'Including people on inclusion': Pope holds controversial interfaith gathering
'Including people on inclusion': Pope holds controversial interfaith gathering



@GraceSeniorCarePL-gm6jv Says:
Jesus Christ is above any man made religion. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father but through Him alone.
@Itsadarknight Says:
But women still can’t become priests so not true inclusion only inclusion to other males
@SimpleQuietLife Says:
There's only one TRUE God; all other gods are idols, the Bible says. The only way to eternal salvation is through Jesus Christ.
@humananity Says:
Hindus are about the Soul. Buddhists are about the Mind. Christians are about the Spirit. Jews and Muslims are to be judged by the one appointed by God the Father - Jesus Christ.
@AlanBritt-s1l Says:
Silly old idiot
@philipgibbs5751 Says:
The Vatican no longer tries to hide the fact that they are servants of Satan.
@TravisMcKnight-lk7gg Says:
One world 🌎 religion nothing to do with real Christianity , wide is the path to Hell . False doctrine plain and simple, the worship of mary is the sacred feminine the exact opposite of God the Father and his redemption plan Jesus Christ and him crucified.......
@Customking1989 Says:
The pope knows about Emanuela Orlandi
@kensweet6022 Says:
What a load of misguided, brainwashed, sops. And as for the "men", I think zero balls and too much soya in their diets! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@tanneryellowcar Says:
Impeach the pope
@kensweet6022 Says:
What a naive sop!
@AblaKamali Says:
Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version The Narrow and Wide Gates 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
@maximummilitiaimmaculataem883 Says:
This man’s the False Prophet. Faithful Catholics have known he was coming through Our Lady’s apparitions, Saints & seers relaying heavens messages for centuries that he would rise to the Chair of Saint Peter if the world did not convert. Ecclesiastical freemasonry have infiltrated the church subtly since the 1930’s, ramped up usurping it since 1961 and now the bad fruits of a century has given us Bergoglio, the biblical false prophet who will invite the antichrist to Rome. Pope Benedict XVI was the last pope. Pray and prepare for much deception, And turmoil and of course persecution of the faithful All prophecy will unfold during Bergoglio’s false reign
@AblaKamali Says:
You can only be with Jesus if you choose to be with Jesus. It’s not about inclusiveness it’s about choice.
@Gavin-qh7li Says:
It is Written that there is only one way to The Almighty God Not unless the Pope is talking about Hell
@damndirtyrandy7721 Says:
The Roman Catholic Pope is a false prophet I refuse to follow him.
@josephvanharen3518 Says:
Jesus is the Way the Truth AND the Life , This Pope does not uphold the Traditional Catholic Faith , Thank you Sky news .
@opinion8ed Says:
Hell is full of Popes.
@urso3000 Says:
pope of the antichrist.😊
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
One can only hope that the UFO faithful were invited, along with the group for the preservation of the habitat of Bigfoot, err Sasquatch.
@patriot388 Says:
This Pope has lost me! He goes against the word of God! As such, he is irrelevant.
@brothermaynard3200 Says:
@Tobipop Says:
the pope is a communist
@richardsoane6192 Says:
Now religion buying into all this woke rubbish, bad enough telling the faithfull what to do. I would not take any notice of this garbage . Hate to tell these clowns but there is Male and Female, it is not rocket science. Govt's that jumps on this bandwagon are nothing but a disgrace...
@Super_Mario128 Says:
The Pope smokes dope
@MeredithBell-v3f Says:
He's the head of the child predator faith, go away you old pervert
@daughter-of-christ Says:
I knew he was evil
@YTChiefCritic Says:
Someone should launch a project to compare intelligence levels between people nowadays and people of previous generations to see if they were smarter than we are. Some of the beliefs and attitudes of so-called educated people are simply incredible.
@AaronMason-f9q Says:
Hes playing a dangerous game
@ooze1982 Says:
The anti Pope walks among us. Soon the Anti Christ. Then the judgement
@PATTERN603 Says:
He a saitness devil worshipper They have infiltrated the church. This man is evil.
@LucienCanon Says:
Because the Catholic Church is utterly corrupt starting with Pope Francis. They are as much behind the open borders chaos destroying the entire Western world as any corporate or NGO.
@leroylindblom2513 Says:
Is the pope a pedo?😂
@purebredamericanmutt Says:
What religion is this guy again. How did he get this far up.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Luckily there are no Gods... Except Thor. 😂😂😂😂 There have been hundreds of Gods 🤣🤣Invented thousands of years ago through ignorance of Science. A bit like today.. anti-CC Science anti-vaccine Science
@bernicemellstrom5693 Says:
This pope is a dope!
@edelmary1131 Says:
This is so sad as the Church officially teaches the opposite....he contradicts Pope John Paul 2 and Trent...this poor product of postmodernism rampant amongst most Jesuits influenced by socialism Catholics need to pray for
@arieladelinechoo9845 Says:
That's devil talking. Jesus Christ is the only God, the creator of all beings.
@AllanHinde-mb2pr Says:
The pope gone woke
@seandelap8587 Says:
Christianity isn't supposed to be inclusive thats why it's Christianity this so called pope needs to get a grip and realise what religion he's supposed to be representing
@ChumpyChicken2 Says:
I don’t trust him one bit. Jesus will prevail✝️🙏

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