Latin America defies U.S., embraces China for true partnership
Latin America defies U.S., embraces China for true partnership



@nelson2020 Says:
Great to see other countries moving away from Al Capone/Uncle Sam reteroic 😊😊😊
@wynetsang Says:
US has never worry about Latin America because they are all Christian who understand the international rule of law on siding with the Christian. Therefore, Latin America will ultimately side with US and the West against the world.
@DS91284 Says:
Listening to USA, as a country or as an individual, NEVER ended well. I support the global south. Besides, more competition means healthier market/planet. 🤷‍♂️
@harbinger6562 Says:
Amen Good morning Isaura♥️🇨🇺🇨🇳🦾😇🌹
@strongchallenger2269 Says:
Do as I say but not as I do. That's the US way.
@wongsiang1133 Says:
Latin America you have made the most beneficial decision to align with China 👍💪rather US whereby the US supremecy and dominance are waning instead China is rising by leap and bound👍💪💪💪
@88thSeigeArmy Says:
The global south is rising Thank you China

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