Harris skewers Trump for incident at Arlington National Cemetery
Harris skewers Trump for incident at Arlington National Cemetery



@StevenOsburnHollywood Says:
Kamala has never done anything, including going to the border.
@deborahd.7281 Says:
Her values include killing unborn innocent lives, that's a value that she seems proud of...also having an affair with a separated, but still married man to get a high paying do very little job. What a classy woman...that's sarcastic to you liberals who don't recognize it.
@deborahd.7281 Says:
Trump properly slams Harris for disrespecting Gold Star Families when she doesn't appear for ceremony when she was only about 10 minutes away.
@SauCeeOne Says:
Kamala looks tired, imo .. *_But, that just means that she is WORKING HARD to be the First Lady, for the PEOPLE_* *NOT to line her own pocket book, or hire her UNQUALIFIED FAMILY. Blue is TRUE!*
@skyclarking-123 Says:
You bring those family members on to CNN and you will soon realize that they are Trump supporters! Trump is not even president now! Too bad that the sitting President (Biden)and or VP(Harris) couldn't visit the cemetery. The didn't visit the cemetery because they don't care about fallen soldiers. CNN and the legacy media are so disingenuous... And more and more people are seeing this.
@skyclarking-123 Says:
Hahaha! That RINO McCain made a presidential campaign ad at that very cemetery!
@sergeysergeev7564 Says:
How sad that we can't invite Putin to become our president, he would be the greatest president in the history of our country. Russians, how lucky you are, jackpot.
@sergeysergeev7564 Says:
Trump - no. Harris - no. Putin - yes. Mr. Putin, please be our president.
@bonnieproctor1715 Says:
The familys invited Trump!
@JG-us9lu Says:
Harris is the one that normally gets skewered.
@TheMomseloc Says:
CNN seems to forget that Biden gave a speech there on Memorial Day and mentioned he was running for re-elect. AND how they didn't complain when their favorite Republican, McCain, used a video op of him at Arlington in his Presidential Campaign ADs!
@andrewtexas3318 Says:
I sure miss days of low crime, 1.99 a gallon gas( even before the pandemic) , making other NATO countries paying their fair share, moderate inflation, SECURE BORDERS, when women were women, and men were men, not paying off Billions of student loans that add to the national debt, and generally world stability-NOT being on the verge of WWIII( major issues with China, Iran, Russia), even if it came with an occasional MEAN tweet or stupid comment once in a while. Why is all this stuff happening on the current administration’s watch? First the screwed up withdrawal of Afghanistan that led to death of 13 US military personnel and left 100 billion dollars worth of us military equipment to the Taliban! What happened to American First, today it is America Last and I AM sick of it. You dont have to “LIKE” the personality or demeanor of a Presidential candidate, this is not ASB High School President election, this is election for the safety of America as we know it. Compare your life from 2016- 2020, to 2020- 2024! I rest my case.
@hulioortiz6988 Says:
Because Biden and Kamala got them killed so this is the spin
@tigerlily102511 Says:
It doesn't matter what the families wanted. Arlington National Cemetery is NOT owned by the families of the fallen. It is owned by the US government which means they make the rules. Therefore, those rules outrank the families wanting Trump to take pictures and/or making videos. The fact that those families wanted Trump to violate those rules and then continue to support Trump after Trump blamed them for the assault after the fact is absolutely disgusting to me. Yes they have been through Hell but it doesn't mean that they're allowed to use their fallen family member's gravesite, which is owned by the US Government, as apart of Trump's campaign. We all know that Trump hates veterans. This stunt doesn't change that.
@cheerwhiner7829 Says:
The true story is why KH apparently has never shown any respect towards the gold star families… why isn’t CNN asking about that?
@yakidin63 Says:
Where was Harris and Biden????? According to the parents she has had zero contact with them. Biden even denied they died in his debate with Trump.
@trishasuttles Says:
It's so tacky that you will report and obviously condone Harris hateful, and inconsiderate comments in regards to Trump being with Goldstar families but you fail to report the severe and warranted response from those families to Kamala Harris remarks. Just for those of you who don't know, these families invited him because he's the only one who's listened to them and been with them during this painful loss. MEANWHILE, HARRIS NOR BIDEN HAS EVER CALLED THEM, AND NEVER EVEN SAID A SINGLE ONE OF THE NAMES OF THOSE 13 LOST THAT DAY.
@JackThurston-pu2bk Says:
@dustincongello5802 Says:
Why hasn't CNN mention how Tim walz family are Trump supporters. And not far distance family member like 23rd cousins that democrats paid to write bad stuff about trump. But Tim walk close family like brother father mother ect took a picture wearing t shirts that say walz for trump. And CNN are so hard up to get trump to say he will accept the election results if he loses no matter what, not accepting his answer when he says if it's a free and fair election. They male me feel that they need him to say he will accept the election results no matter what because they know yhe only way harris and walz can win is if they cheat, like having my grandmother that has been dead for 20 years vote democrat like she somehow did for biden 4 years ago.. The fact that even walz own family can't stand the guy is another reason why they can't win. So lock trump into saying he will accept the results no matter what so they can call him out when he challenges the results. There is no way harris can win. She refuses to campaign and when she does do an interview, the questions are hand picked by harrises team and the interview is heavily edited and she still sounds stupid. I also have a feeling harris will find a way out of debating trump agian unless she can hand pick the questions, location and moderators..unless the migrants are somehow allowed to vote, harris doesn't stand a chance and no way 2 elections in a row can a candidate hide out in their basement and still win. CnN and other main stream left leaning media truly believe the American people are stupid. And they will cancel any American that questions a stolen election. I really don't know how the people in the left leaning media can be so dishonest just so they can seem right while everyone else is wrong. They are such horrible people.
@jasonsarnacki3720 Says:
Where was Biden and Harris?😂😂😂
@MarvinMarable-o8e Says:
Jasmin Road
@rodicaionescu3024 Says:
She murdered theme She jis a war criminal and stupid Marxist I know Marxists i come from there ❤️🇱🇷🇱🇷
@johnpounders5314 Says:
Trump is trying to KILL AMERICA 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
@benniecleveland7092 Says:
Vote blue to keep the education department 💙
@mallfannie5632 Says:
CNN you are FIRED!
@mallfannie5632 Says:
All that matters is Trump Showed up to support these families and to respect fallen soldiers. Where was Harries, Biden, Walz or even Obama and Michelle. You were President and first lady, you still have to go honor support and pay respect. Tis tells us who cares you has the Big Heart. Kamala just felt quilty and realized what she should have done so she went on social med to make her and the democrats look good. Trump was invited, encouraging supporting respecting the Gold Star families with thumbs up that their babies loved ones died in honor and they are now our HERO angels.
@JohnMcCarthy100 Says:
Rules and Laws don't matter to a convicted FELON & RAPIST ... wanna be dictator attitude
@judethfenton5978 Says:
Who set the date for the exit from Afghanistan? Not Biden or Harris. Trump was still president. He purposely set an impossibly early date to tie the hands of the incoming president. Knowing he was putting lives at risk but the new order would be blamed for any mess. He didn't care about those soldiers then and he doesn't now
@Anikanoteven Says:
The CNN panel of fools busy not reporting the news.
@24coffeegirl Says:
What was this guy watching?! Refreshing? 😂
@24coffeegirl Says:
What I’m God’s name did that first guy say?? That was laughable
@jonhinson5013 Says:
@Rani123-d7k Says:
Shame on u CNN!!!.u keep peddling propaganda and causing division among Americans. U know very well trump was invited and they wanted the picture..sad!
@coachfive9656 Says:
who cares what Kamala says 🤦🏽‍♂️ Lol She was never fit to be Vice President 🤷🏽‍♂️ She’s fake as fk! Mexican Americans for president Trump 🇺🇸💪🏾 Putting American first
@JerryFulton-o3s Says:
Hernandez Jason Davis Mark Miller Patricia
@zvonkoperic4853 Says:
She never called any of the families fHer TRUMP2024
@johnnyricketts1 Says:
CNN just stop.
@libardoantonio1335 Says:
To the staff of CNN , we see how clearly you favor the Democratic party. Neglecting Americans values and beliefs. You can lie all you want we have had enough of your bullshit. Trump 2024
@Jjorgorson Says:
What's controversial about a president paying respect to the fallen soldiers why are Joe and Harris not there
@JanetClark-b9j Says:
Will kamala harris use her fake accent at the debate.
@РомалФед Says:
Biden once again burst into a speech about unwavering support for Ukraine and promises to increase and speed up military aid. Not once. After numerous civilian casualties in Poltava, Sumy, Lviv, Kharkov from bombings by Russian missiles and bombs. Words, words, words, but where is the result of this so-called decisive support? Words will no longer help a 14-year-old Ukrainian girl whose head was torn off by shrapnel from a Russian bomb on a playground. Why is Ukraine still forced to beg the White House for permission to use American weapons at full force? Because Biden's advisers have a primal fear of Russians in their heads, this is a fear from the Cold War, but today's Russia is a pathetic imitation of the USSR, but they are still afraid. Apparently, the brave American soldiers who liberated Europe from the Nazis during World War II have only remained in films like The Expendables or Rambo played by Sly Stallone. All the brave spirit has gone down the drain. Ukraine is not asking to fight for it, but is asking for weapons to prevent Putin from breaking through to Europe. Sullivan's myth about the escalation of the war has already gone bad against the backdrop of the Ukrainian Armed Forces breaking through to Russia's Kursk region. And this is the first time in history that a non-nuclear power has seized the territory of a nuclear power. So what? Nothing happens, no escalation, the war is going on in the same vein as before. And it is no longer at all clear what Sullivan and Biden are afraid of. Or maybe Russia's defeat is not in their mercantile interests?
@hatshhatsh7429 Says:
I would like to ask Ms. Kamala Harris a few questions that I have never understood: You promised us voters that if you were elected as the next president of the United States, you would solve the problem of inflation, border problems, housing problems, and energy problems. wait. But you have been in power for almost four years, why haven’t you solved it yet? Everyone can see that these problems occurred during the Biden-Kamala administration. Why don't you start working on it now? How can you exchange empty promises to solve these problems for voters' votes?
@melodieshimon Says:
Bunch of Russian Bots in this chat
@optitom9033 Says:
Your such liars the gold star families invited President Trump to Arlington they have zero use for senile Biden and giggles no nothing Harris and we understand folks are catching on to your continual lying. Let's hope and pray that enough abandon CNDNC and you finally get the big FLUSH
@hng9212 Says:
Trump2024. Save America. Save the world from demo Communism
@briansowenssr9357 Says:
Harris has alot to say about some incident that happened during Trumps visit to Arlington with the 13families who lost loved ones. Atleast Trump was there. Where were you and Biden? Oh, I forgot no one died under Bidens watch. No respect!!! Thats sickening!!!! Vote Trump!!!
@donanderson8145 Says:
As a Veteran, trump absolutely disgusts me.
@lca5836 Says:
Biden was on the beach with his cell phone and Harris was 4 miles away in her mansion. This is the real outrage! And it was this administration that got these soldiers killed. Remember that????? "Last in the room"
@christine-vl3vh Says:
Biden section 60 2020 and another occasion in the same cemetery. Harris is a HIPPOCRATE AND CLUELESS MEGHYN KELLY YOUTUBE.!!!! Harris why didnt you disclosed this!!!Biased new with Harris "pot calling kettle black" again trump was invited!!! by gold star families.(gold star families have spoken) NOBODY KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON UNLESS YOUR IN THERE ... HEAR SAY WITH HARRIS. LOOK INTO HARRIS 2011 SAN FRAN ATTORNEY GENERAL HITTING A PERSON. (HIDDEN BY WHOM).. Harris Democratic party Byden and Obama has picture in the cemetery political on the news documented... Fact Check go to Meghan Kelly YouTube CNN...

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