Australia would be 'better off' if the private sector delivered new homes
Australia would be 'better off' if the private sector delivered new homes



@jjsc4396 Says:
Deflection once again 🙄 There is no way, N-O-N-E Australia can magically “build” its way out of the exceedingly dangerous economic and social hole it’s dug. But keep deluding yourselves you can while ignoring the core drivers you CAN address. She’ll be right mate 🙄
@lispyDribbler Says:
Show me 1000 of the 1 million houses that the Labor govt. promised to build that are now occupied, way back in 2022.
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
Albo is too busy building new homes for the newcomers.
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
Time to STOP the Foreign at our Auctions. > THIS HAS TO STOP < My daughter has a good job and can afford to buy BUT can't bid any higher because of the foreigners. HELLO.
@gregsullivan7408 Says:
Reduce population.
@bestestusername Says:
There is a war against the private sector but labor is forgetting to build houses. If they built houses then they could complain
@nhraandnascarfanatic5907 Says:
Australia would be better off if they gave everyone a go at home ownership… instead of giving people with 100k in savings, a combined income of $250,000 and no debts or dependants a “maybe” answer.
@eb2505 Says:
Perhaps tbat would require a capitalist worldview though.
@JohnsonCranium Says:
Private sector? You want ya labourers back? Apologise and compensated for plandemic damages… OR Get bent 🖕
@penbee9316 Says:
We need a development bank to help low income earners own their own homes.
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
Australia is better off without any government involvement, yes you can have some tax dollars and spend it wisely to benefit the people you serve but other than that GET F
@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas Says:
@whileistaysecluded Says:
That thumbnail; Sprawling on the fringes of the city In geometric order An insulated border In-between the bright lights And the far unlit unknown
@DejanKeepingitReal Says:
The immigration is out of control. The government HAS to be held accountable for what is happening.

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