it. How does a world of food walk out and a new world of food walks in without questions or answers? Most foods are from MN Blue state where KH Vp is from. The cereals are from MN, characters on the box to draw you in to purchase. High sodium in everything on the label. (Harming you slowly.) Paying people $10.000 to help do Bs. (Borders open for help with votes, crowds, events, jobs while they sit and vacation, and online controlling pages everywhere.) Some get less or more money. (Look it up.) You need #honest people but they say Trump the bad guy but they the ones lying now want you to wait till Nov to help the people when they are in office now and can do so. No debates , interviews nothing but stealing TRUMP no tax policy and getting caught. They have no policies. Took the TRUMP idea to get a wall now that was flooded with people. They get Biden out to deceive Blacks with a woman. To get Black people and women votes. Trump has nothing to do with 2025 that is not bad if read correctly to understand, They put fear to scare you for votes. Fake news changing headlines and articles from bad things about KH to good things about her and bad things on Trump. Just proves he did right before and does it right again. The post office announced they were changing the delivery schedule around the election. They must have got a hold of them cause of mail in ballots allegedly but the people are not dumb 🤔. Allegedly 🤔
@SC-cd4hb Says:
Oh, CNN Fake News on steroids.
@bigrig. Says:
As a black woman ill be voting for Trump
@ericd454 Says:
But its ok to send b0mbz to Is-Real to continue the $l@ugjter?!!
@ivonneortiz8772 Says:
TRUMP 2024🇱🇷
@edwardchavarro5291 Says:
🤡🤡🤡CNN twisted desinformación, again again and again!! For viewers love lies 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@dasikakn Says:
Trump + Republicans have cried wolf too many times. Republican led governments last 15y brought us the Great Recession of 2008, the COVID crisis of 2020, the insurrection of 2021, and repeal of national abortion rights while falsely assuring us there was no litmus test in the SC justices nominations. Why is anyone actually believing a word coming out of their mouth nowadays?
@tonyk4123 Says:
Why is CNN not reporting on the Mark Zuckerberg letters to Congress? This makes two big social medias talking about Biden Harris and the White House pressuring Facebook to sensor just like the Twitter files?
@nobody4933 Says:
Everybody at CNN is either an "expert" or an anonymous source 😂
After what you ah did to Cavanaugh - you should just shut up. Abortion should be rare not a plan B and you know it!!
@chadmorris7116 Says:
The real low IQ DNC https://youtu.be/Itlu7HAjmUo?si=bbC_pkZohU1JwGaa
@al-paciyes5722 Says:
Political experts?? 😂😂😂
@simmogj Says:
The motto is tell them anything, Vance is as big a liar as Trump, and that's saying something.
@Homesteadturcke Says:
Socialist Harris finally agrees to an interview with her biggest supporter, CNN, accompanied by her crutch, Waltz, and pre-recorded with reheared reaponses. What a brave leader. Wtf
@taproot6225 Says:
Oh, you hate RFK Jr. too. This is not a real news network
@taproot6225 Says:
Do you have any news other that the hate Donal.J Trump daily news, really I just don't get it, so good-bye!

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