Lebanon Pager Explosions: Hezbollah Says 'israel Will Receive Its Punishment' for Deadly Pager Blast
Lebanon Pager Explosions: Hezbollah Says 'israel Will Receive Its Punishment' for Deadly Pager Blast



@suecunningham3131 Says:
This is for all peoples because it is the living words of all mighty Psalm67 God be merciful unto us, and bless us; And cause his face to shine upon us ; selah That thy way may be known upon the Earth , Thy saving health among all Nations . Let the people praise thee, O God ; Let all the people praise thee. O let the Nations be glad and sing for joy: For thou shalt judge the people righteously , And govern the Nations upon the Earth . Selah Let the people praise O God ; Let all the people praise thee Then shall the Earth yield her increase ; And God even our own God , shall bless us God bless us ; And all the ends of Earth shall fear him Amen Amen Amen Peace be with us all in every Nation on the Earth in the name of Jesus our redeemer the son of almighty God Amen Amen ☯️☮️👏🏼👏🏿👏🏽👏🏾💞🌍😇😇🫱🏼‍🫲🏾🫱🏾‍🫲🏿🫱🏼‍🫲🏽🤝🏿☯️☮️🙏🏽🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏 love the creation of God our father in heaven

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