'Wasted decade': Labor MP slams Coalition for pushing down wages
'Wasted decade': Labor MP slams Coalition for pushing down wages



@rabidsminions2079 Says:
Weekend penalty rates were cut under Liberal with the promise that it would create jobs. Also the BCA wanted the minimum wage to increase by 2% when inflation was rising by 4+%. The BCA are besties with the Liberal party.
@shooterdownunder Says:
You know what causes depression of wages? A Mass influx of migrants who have the effect of decreasing the value of labour which the labor government seems unable to recognise
@kevinmoor6408 Says:
How sad his barber went broke.
@frankcoates4609 Says:
@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary Says:
Centre is interNatStudents CIA China Africa in dia and worse intergenerational migrant welfare austudy pension and old age pension SC discount card and keycutters business fyve dollars so university business for cia interNat student is Central Link
@darylephillips6778 Says:
As most Australians get a pay rise Skynews tells people wages are going down
@Want0nS0up Says:
So Mr Julian Narcissist, how are you going to deal with the 11,000 small businesses that went broke? Your comment to the effect that “sh** happens” will not be of a huge comfort to those families.
@robynhegwein1 Says:
And talk about the cost of renewables!
@robynhegwein1 Says:
I like keith, wish he was leader of the liberal party in Victoria get rid of pescutto!
@johnmanning1312 Says:
Predicable blames the previous Government they have been in power for 2 1/2 years of course the 1st 12 months wasted on the referendum why don't they get on with they job
@LynMurray-j1z Says:
Bill has his head in the sand country town’s businesses are shutting everywhere not because they can’t cut it it’s because everyday Australians have no money to spend in shops so they can stay afloat. Wake up Labor have caused this to happen.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Julian, you rocket scientist, grow the public services and wonder why Victoria is a basket case!!!
@DanielSMatthews Says:
"Wages" mean nothing, only purchasing power matters in the real world, hence the relevance of inflation and taxation. Labor are disgusting how they pretend to care about the little guy, then ruin his life.

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