Dagen McDowell: Gen Z is detached from reality because of social media
Dagen McDowell: Gen Z is detached from reality because of social media



@DonaldWaggonerjr-f2g Says:
Yes they are
@dang7476 Says:
Dont forget how rude and disrespectful some of them are.
@herold2370 Says:
☆ $$$ Remember that g.o.p. has given U.S. A RECESSION every time since EISENHOWER! Well, Regan DOUBLED the DEFICIT to stop one that Nixon Started! tRUMP increased the DEFICIT 33% and STILL had one! And how many BANKRUPTCYs has tRUMP had, ALREADY?
@herold2370 Says:
Well, fox needs a New Name! LION news! It's like FAKE news! Without all that, FAKE stuff! Besides, they're hardly clever! Just, LIES!
@GetaLife133 Says:
@GetaLife133 Says:
It's the SCHOOL system folks. Bring back civics, buisness ed, home ed, etc. starting in middle school. When we left high school we either entered the workforce or college or both. Either way we had some basic work conduct skills & initiatives. We weren't the generation of pull-ups😂
@demigod1013 Says:
Sure are a lot of judgmental Boomers and millenials in the comments with no children of their own with a lot to say having no parental experience.
@mikestephey960 Says:
What about all the people detached from reality because all they watch is MSM.
@Sedgley9024 Says:
That is why Elon closed his twitter officer in CA. They are so full of themselves.
@jonesnbones Says:
Dang kids!
@PhilMiller-do7gh Says:
LoL..This is dead on accurate... As a Supervisor I experienced this a few times in the past....One time in particular ; a young man was standing around , walking around , Talking on his phone , so I approached him and told him to get over to where the Work IS and Get to Work....To which he replied that I could not Make him Work , so , without missing a Beat, I told him he was right , I can't physically make him Work..... But I CAN however FIX IT so he didn't Have to Work.......FIRED .......
@Chilibean-2g4u Says:
I quit a few jobs, but had a well developed skill that went with me.
@demigod1013 Says:
Way to win the hearts and minds of the youth vote. By bashing/hating on Gen Z will only backfire big time against MAGA republicans at the ballot box.
@rem5272 Says:
Fox News viewers are detached from reality because of watching Fox News.
@Chris-h3s5q Says:
There just stupid .kamala Harris
@clintonreisig Says:
Marxism in education is huge
@Monaco-23 Says:
GOOGLE case 5 : 16-CV-00797-DMG-KS
@Monaco-23 Says:
People that watch Fox and believe all Trumps lies are very detached from the real world ?
@ShitoriMwemena Says:
Just like you're detached from reality because of Fox news!😊
@ClaraMBreen Says:
You guys are supporting a guy who literally tried to have his followers attack the Capitol to stay in power. But, Gen Z is detached from reality. Got it.
@allauddin732 Says:
In twisting formate it looks like disruption. Every day looks like doing nonsense. Working is bullying people. You can not offer personal or individual level governance. Cultural davestation only simulates problems globally. The bio product is only collapse. In gaining terms everyone enjoys to the roots. Living becomes fun and the outcome gives hoop to everyone.
@nonameissafer.8457 Says:
MAGatards certainly are detached from reality thanks to fox and social media
@holdupwaitaminute. Says:
To put it simply. Parents, society, governments they ALL FAILED the youth. Now, the youth are failing themselves.
@richardkeller4892 Says:
Trump’s plan will change OT from over 40 hours a week to over 160 hours a month. Say bye to your OT.
@millweabrooks6317 Says:
So what I’ve been fired before but I got another job! Now retired and living the good life! On a fixed income in California!
@Alabama4634 Says:
Trump certainly picks the best Mark Robinson
@zhiyongzhang6513 Says:
This woman is sooooo out of touch, she is living in the past. In other words, she is old and is having a problem dealing with it.
@health4you88 Says:
Trump is history so go home and take a nap.
@DonaldjayCole Says:
It's rhetoric like this segment that pushes gen Z away from you.... keep up the good work.
@saigonexile531 Says:
Dagen is a true southern gal. She cracks me up!
@hfinn5706 Says:
Sarah Huckabee says her kids keep her humble. Lots of things can keep a person humble and kids maybe one of them but that is the most myopic statement from a sitting governor that I have ever heard. Oh by the way, Huck, some people have kids and aren’t humble - DJT. UR statement is just that. Ur Opinion. If u have nothing to say, then say nothing. I find u risk being the fool. 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️😽😽😽
@Bitdog4U Says:
Parents saying what they are doing, as their child watches, teaches the interested child from about 3 years old on. Never lie to or hit your child, or they won't listen after that. Kids learn by example, proper problem-solving, kindness, respect for all life forms, etc. Basic civility is: Do unto others, NOTHING. Most parents don't have what it takes to raise a child properly, so you have to learn, in order to teach. Do what your child is doing with them, instead of them not wanting to do what you want. Bad parents are: Mr. Rogers, Barney the purple dinosaur, & dummy TV/media in general.
@paulrusso4953 Says:
Gen Z are Flaky. When something goes wrong they need CRY ROOMS! I'll take the Greatest Generation instead of these WIMPS
@Rich-jd9up Says:
I think it has affected EVERYONE. Think about it , EVERYONE'S PHONE IS NEVER more than an arms length away or closer. 🙄
@ghork3202 Says:
More okay boomer complaining. No one's listening, no one cares.
@marciawood2061 Says:
Democrats were in charge of their education.
@snapfinger1 Says:
Gen Z as a group are notorious slackers, self absorbed & entitled shoe gazers.
If this comment section is an indication of anything, then Gen X and baby boomers are also detached from reality due to social media, and frankly, due to "infotainment" such as this, masquerading as a trustworthy, fact-based source of news and information.
@watchgoose Says:
hey I"ve got an idea, Mike Rowe for President - or at least some high office! He will teach JOBS.
@stevenorton6463 Says:
Trump will effectively eliminate overtime. Project 2025 would change the 40 hour work week to a 160 hour work month, so your boss could make you work extra hours with no overtime by cutting your hours later.
@Anthony7-l9w Says:
This administration is putting so many families in difficult situations, And the low income people in our country suffer to survive I thank Mr Mark, imagine investing €1000 and receiving €7950 in 3 days.
@CAS2130 Says:
This is the funniest Fox headline I’ve ever seen. Did they become the Onion?
@jasonpocaro2730 Says:
I repair vehicles. 😮 pull out an engine or fuel pump today? Yup. Gen Z will run like head is on fire. Useless people 🤬
@jkarnes45 Says:
Freedom over fascism. Harris-Walz '24- the only choice to Keep America great.
@Zen-one247 Says:
Old Karen 's
@jkarnes45 Says:
The coup attempt didn't end on January 6th. We're still fighting fascism 4 years later. I like our chances. USA!
@Zen-one247 Says:
Nope. you cant control them through your Corporate media GARBAGE so you demonize.them ..thats why your ratings in the Toilet
@scottlewis5090 Says:
Is this the equivalent of Fox View? They should tone back the conservative Karen vibe.
@jule3480 Says:
Most of them operate on emotion, have little insight on anything outside their bubble.
@martinphillips4567 Says:
This is what happens when democratic are in charge, look at our schools, colleges, farming 🚜 , the boarder, every thing woke goes to sh**t Keep in mind I'm a Democratic telling you this.

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