Bowen's latest attack on nuclear 'smacks of desperation'
Bowen's latest attack on nuclear 'smacks of desperation'



@petert24turner71 Says:
I pay just over $600 per year just for the connection wether I use power or not. Yes I have solar & a battery so purchased power is low. around $ 250 per year.
@rickmarek3840 Says:
Australian people elected clowns to ruin the country
@andrewferguson887 Says:
Power bills, my water bill is getting just as bad
@nigelmorgan3449 Says:
Bowen is unreliable con Green on the outside red inside ==== water melon
@billyhuynh6554 Says:
beside labor govermenr want to make and export Hydrogen this is so dump ,idiot because Hydrogen is so danger when transfort and used
@beachbum433 Says:
Why can't these politicians pronounce "NUCLEAR"? It's NOT "NICK-YOU-LAR", you clowns!!!🤡
@nigelmorgan3449 Says:
Different tie same dirty shirt slug O Bowen your power solar and wind is unreliable your a con another slug O
@billyhuynh6554 Says:
this man he is not solution energy for australia when coal power station close 2035.he is trying push to used uv cars but his goverment do not re-build power station as so dump ,liar ideas for energy ,this minister have dick head and his goverment also dick head as well
@gregjenkins2925 Says:
QLD should Cancel the Olympics... we do not need them and we cannot afford them... just a waste of Tax Payer Funds...
@marylou3995 Says:
When will Bowen stop proving to us he’s an idiot !
@oasis042 Says:
His range of actions included everything except reducing immigration back down to 60,000 per year.
@bevevans31 Says:
Bowen is an absolute ejit. Hasn't got a brain to bless himself with. Nil common sense
@julesmarwell8023 Says:
I wonder what's Bowens new job after the next election ?
@ozzinedyoutubechannel1851 Says:
Bowen is a drongo.....sack him
@alans9806 Says:
Fire regulations? Whatever next - insulation?
@paulspodsandmarineornament7183 Says:
Notice how they Lee using certain words, like “sustainable” and “equity”. Madness.
@kymlevi2746 Says:
You still can’t house the immigrants you knob head.
@Leftyintollerable Says:
Most of the migrants are not doubt from the middle east countries just so this incompetent government can buy votes. As for Brain dead Bowan, well we all know he's just a flog!
@JamesYoung-g4m Says:
Deep throat
@user-zb3bc3ou1e Says:
Watt the chipmunk is another fool from labour with a voice like that how can anyone take him seriously?
@Shamshiadadd Says:
BUT.....American nuclear..... subs are OK......anything for his American master's. Bowan is a dog, always was always will be.
@steventurner8428 Says:
bowan has been out modeling again, does that mean he's just been playing with himself "again".
@saltydog3099 Says:
A complete imbecile.... WEF muppet!
@curtty3316 Says:
The horse has bolted To late ya wanker
@zeljkozerjavic7008 Says:
Before you build nuclear power plants take gas from chevron and other criminals protected by criminal puppet corrupt government and build 50 gas power plants 100 to 500MW and then build 10 PLUS 1000MW BLOCKS OF nuclear power units. Use wind SOLAR in isolated systems designed as islands not connected with state grids. Wind and solar which have preference so gas PLANT has to reduce power and dramatically increase production costs reduce economical eficiency price of every kWel do not bring any benefits. SO IF YOU OPTIMES SYSTEM WITHOUT SOLAR AND WIND ( production and transmission extremly expensive) WITHOUT SPENDING MONEY ON WIND AND SOLAR PRICE PRODUCTION COULD 2 TIMES PLUS CHEAPER BUT COST OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTIIN COULD FEW TIMES CHEAPER. SYSTEM WITHOUT ANY SOLAR AND WIND US MUCH CHEAPER NOT 50% PROBABLY Few TIMES CHEAPER THAN WITH ONE WITH "FREE" ENERGY FROM WIND AND SOLAR, WE SHOULD NOT BE ENOUGH STUPID TO USE FREE ENERGY extremly expensive , ENERGY PROBLEMS MUST BE SOLVED AND OPTIMESD BY PEOPLE WITH TRUE EDUCATION AND HUMAN VALUES ROOTED IN CHRISTIANITY , because Australia is CHRISTIAN COUNTRY ON COURT YOU PLEDGE TO EVERPRESENT AND ALMIGHTY GOD NOT to globalist nazi gang or their puppets like billy debily , NOT BY MEDIA , not by GLOBALIST NAZI BANKING GANG OR POLITICIANS PUPPETS WHICH CANNOT APPLY PRIMARY SCHOOL MATH IN REAL WORLD.
@rosielynmurphy892 Says:
Bowen still can't tell us the cost of his renewable plans and expects up to believe anything he says! Must think we the people are STUPID!?
@graemeritchie9378 Says:
oh muzz, give it up son your a BS artist, You know when Muzz is talking poo, his lips are moving
@alvinpurple6259 Says:
Wind mills and solar panels lifespan about 15 years. Reliability? No sun no power. No wind no power. Nuclear? 24/7 continuous power. Bowen has Masters degree in stupidity. An unelected party, 32% percent of votes is going to send Australia broke!
@stevenmoule2236 Says:
There simply isn’t the political talent in this country to achieve significant things.Unfortunately the government is only ever a mirror of its people.We are in trouble!
@arrisianoverloard7043 Says:
Someone should explain the difference to James, the difference between 'bought and brought'.
@charliepyle1626 Says:
Labor supports gas, and this is somehow green compared to nuclear?
@SherylSchrantz Says:
Senator Watts!! What an idiot and a liar!!
@bushmagpie3312 Says:
With Bowen and Watt you know when there lying because noise comes from there head. Is there any nuclear country we’re power has gone up significantly as Labour keeps tramping around. Stop the subsidies and see how affordable the solar/wind is?
@dustdiaries9235 Says:
Bowan is nothing but a Albo finger puppet
@daverossendell2960 Says:
What a cock sock blower, is.
@SherylSchrantz Says:
nut job!! Watrs..another Albosleezy grub!!
@JohnCramer-io7dn Says:
Can you find somebody else that doesnt look so dumb and stupid as bowen does, makes me sick to think he is in charge of energy in Australia.
@SurvivethePoleShift Says:
Chris Numbnuts is a posterchild for incompetent, marxist, wannabe, Adults every time I see him I laugh I laugh even harder when I imagine the hoards of australian labor voters just trying to get by.
@pieterwiffers3095 Says:
Bull shit
@stephenmirgel4109 Says:
Frankly. Labor cannot even work out their own energy fugures. $275 a year...really
@bradyowe8236 Says:
Why are we paying this imbecile’s salary
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
Bowen looks like a goose - because he is a goose. Green technology - such as solar panels - solar batteries - wind turbines - are limited by sunlight and wind. And solar panels only really hit peak performance - from mid morning to mid afternoon. And they don't work after dark. Not so sure - loosey goosey - Bowen - has read the operating instructions. He seems to have missed that little minor detail - electricity demand is 24/7. And no doubt - he's so dumb - that's why albo gives him these jobs. No-one else would be stupid enough - to take on a backwards policy - that will absorb any amounts of money you like to throw at it - and it will never work. A Canadian green energy person said - you could spend $27 BILLION dollars on a massive battery for any large Canadian city - and you would not get more then two hours - output from them. And this policy has worked nowhere else in the world. And they make solar installers - put in inverters - that they shut down - your rooftop solar - exporting electricity - to favour the big solar farms - payed for by labor. So you got lied to and ripped again. By labor again. What these clowns wont tell you is. It does not matter what battery you have - the number of cycles - you put a battery made from lithium from - will determine the life span of the battery pack. Depends of depth of discharge. And the more you discharge lithium batteries - the less life you get from them. And that's why depending on the depth of discharge - you only get a a couple of hours from them. If you discharge them to deeply - they don't last very long at all. And at Billions of dollars worth of batteries - for a large city - that's not value for money - in anyone's language. And to take it one step further. A senior mining executive. Who knows of all the existing lithium mines in the world - and the ones coming on line - says by 2030 - 50% shortfall of lithium. Everyday - someone says - we have this new battery chemistry. They never appear - they are simply true lies - for news headlines - to cover up for fools like loosey goosey Bowen.
@jeffsmart7674 Says:
Bring the numbers down, fairytale Watts, there are no houses for our own people , let alone thousands of foreigners and the illegals immigrants. Labor stacking for future election.
@Ernst12 Says:
I think if anyone asks a five-year old child a question on nuclear, the answer will most likely to be more intelligent compared with what we get from Labor at present.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Left leaning public servants work much slower these days, it has taken a long while for them to compile a report on what Blackout Bowen told them to say. When 30 counties around the world use nuclear power, Bowen was always going to be pushing the proverbial uphill talking about it not being good for Australia.
@eb2505 Says:
Bowen Bird-Brain Behaving Badly.
@elimason7954 Says:
"The CSIRO’s Gencost report advised nuclear power could be set up in Australia no sooner than 2040 and would be at least 50% more expensive than solar and wind, even factoring in the costs of transmission and firming of renewables. A theoretical 1,000MW nuclear plant built today would cost at least $8.6bn." (The Guardian)
@Arabelle-nm7mv Says:
Sie ist vielleicht einfach die bescheidenste und herzerwärmendste Person, die es gibt🥰🥰🥰💞
@MeredithBell-v3f Says:
Poor old Bowen on the low IQ scale
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Watts=constipated parrott =disinformation at its best

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