Harry Litman predicts 'real battle royale' on this part of Trump's election subversion case
Harry Litman predicts 'real battle royale' on this part of Trump's election subversion case



@poichong7026 Says:
CNN is bad reporter they work for democrats party they lie a lot about knew
@skristianf Says:
This theory doesn't hunt? 🤔
@TomZart Says:
DONALD'S ABSENCE OF CHARACTER -2024!! Some of us are as God planned Though many are far worse. Our characters are not of marble So evil may work his curse. Fame is what we steal or take Character is what we give. To this truth we must awake So we might begin to live. There is some good in all of us Which may not show at first. With good character of heart and soul We prepare ourselves for the worst. Show me a liar and you have found a thief Whose character is controlled by hell. They love what's wrong and hate what's right And they're lucky they're not all in jail. By Tom Zart Most Published Poet On The Web!
@SteveMarton-g3q Says:
@TomFender-w6s Says:
Tragedy after tragedy after tragedy with this incompetent administration I never seen anything like it
@60panhead1 Says:
we the people will vote trump , its policies , not if u like him , v p harris wants to give you everything , homes , tax cuts , and socialism , who's paying look at her in office now ,, some of her highlights open border , costing the taxpayers millions a day from a country that is 35 trillion in debt ,2 wars funding , 40 yr high inflation , but wait inflation is coming down = b/s , just go shopping see those prices she did that , a vote for trump gets u freedom , peace , lower prices , at no cost to the taxpayers
@MattT-w4u Says:
Sad, the media has people believing all the negativity. They never speak of the prosperous times of 2016-2020. "Nothing to see here".
@TheBessie98 Says:
FAKE NEWS! Trump has always UNDER-POLLED, in all 3 elections, where as FAKE NEWS has always OVER-INFLATED the numbers AND Demo-crats they're polling. Worst poll is Bloomfield/Morning Consult & NY Times...they are NOT even considered by responsible pollsters! If things are so great for them, why is Harris going to NEW HAMPSHIRE (Deep Blue State) for a rally???
@leonidesreyesweshouldinven6246 Says:
What alas can Donald Trump can read from Richard Nixon Black booklet , on "How to Get Over the U.S. system , with out ready trying " . The 13th chapter of the black book says , delay ,delay, delay .
@whatalifewhataprice5261 Says:
The Supreme Court handed Trump a license to break the law without consequence. How the hell was this ever allowed to happen in America? Since Justices now ignore ethics and don’t recuse themselves from ruling on cases involving the president that appointed them, there needs to be a law to ensure integrity and fairness are the bedrock of our judicial system.! Sickening and infuriating.!!!!
@ThoughtsEtcEtcEtc Says:
@CeyhunQuluyev-l9y Says:
The Beznau nuclear power plant in Switzerland, Metsamor Plant in Armenia and Fessenheim Plant in France was chosen as the most dangerous reactors in the world due to its design in the 1960s and 1970s . The nuclear reactor should have been close a long time ago. Because it spreads radiation to Europe and other continents. Radioactive and chemical wastes of the Меtsаmоr Nuclear Power Plant enter the Caspian Sea through rivers and then into the oceans through other rivers. The NPP is located in a seismic country and a strong earthquake can occur at any time. Armenia should be sanctioned and embargoed to close this reactor. This environmental terrorism must be stopped. Тhe number of cancer patients in the world is increasing rapidly due to nuclear power plants. The government of Armenia, which is a military-economic ally of the invading Russia аnd receives financial and military support from it, should think about the health of the peoples of Europe. The Prime Minister of Japan said that the chemical and radioactive waste of nuclear power plants in Japan will be discharged into the ocean. As a result of water circulation and rainfall, plants will absorb toxic water. There will be radiation in drinking water and cancer patients will increase. Russia's political and military leadership is planning armed sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Mines are buried in the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant from all sides. Explosives are placed inside the reactors. World leaders must stop this ecological disaster
@elwerouno1 Says:
@elwerouno1 Says:
@elwerouno1 Says:
@chrisdryden4740 Says:
Once Trump is president he can take care of of the B'S. Trump\Vance 2024!
@FactsAllowed Says:
Another Term of Kamala should just about finish the USA.
@FactsAllowed Says:
Will the USA survive the Election?
@MaxSand-i4n Says:
Fake news , liberals have only hate and cheating, democrats prove this fact all the , TDS syndrome, like most of the comments, sad
@brodrickmclaurinsr8581 Says:
Since when does a criminal get to call the shots during his criminal trial? His ass should have been in jail over a year ago.
@OTHAN-ts1tn Says:
4 years wasn't enough to press charges😂 freaking liars all this is a plot we want democracy on this country
@PKMichael-yi9cw Says:
Trump is going to win. Democrats are trying to figure out how to cheat. They tried to kill him. Now it's cheating time because they know Kamala is a weak and unqualified candidate. Trump 24 🇺🇲
@PKMichael-yi9cw Says:
Kamala is a DEI hire who can't even hold an interview without Tampon Timmy. I'm voting for Donald J Trump 🇺🇲
@dontfallvictim Says:
It is a really obvious attempt to sabotage Trump's presidency!
@debbielighthall9671 Says:
What about all of the warfare that Biden has done, the handling of the border, Biden needs to be charged with treason
@user-ux1pf2yo7t Says:
As badly as lawfare backfired on the Democrats, youd think they would of learned their lesson. I guess when fake polls and fake enthusiasm doesn't work then you try something old and worn out that didn't work before.
@kristianTV1974 Says:
Teflon Don.
@napoleonsmith7793 Says:
@napoleonsmith7793 Says:
@mikegreen5454 Says:
as long as Trump has supporters he will never be held accountable for his CRIMES
@T.Z.M4N Says:
So far the SCOTUS has let him slide.Lets see what happens.
@79EBHS Says:
@killedthecat1034 CNN will continue having guests that are more often wrong than right.
@swill1020 Says:
Cannon rolling the dice betting trump wins and that if so, he doesn’t forget her when it comes time to fill oh perhaps an AG job or even appointed to Supreme Court. Obvious that’s what’s up.
@victormcgowan934 Says:
The United States in whole is waiting until after the election so Trump can pardon himself. But what if per chance he doesn't win the election? 😭😭😭😞😞😞
@topsingles280 Says:
judge cannon, and his supreme court appointees, are trump's guys. they should recuse themselves.
@topsingles280 Says:
there is no basis for delaying his sentences. he should have chosen not to run for president.
@topsingles280 Says:
trump is a convicted criminal, who committed his insurrection and his interference crime in georgia after he was voted out of office by voters. he also stole top secret documents and leaked them after he left office. since these acts were not committed in his capacity as president, rather as candidate trying to overturn the election, and as a private citizen, he should be fully prosecuted and sentenced. He is the most dangerous and convicted felon in US history, trying to destroy freedom and democracy simply to escape his heinous crimes, with his party apparatus and it's voter base behind him. Voters and the Democrats should go after him long as they have to, to bring him to justice.
@annmoore8696 Says:
How can a Felon Vote or Run for Office ⁉️ VOTE BLUE PEOPLE 💙
@bcb7443 Says:
tRump has his followers’ donations to pay lawyers and “work” our legal system.
@bcb7443 Says:
Harris versus tRump Prosecutor versus Perpetrator!
@JohnWolfgramm-l7u Says:
Talk about election interference. What is the constitution says about election interference.
@ronkirk5099 Says:
The DOJ is doing their job, now it is up to us to make sure TFG never sees the inside of the WH again so the wheels of justice can hold TFG accountable for ALL of his crimes.
@79EBHS Says:
Harry is a product of Russia's flawless execution of "ideological subversion." Watch the former KGB agent interview from the 80s. Russia played the long game and won.
@guymasone699 Says:
When they stormed the bastille in France the population and there military where behind them. When they attacked our capitol building only the crybaby Republicans as you see have entered the picture in this country.
@spaski3 Says:
better start checking all flights to Venezuela already...🚁
@tefoe2223 Says:
😂..CNN, you are the poster child for election interference. I can smell the desperation from here. I don't understand why you guys don't want Trump back in office? That's the only time you had any decent ratings 💯😆
@billtipper5858 Says:
Wow the bots are getting restless.
@736693 Says:
Does the fact that some rioters said HANG MIKE PENCE negate any presumptive immunity regarding then POTUS Trump & POS Pence (President of the Senate)? And does such rioters saying HANG MIKE PENCE negate the SPEECH & DEBATE CLAUSE as it applies to POS Pence regarding the counting & certifying of electoral college votes in front of the US Senate?
@clairerobinson7658 Says:
Love Harry Litman. Talking Feds podcast
@RumpoleoftheBailey Says:
Be really good if Chutken issued paperless orders like Cannon. So Trump couldn't have any grounds for appeal.

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