Trump campaign faces backlash over Arlington Cemetery incident
Trump campaign faces backlash over Arlington Cemetery incident



@michaelreichard916 Says:
Wow somewhat honest reporting from CNN for once
@Str8chickenlol Says:
FUN FACT: This event wouldn’t be happening if trump was in office ..
@mattgeri1214 Says:
CNN Is Fake News
@GeraldAyalaFelix Says:
Well I see who is the real President! Well the real Commander and Chief! Will the CC please stand up! No filming cause they don't want anyone to know that Trump is the real true Commander and Chief! Come on tell the truth, the real reason is because his the Commander and Chief!
@GeraldAyalaFelix Says:
Well I see who is the real President! Well the real Commander and Chief! Will the CC please stand up! No filming cause they don't want anyone to know that Trump is the real true Commander and Chief!
@jimmyjackson2361 Says:
You mean Trump did what President Biden did back in 2010?
@johnjarvis2470 Says:
A poor transparent attempt at him trying to smooth over his denigrating dribble on medal of honour recipients……
@myonevoice1 Says:
@helenamartin8285 Says:
Why isn't the army doing more and prosecuting Justin caporale? The army should have their female employees' backs.
@Sara-rc4mn Says:
New details: the gold star families have spoken, look it up PEOPLE. The leaders in the white house are a Disgrace. If they don't VALUE those that DIE fighting for our country, would they VALUE regular Americans? I 100% doubt it!!
@marcviola30 Says:
CNN is so corny with their decorum outrage, this is the guy who deadnames, made a slogan lock her up about Hilary Clinton and has made a thousand racially charged statements and lightly veiled threats to democracy, but the dems can’t get personal…please
@winterborn126 Says:
Get real this was not a political campaign. He was invited.
@Kerfew Says:
This dude is just the worst. Disrespectful every where he goes.What a dummy
@livylu6287 Says:
He’s a damn narcissist. He said that those who die “were losers.” These people are freaking cult members who think he actually gives a crap. Grieving families, political beliefs are not excuse enough. This is disgusting.
@FelixMüller-j9s Says:
The Democrat party is controlled by rulers of darkness and wickedness in high places. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
@timw8646 Says:
so why is ok for biden do exactly what trump did here? cnn bias much? here is proof. biden did exactly what trump did with photographers and cameras. why is biden ok but not trump?
@Horsefeathers30 Says:
CNN making something out of a nothing burger. Can you imagine if nobody would have showed up? How disrespectful is that?!!!
@Horsefeathers30 Says:
Thank God for President Trump! Our soldiers deserve respect from leaders, and the leader showed up. Joe went to the beach
@ImThePronounPolice Says:
Biden Trump and Harris were all invited to the funerals. The only one that showed up to give their respects was Trump so save all your hateful comments
@ImThePronounPolice Says:
This was not a political campaign stunt. The grieving families asked Trump to attend the funerals and also asked Trump if they could take photographs so they could have memories. Leave it to these crazy liberals to criticize something that Biden should have been doing instead of sitting on the beach and where was Kamala? These men and women died under Joe Biden’s and Harris’s watch and they couldn’t even take the time to be there with the families! And I can remind you that Clinton took photographs so did Obama and Bush in ArlingtonCemetary. How low can the Democrats go when they want to give this grieving family stress at a time when they are burying their children!
@ClubComix2009 Says:
Screw CNN
@Wiinnk Says:
SAY THEIR NAMES! No federal laws were broken because this had absolutely NOTHING to do with Trumps campaign. These families have once again been disrespected by this administration by turning a MEMORIAL, held on the day these soldiers lost their lives, they invited Trump to into a political jab to further the HARRIS CAMPAIGN. 8 families have stated they invited trump because he has been the only one that has met with them and showed their fallen family members respect, FOR 3 YEARS! He didn't wait until he was running for president to show them the respect they deserve. In the 3 years that these soldiers lost their lives NOT ONCE has this administration spoken to theses families. It is a disgrace that Kamala tainted this memorial service with her comments. She cant talk to the families, but she has no problem using them for political gain. She said that day was a "success" and joe said "no lives were lost." Shameful! Anyone further supporting the narrative that this was campaigning by Trump should be ashamed of themselves for rubbing salt into the open wound these families carry every single day. The families have said there was zero talk of politics or campaigning. Trump did nothing wrong. He honored these soldiers by supporting their families. May the 13 RIP 🫡🇺🇲 SAY THEIR NAMES KAMALA!!!
@chrismas5338 Says:
If the families in the picture give permission, it is legal. The families invited Trump. The media is propaganda.
@sphyncx Says:
How does this feel that all of you losers were wrong about this whole story? OOPS YOU DID IT AGAIN CNN!
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
You’re so wealthy, why can’t you provide your own security. It does not make any sense.
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
Can I see your wound? Where is the scar Sir.
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
Zero tolerance. Arrest him. And, also do not forget that if guilty, it is a violation of his outstanding gag orders stating he cannot commit more State or Federal crimes. No honor, he does call Vets “suckers and losers. The video they claim they have of the incident exists. They need to produce the video or explain why they are not releasing it
@mselle66 Says:
Honor our vets stop ignoring them CNN Biden harris
@mselle66 Says:
😂 nah more bs from cartoon network where's kamel toe today
@ClassicFIHD Says:
And here we have CNN showing videos of Arlington Cemetery for political reason. Ya just can't make this stuff up.
@bidenneedshisbuttwiped Says:
Maybe it shouldn’t have been photographed, but it speaks volumes that he was invited by the gold star families and nobody from the current administration was.
@ClassicFIHD Says:
CNN shows videos of Trump at Arlington Cemetery for political reasons complaining about Trump showing video of Arlington Cemetery for political reasons. Ya just can't make this stuff up!
@kitt-mo6pw Says:
This man is a evil demon.. he respects no one.. my respects to all falling soldiers and their families..
@t.r.6930 Says:
There is nothing in the regulations about Trump using video the way Trump did. I read the regulations. This is a non-issue being used as negative propaganda because Harris is behind in the polls.
@Lucky-r6j Says:
Lefties losing it!
@Lucky-r6j Says:
Oh too bad! We love Trump!
@dannyinnis800 Says:
Now we know the rest of the story that Trump was INVITED by the families who lost loved ones during the failed Afghanistan withdrawal. It was the media and the White House folks who claimed it was political. Where was Kamala? Where was Joe? Joe gave a political speech the last time he was at Arlington; but CNN and the other alphabet networks said nothing then.
@thelmaaugustine2471 Says:
Reading all the disrespectful comments about trump is beyond disgusting. He, Biden and Harris were all invited. Biden nor Harris even showed up but all you folks zero in on is Trumps smile and a thumbs up!!’ Stop acting like 6th graders!!!!!!!!
@Gustavo-mh6mb Says:
Shame on you
@xU7fr1cx Says:
wow cnn, lying to the american people again, there was no altercation, these are more "vile" words meant to stir the pot of hate that the dems can't stop pouring out. try harder, maybe it was russian collusion 🙄😑
@garyb1601 Says:
All BS
@marilynbenvenuto1244 Says:
@marilynbenvenuto1244 Says:
You all are disgusting for supporting this bull crap. How many laws has the Biden/Harris administration broken. If trump broke the law to support these families WHO WERE FINE WITH HIS HONORABLE PAY OF RESPECT THRN IM FINE WITH IT. stop listening to this crap and pay attention folks. Biden/Harris killed these 13 men and woman! No one else. They haven’t even mentioned their names once! Not we’re they at the ceremony nor planned on ever being there. What a disgrace.
@TommyGallo-k5s Says:
Trump is a loser and is a pathetic individual.
@bweduwabango2064 Says:
YET ANOTHER DEMOCRAT CONSPARACY THEORY! Kamala and Biden REFUSED TO GO! Video and photography is LEGAL BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE USA! This is a PUBLIC area.. please learn the laws before you lie on your fake news.
@MrDejvidkit Says:
Where are the statements from families? lol
@jpStarBurst Says:
To use Arlington National Cemetery and the graves of fallen soldiers as a backdrop for a political ad is reprehensible. Equally reprehensible was Trump's actions when he sold out the Afghanistan government by excluding them from negotiations about the fate of their country when he negotiated directly with the Taliban after he told them they were going to withdraw. Trump also came close to slapping 9/11 survivors & the US in the face when he wanted to host the Taliban leaders at Camp David on 9/11 to sign the treaty. His advisors managed to convince him otherwise.
@danielmcloughlin-g7h Says:
Wow all u guys want to talk as if this is a major deal grow up no 1 got injured unlike the fallen soldiers they were there to celebrate or did u all forget the shit show that was Afghanistan
@ThePeachtree69 Says:
Policies are not law.
@DearMr.IamOffended Says:
Ya know, for one moment i was going to give you credit for the interview with the people who invited Trump and Harris and she spoke of what really happened but then with the search i find this and you lose me for the last time. I am done with CNN I will no longer look at you as any news source.

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