America's adversaries believe the nation has lost its 'political will and determination'
America's adversaries believe the nation has lost its 'political will and determination'



@NHalaban Says:
Wartch for SGT. HALABAN videos! They rock!
@JsckSzx Says:
any country that will not follow usa orders is an rogue state or adversary
@press-biased.inconceivable Says:
Steve Forbes Warns: Biden-Harris Administration Has Put Monroe Doctrine 'On Life Support'. Sep 8, 2024.-://
@rolandkeith5322 Says:
All this shows is that America has shrunk to insignificance the testimony to this is the fact that America now is reforming alliance with smaller nations to obtain back some form of power and control. The current events in reality are taken place because America just does not have the capacity to manage. Between Russia & China and including north Korea their are over155 nuclear missiles that can be deployed to each of the 52 states that America has, that's how much America has shrunk!
@jjsc4396 Says:
It OWN PEOPLE believe it to be the case, much less your conjured up “enemies”. Latter not required. But…sells clicks doesn’t it Sky?
@pw3858 Says:
Those woke military ads showed what the US military really is now.
@ILDG86 Says:
SkyNews and its Bloody warmongers
@Al-lv7vg Says:
Americans as a whole are weak. Too good for too long and now unwilling to fight to keep it together. It was over as soon as the palestinian flags were flying and replacing American flags, and other than a handful, nobody did a thing.
@Kyle-xd4ep Says:
It's what happens with diversity. Told ya so
@ignacemorel641 Says:
No matter what US and NATO decide, the war is lost for them. There's no turning back, the multipolar world is inevitable.
@zanshikaijin2709 Says:
Yes, the Russians who already use ballistic missiles are getting 200 more intermediate range. Big whoop. But, they're giving Iran modern Russian air defenses and fighter jets - that's what has this guys panties in a bunch. Now China, gee, protecting their own interests in the region directly adjacent to their own country, much as Russia? How odd, how novel... While the US and our allies muck about disrupting governments in the very same region in order to make them hostile to China, their major trading partner and otherwise act against the interests of their own people. But simply ask, does the US build anything except military bases in any of these countries? While China seems to develop actual infrastructure and relationships. Pulling everybody up instead of tearing everything down. You may see something different, but it quite often looks that way right now. Maybe they'll end up being bastards too, but the chaos in the world now can be laid at our doorstep.
@allendulles2481 Says:
They're wrong. A MAJOR resurgent patriotic movement is underway in the United States that foreigners are unaware of and that subjugated people could never understand. They got another thing coming.
@JohnSmith-k1x Says:
This is what happens when weak people occupy political positions throughout the U.S. Government and that includes the Presidency. And if the U.S. government does not turn around it's position as a supper power, then the next step could be invasion of this country. I understand this sounds crazy but think about it, what is the only thing that keeps a normal person from challenging a bully on the play ground and that is FEAR once you remove FEAR for the equation (the U.S. was always feared around the world) it allows the bullies ( other countries) to attack you. in order to prevent this from happening we need a strong U.S. government that will stand up to the bullies. And right now we do not have this.
@AACC-n7c Says:
Bolt is America propaganda mouth piece, telling half truth to manipulate the public. America is the biggest beneficiary of war from its weapons industry. Imagine the billions Australia will spend on America military hardware, thats how they revive their failing economy. Biggest con and we are all suckered
@Lastchancetorepent Says:
We the people are sick of our tax dollars spent on endless war to make the military industrial complex rich. It’s been shameful.
@penbee9316 Says:
It’s all about creating wealth for a few & world domination.
@goosecouple Says:
"Thank a Dem voter near you."
@scottcarlson9913 Says:
This state of affairs is absolutely terrifying! If Kamala Harris happens to win (unimaginable) it will get a lot out Taiwan and whole Pacific!....damn.....
@bruceblunderfield5431 Says:
Why do you think Putin anointed Harris and Walz. They are like Kindergarten Teachers against Putin! Trump would withstand Russia to the end ,😊
@dalecrocker3213 Says:
All empires fall and America is on the brink. The only question is whether its collapse will be sudden or gradual. This coming election could well decide that since the current regime seems determined to plunge the country into endless war, burgeoning debt and drug-fuelled decadence.
@damianvisser977 Says:
Just wait until Harris and Walz are elected. Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un and that eight-ball in Iran will be doing Riverdance..
@glenwillson5073 Says:
Exactly as per Bible prophecy.
@fingerprint8479 Says:
Americans and their subservient european vassals better start contemplating the scenario of post civilization they are pursuing so enthusiastically! I do recommend less than clever western leaders to watch the movie MAD Max for inspiration.
@midnorthmidwest Says:
Find yourself at war? Your always at war or arming one. That's your problem that's why BRICS is going to be so so strong. Your going to be left out in the cold Jack if the current manner continues.
@stevetravis5418 Says:
We started the frigging war
@wadostina Says:
What a moron
@UltraPerception Says:
o thanks for the imagery
@imantifeminism556 Says:
These two desperate clowns are really funny, they don't know what they mumbling about
@darylephillips6778 Says:
Bolt this the biggest Proganada Video EVER shut down SKYNEWS
@imantifeminism556 Says:
America's adversaries? Like the Taliban you fled from with tails between your legs leaving your junk weapons behind?
@haredr6511 Says:
Totally agree. Our decline started with the JFK assassination, and was supercharged when Obama was selected. The Biden regime is doing everything it can to permanently solidify the damage. The problem for the establishment is that only the government and lefties are onboard with weakness and intentional collapse. Actual Americans are armed and will eventually need to take the country back by force.
@pauldailey4477 Says:
Hey Sky News, did you mean to say "political will and determination" or "crazy ass nuclear stink finger"? Because it may be hiding where the sun don´t shine, but it surely ain´t lost.
@user-GARYKELLEY Says:
The DEMONCRATS are doing everything they fan to destroy America at any cost necessary
@ronanrogers4127 Says:
Anyone who has followed the Israel and Ukraine conflicts closely would know that the US has run out of many of their weapon systems (arty rounds, atacams, Patriot missiles, javelins etc), because they closed so many factories after the end of the Cold War. It’s on the record that they have very little more to give, so they’re not projecting power at all. They’re not quite a paper Tiger, but they’re shockingly under powered compared to their image.
@haruchai Says:
Like so many other countries around the world including my Australia, they are being torn apart with faux caring for everything and everyone and ignoring themselves. Caring about everyone and everything leaves no time to care for yourself. Nature understands this which is why many serious traumas may invoke empathy but it soon fades into the background when you are not directly involved.
@everlynprado7136 Says:
That’s b/c democrats left wing liberal voters. They are responsible for the decay of America.
@tobberfutooagain2628 Says:
It is absolutely true. We are a divisive, leaderless, money spending, impotent, subverted nation. Sad, sad state of affairs….
@vijdes6687 Says:
*That's why🇺🇸MAGA 🇺🇸💪🏻 TRUMP 💪🏻🇺🇸 MAGA 🇺🇸 47th POTUS. 10TH NOV/20 JAN ONWARDS 💪🏻🇺🇸*
@NancyDrew1 Says:
Well well! The USA better wake up and vote Trump! We look weak and I agree, we are!
@Genesis-007 Says:
I predicted prior to the 2020 election, if Biden took office, foreign relations would deteriorate under Biden as world leaders would treat him like a joke.... and would ya look at that ! ... I was right ✅️
@antoniomilanese6496 Says:

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