'Anti-Trump': Amazon's Alexa accused of political bias
'Anti-Trump': Amazon's Alexa accused of political bias



@TimothyHuffGuitar Says:
2nd Timothy Chapter 4 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers that say what their itching ears want to hear!
@blitzkrieg7515 Says:
Chat GPT is also programmed to be libtard biased 🤦‍♂️
@Dave-Galt Says:
Ask Amazon Music's Maestro Beta to make a playlist for going to a Trump rally and it will say, "Change of plans! That idea won't work. Try something else?" But ask the same thing for Kamala Harris and it makes you "A mix of uplifting, empowering songs to get you pumped up for a Kamala Harris political rally."
@VovelPunch Says:
Bezos is guilty
@deborahharman7161 Says:
@alejandrojenteroy4844 Says:
Anti-abortion is the no. 1 issue.
@GeorgePrice-vp6td Says:
Alexa how would you like to go for a swim hahaha hahaha!!!!! The new Democratic party will stoop to levels never seen before every dirty trick in the book the Democrats and even try to drop a kitchen sink on Trump's head LOL . This just shows more desperation. That's usually because incompetent and insecure and it doesn't have any self-esteem . And also add incorrupt. And never forget they're greedy for their lust for power 2 control you and I
@trywallin4405 Says:
AI PROPAGANDA FOR KAMALA & DEMOCRATS Artificial intelligence is programmed to say what the developers want it to say. Every time I try to write something about Kamala or Democrats in general, Microsoft Copilot always change it to something more positive about Democrats, often pure lies, or simply refuses to give an answer. The opposite happens if I confront MS Copilot with statements or questions about Trump. Here follows an example; A) What are some positive aspects of Donald Trump's presidency? - During Donald Trump's presidency, there were several policy changes and initiatives that were viewed positively by some. These included the largest corporate tax cuts on record, deregulation efforts, particularly in the environmental sector, and reshaping the federal judiciary. Internationally, his administration imposed new immigration restrictions, withdrew from several multilateral agreements, and sought to address economic imbalances with other countries. Lol. 'viewed positively by some'. I could easily have written two pages with only the absolute most important as an answer to my question. B) What are some positive aspects of Kamala Harris if elected president? - Some positive aspects of Kamala Harris, if elected president, could include her support for progressive policies such as paid family leave, affordable housing, and free tuition for low-and-middle income families. Her economic plan aims to create an opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and succeed. Additionally, her international reputation is generally positive, with a median of 55% of adults in 18 surveyed countries expressing confidence in her ability to handle world affairs. There is actually no truth in what it has been programmed to say about Kamala, in the generated text above. AI seem to know more about Kamala's policies than even Kamala herself. The AI generated text is just saying what the Democrats wants it to say, because it has been coded this way. And of course you'll never get the sources of the biased reactions. Election interference is a federal crime!!!
@promitra9356 Says:
Why would anyone ask Alexa political questions? Maybe Trump supporters should read instead of taking the easy road of being read to them.... this isn't kindergarten!
@crystalle8982 Says:
I throw away my Alexa speaker that I rarely used to ask stu pid liar crooked evil Amazon Alexa!
@teenie571 Says:
Siri is biased too
@Only1JoytotheWorld Says:
We the People are boyvotting Amazon!
@dons8365 Says:
Are they forgetting that we had four years with Donald Trump. Things were starting to come around with what mess he came into office with. He didn't do then what they say he is going to do now. What we also have on record is the last three and half years with the ding-a-ling clan that stole the election and has successfully buried this country to where most young people don't even know if they are a boy or girl. Wikipedia has the explanation for those of you who are confused on the subject. Outie means you are a boy and inward means you are a girl providing you are looking on the right side. Just remember God made you the way he wanted you being that God is all perfect. Unless you are also an atheist.
@robertpfeffer8541 Says:
"Donald Trump has been successful in many areas and during the time he served as president. He is the only president to have been impeached twice, instigated an insurrrction against the US, degraded the military, and been convicted of 34 felony convictions."
@crackerbarrel6965 Says:
Jassy only backtracked this after getting called out. He called quote - “error”. In the US it’s known as election interference but it’ll be swept under the rug like everything else by the libs.
@charlesivey100 Says:
We know the first rule of computer programming: garbage in, garbage out. And we know what political supporters program alexa. So, this is not unexpected.
@scwps23 Says:
Amazon has all kinds of biased discriminating bots running their sales department.
@richardvandb6558 Says:
Trumps name is still being censored by YouTube and google , it hasn’t changed since the last election Still censorship!
@colonelklink9911 Says:
Alexa has seen the Epstein photos.
@petero9952 Says:
Alexia proves AI is programmed to do what its programmers tell it to do. Self aware is a load of crap.
@AmandaPerks-e9h Says:
People have enough information now on social media etc etc to seek out the truth ,
@tamashun7601 Says:
Why don't you guys talking about how Kamala get to the TOP. According to disgusting pig trump resorts to lewd smears as campaign panic sets in. This dude needs to be voted out and sent to JAIL. Vot for the Madam not for the Madman,and calling Trump a pig is an insult to pigs !
@lastofthev8interceptors411 Says:
Nuke Alexa!
@rodicaionescu3024 Says:
America Putin soon will be your pry the wsy Uou lost your minds
@paulveenings6861 Says:
Wouldn’t that be classed as election interference.
@danieledmunds588 Says:
So desperate. Face it sky, trumps fucked!

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