'Staggering' increase in Australia's population is 'putting pressure' on the housing system
'Staggering' increase in Australia's population is 'putting pressure' on the housing system



@majinsaiyan8255 Says:
White people are going the way as the dodo bird.. the WEFs idea for easier control over the populace as we’ll all be divided and to weak to fight together
@HyperVaccinated Says:
That is strange, dident the antivaxxers say we are all going to die out? If they were correct then why is the population increasing. Antivaxxers are proven wrong again and again hahahahahahahahaha.
@kennadyyoung8237 Says:
How do ALL the media outlets pretend that this is some kind of organic event. Anyone with a brain sees that this "migration surge" from every continent, migrating to only western countries, isn't some kind of oopsie we all decided to move on the same day. This F*cking Bullsh*t! Its clearly a crazy fascist orwelian nightmare orchestrated by a massive "they". WEF, UN, Gates, Fink, king Charles? I don't know, but clearly its a plan, why is it everyone is pretending its some kind of "accident"?
@theylied1776 Says:
You people on the far-right in Australia have no one to blame but Tony Abbott! He allowed Chinese corporations to take over your Construction Supply and Building Material Industries. Tony Abbott was the Prime Minister who allowed Chinese foreign investors to buy Second and Third homes in Australia that NO ONE lives in! This is the same strategy China tried in Canada and the U.K. However these two countries passed laws restricting these practices. And they couldn't do this in the United States because our laws restrict foreign investment in Real- Estate and Industry.
@genten4077 Says:
Don't dream it's over
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
What did you expect ! These high number of people taken in were homeless in their own country ! They brought their homeless problems into your country for you to take care of ! Governments don’t seem to understand the hardships they are putting on their own people in so many ways ! There is an answer ! Limit how many come in and be selective to your needs ! Like any business that grows , you hire what you need ! I wish our US federal government understood that concept !
@kanehills4280 Says:
The data, the science they say… common sense says otherwise
@jameslay1348 Says:
Big Australia by stealth
@Tikka300- Says:
This labor government is an absolute joke
@ClayTomlinson Says:
Stick em in the outback, they'll soon go home
@itsus3172 Says:
It's ok, I bet the immigrants have houses! TIC
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
That’s good because the corrupt system needs fixing.
@evil17 Says:
Albo working for his WEF masters plan. Wrecking Australia the Labor way.
@Bazthedarkhorse Says:
Why? Why are they doing this?
@ekka6560 Says:
Importing Votes - Coa;ition should win the election on this issue alone...oh, just saw Murray Twatt..
@davids-c1f Says:
All done on purpose.
@GrandpaVince Says:
It's sad that soon the dusty outback will no longer exist it will just be houses and dingo abattoirs
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 Says:
@lewiscarey1593 Says:
Canada same problem!! Up NEXT: FORCE YOU TO OPEN YOUR HOMES!!!!!😮

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