Latest employment figures suggest the labour market and economy are 'strong'
Latest employment figures suggest the labour market and economy are 'strong'



@Design_no Says:
Who makes up this dribble?
@kidsoxoxox Says:
"We the People" are done with legacy MSM Lies. It's reached a point where we believe the opposite of any crap you broadcast.
@micko.g3258 Says:
Ah more propaganda, more people getting two jobs to afford rent ,mortgage, food ect , have you seen the immigration numbers , not growth imported WTF
@PommyTommy Says:
So strong that 1.7M jobseekers get paid for doing bugger all. (and they just got a pay rise to boot)
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Of course the REA would say that the economy is in a good place, the clearance rate and the Statewide increase or decrease in the median price would be helpful.
@ewtwetrwerwteet Says:
More freaking propaganda. Can you just stop posting this nonsense?
@brettchristoffel6391 Says:
Hmmm, the ratio of dollars spent to groceries acquired would seem to indicate otherwise.

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