'Shame on us': New video shows Pelosi upset while leaving Capitol on January 6
'Shame on us': New video shows Pelosi upset while leaving Capitol on January 6



@rochellehibler1044 Says:
Nancy Pelosi is a shameful person. Stop blaming Trump for this. Trump isnt evil she is. This was all a setup so that the Democrats would stay in power. Trump was right if they cant win fair and square they will cheat. I hope that she is found out to be the corrupt and fraudulent person that she is.Trump 2024.
@JacksonEdward-h5i Says:
Walker Daniel Young Ruth Davis Daniel
@rambowsguns4374 Says:
She should be thrown in prison. Not trump, you can gaurantee 99% of what the democrats say is eithet the exact opposite or a straight lie
@stephenspencer2121 Says:
Why are you not giving the fact that President Trump called the mayor and asked him to let the nation guard into Washington D.C and was told no. Even Nancy told guards not to call in more guards that day. It’s easy to give words why her daughter recorded bc there was no one to ask the right questions. Why didn’t they listen to Trump and let the nation guard come in to protect. But CNN & other networks don’t even report about illegal immigration’s gangs violence or taking over apartment’s are not reported! I ask every American to listen to Trumps whole speech on that day not just spots. Let’s see if you like it when these illegal immigrates gangs attack your family or friends. Bc Harris has said she plans on letting more in so that means the immigration’s here today will lose the help they are getting to help the new ones she is going to let in. And any gay men or women have already been given warning from the Middle East that they plan on following their beliefs in America, don’t believe me it’s on the internet the speech he gave. In my opinion it’s time for facts over feelings and news media’s all news media to be held accountable for not giving out all facts for all Americans. It will be too late to change your minds after the election. I believe all Americans have rights and should be safe in America. This political war between parties should never endanger or be told lies. We as Americans no matter if your democrat or republican should stand together for the truth. Because I believe no matter which party you are with you want your family and friends safe, so I’m asking you to please look at everything that has been said by both parties from 6 months back till today. Harris plans on doing away with holding any illegal immigration’s being held at all and just letting them in. How many gang members are just going to walk in??? Do you want to be held accountable in your own head when you hear of more America’s raped at age 12 and hung from bridges like is happening in Houston Tx. Are the world right now these dangerous immigrants are being thrown out of countries where there is no Trump intervention, so ask yourself why other countries are kicking them out, if you care about yourself or your family and friends you will look into this in my opinion ‼️
@joannaw3280 Says:
Pelosi is at fault! Period She doesn't understand why the National Guard there! You were told ahead of time! You failed!
@johnbayman6102 Says:
YouTube (and CNN)--let me know if yo would like to debate the "J6" 'events.' My cameras rolling of course. Waiting........ Spoiler Alert, YT, and CNN are either playing dumb, they're not playing, or have been captured by the IC.
@judithknights-rayson9284 Says:
How pathetic! They're STILL making up stories to try to wipe Trump out? Nancy Pilosi was WARNED BEFOREHAND to SUPPLY EXTRA POLICE, and she IGNORED the request? HOW MUCH MORE IRRESPONSIBLE CAN YOU GET?? Sorry, admitting her failure AFTER THE FACT isnt good enough! And, how did her dauhhter JUST HAPPEN to be around ON THAT DAY TO VIDEO her mother leaving the Capitol Building? Something's VERY FISHY!
@bonniebledsoe4974 Says:
When will the MSM stop talking nonstop about Trump and discuss the people who have already tried to destroy democracy. And WHEN is the MSM going to start to tell the true story of January 6. Nancy Pelosi set Trump up because he rebuffed her romantic attempts. This has come out. Start telling the truth. It is coming out and you will look stupid again for not covering the true story. set Trump up and everyone knows it. She’s evil and a liar and has stolen so much money from insider trading.
@Kerfew Says:
MAGA vows to start hurting people win or loose...wow this is what you get from "civilized " people. I guess the true savages do whatever they want.
@Kerfew Says:
No national guard...wow white privilege hmmmm.
@Kerfew Says:
Valid question.
@Kerfew Says:
Convict he'll never see jail but at least convict the traitor dam.
@greenzoongreenzoon Says:
🤞🤞🤞🤞👉👉👉👉This is a message to the American people. Every person who votes for the Democratic Party of America has his hand stained with the blood of the people of Iran and the Middle East until now. Because the dirty policies of this party, which is the anti-Christ of the end of time, together with the CIA spy organization and the hidden government behind the curtain in the island Bermuda and the South Pole live in the name of national interests, it has caused war and chaos and the killing of innocent people in the Middle East, Iran and South America. Voting for this party will cause a chain reaction of evil political and historical events in the Middle East. Because the main policy of the criminal leaders of this party is to support behind the scenes dictatorial and traitorous and religious and military criminal governments in the Middle East so that later they can get political and economic concessions from these governments behind the scenes, even if it is at the cost of shedding the blood of protesting people. It is recommended to choose the path of humanity, not the path of Satan. The wrong and dirty policies of the Democratic Party and the CIA have created an apocalyptic situation on earth in the last fifty years. But the owner of the earth and the galaxies is a heavenly force behind the curtain. He is observing the actions of the people of the earth. This matter was said so that the governments know not to think that they are the king of the earth and even the devil. The devil himself resides in the Andromeda galaxy, but at the time of the creation of Adam and Eve, the devil inside humans was created by the Cain gene until now. Governments and freemasonry thinking still carry this Cain gene and evil behavior within themselves because they are slaves to money. So there is still a long way to humanity. With this article, the argument with the American people and the politicians of this country is over. The reason for the downfall. All civilizations and empires have been oppressing and lying to their own people or other nations, and the American government is repeating this great historical mistake. This mistake is the behind-the-scenes support of the evil government of the Islamic Republic by the Democratic Party with the help of the CIA.🤞🤞🤞👈👈👈
@QuantumOfSolace1 Says:
Shame on Pelosi
@gian_8381 Says:
CNN home of misinformation
@gian_8381 Says:
CNN home of misinformation
@Js34514 Says:
The most important duty of a president in a democratic country is to secure peaceful transfer of power. Donald Trump failed to do that.
@herecomesnanna Says:
There is no denying that trump did nothing to stop what was happening on j6. That alone deserves disqualification at the very least.
@AlwinJordon Says:
You do the crime, you do the time, criminal!
@XxTiwaterxX Says:
She steps back up🤔 why now, unless this is a last moment move because they got inside information about Trump winning the election..You think.. Amen
@SunShine-qq2jw Says:
God is going to have the last word, the last laugh on this election. Psalms 37: 23, 14.
@SC-cd4hb Says:
Pelosi has created chaos at the border, letting tens of thousands of vicious crimminals into the U.S. while persecuting a few hundred innocent January 6th patriots.
@daveburger6941 Says:
CNN has gone Republican
@christophercapstaff7841 Says:
@HellInternAKACandyMD Says:
I recall his offer of extra guards, while not indicating the information and risks he was aware of, offering it smugly and oily-like, like a snake oils man that he thinks he is. And if she did accept it? I bet that would've ended differently, due to his Jan6ers impersonating the guard instead.
@R.Michael-l9p Says:
Don't understand why media becomes so cowardly when it comes to Nancy Pelosi. If you come to a country to take it over by insurrection you have to be able to fight F15 jets an tanks an soldiers an I didn't see any of that on Jan 6th. Call Nancy Pelosi what she is a communist who needs to be locked up in her DC Gulag she created
@R.Michael-l9p Says:
Arizona has signed up 40 thousand illegal immigrants to vote in 2024 . Mike Johnson speaker of the house when are you going to release the numbers of all Democratic states signing up illegal immigrants an how many already signed up to vote
@StevenAaa-uc6lg Says:
Shame on Trump and his supporters and enablers
@classiquestudios Says:
In a democracy, you have the right to recount. You have the right to have proof that you lost the election in a democracy you do not shoot your opponent.
@Nessy-432 Says:
No body cares about jan 6th .
@Nessy-432 Says:
Is this really a problem for real people. I don't even understand what this charge is about
@michaelmiddleton9726 Says:
Hey Bots- eat something good.
@raybateman7522 Says:
The Capital eas Attack by Democrats who are socialists with suits on and there minute men the FBI And CIA ..BUSTED
@martayking8694 Says:
Why was video cut short?
@robertredmond9547 Says:
@maharajjinkb7824 Says:
There was no insurrection. The Jan 6 protest rally was hijacked by Feds, intent on inciting a riot, a riot that would then be blamed on Trump. Congressman Higgins stated that his committees have the evidence of FBI involvement, before and during the Jan 6 event. It was a set-up, a trap laid, a provocateured event.
@kevinlaws4857 Says:
She's the one that needs to be arrested.
@Krispy1011 Says:
If Pelosi was so upset then why didn't she demand the National Guard - she refused the Nation Guard - CNN's trickery is not working!
@AllenOlesen Says:
Does Jack Smith believe he could get a conviction on Joe Biden for the top secret papers when he was a senator?
@AllenOlesen Says:
Does Jack Smith think he's above the supreme Court??
@AllenOlesen Says:
Remember when Anderson Cooper paid. John Earl Sullivan $90,000 for being inside the capsule on January 6th and video tape and Ashley Babbitt's murder? Fact check me
@AustinMhone-r3s Says:
Everyone knows this is a witch hunt there is nothing else political courts are making America weak and dictatorship style of government no democracy.
@artiartibald9431 Says:
In Ukraine, a military coup with the shooting of people, this is democracy, as the United States says
@_MotivationalMove Says:
The video sums it up what BS CNN trying to push forward
@rickedwards365 Says:
Pelosi admits she was responsible for Jan 6: https://cha.house.gov/2024/8/new-obtained-hbo-footage-shows-pelosi-again-taking-responsibility-for-capitol-security-on-january-6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oksVQrXRAkE
@rickedwards365 Says:
Nancy Pelosi was responsible for not having enough of a police presence at the Capitol on Jan 6. She was hoping a riot would happen.
@markpayne1789 Says:
Still who gets to make the final call on matters of security speaker of the house or president of the united states when the person who is the vice president and chants of "kill mike pence" and your still in position of president of the united states ( that being donald trump) but your off somewhere sulking that to me is the real question.
@will_dikfit2975 Says:
😅😅😅drunk on the job again😅😅😅talking to herself 😅😅😅
@roadwarrior6039 Says:
Win or lose there's probably going to be a civil war 😮
@iang2395 Says:
He’s going to win. CNN CRAP NUTTY NONSENSE

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