Israelis 'won't accept the status quo' anymore and want to return home
Israelis 'won't accept the status quo' anymore and want to return home



@mariopintodasilva7779 Says:
@Bitdog4U Says:
Palestine didn't want a two state solution, so now Israel needs to implement a ONE STATE SOLUTION, so next year, they don't send rockets for Christmas. Palestine people would be happier in Iran anyway. Well, the definitely weren't happy where they were at, and they seem to agree with Iran.
@sammy_trix Says:
The destiny for the Jewish people will not be dictated by the UN. Stand up for Israel 🇮🇱
@Whereareyouthen Says:
Google deleting comments again.
@hannacook859 Says:
Iran bots are starting to work extra time on this, Iran seems to get that people are fed up with them
@jenniferbruce5470 Says:
Praying For Israel 🙏🇮🇱🎗️ Praying For The IDF 🙏🇮🇱🎗️ Stay Strong Israel 🙏🇮🇱🎗️
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Israel is a terrorist organisation
@VK6AB- Says:
There is no reason for Israel to accept the status quo - Iran and its proxies want to wipe Israel and its people from the map. Every single government knows this. Stop talking about Hamas and Hezbollah, these are simply divisions of the IRGC. Time is up.
@SpikeProtein-c3p Says:
Forget home.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
@adamnbayley Says:
There will be no deal. It's bs.
@garys8415 Says:
@DavidPowell-q4q Says:
Israel are a bunch of kuntz
@NZ_Kiwi1010 Says:
Sending prayers 🙏 to Israel and her people ❤
@martinepstein3332 Says:
All desperately sad
@annviolet4727 Says:
They should return home! Right back to where they came from - Europe!
@nikita360bmx Says:
im russian serbia and russia was messed up ,im lucky my mum was a model we moved to australia we have it good.
@voxac30withstrat Says:
Kick arse Israel. You guys have put up with so much BS from Muslims and their butt-lickers and lying msm across the planet for long enough. Go get 'em guys. Enough is enough.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
The heading of this clip is Israelis, it changes to some Israelis, be consistent in your propaganda. Ceasefire assumes both combatants obey the rules relating to armed conflict. Hamas is a terrorist organization, the end!!
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
Sky Zion brainwashing drunken Aussie bogans again 🐑🐑🐑
@creditelectric Says:
It is their problem, it takes two.
@johnwhitehurst474 Says:
" PSYCHOLOGIAL RAMIFICATIONS " Israel decapitated the leadership not the rank and file that are kept stupid as tools, which they are. So the rank and file have no real leadership now, in hospital, so this is the time to strike, and take them out in big numbers! Time is Tea or coffee time where they gather! Muslims do not win wars because they keep the people stupid only a hand full have knowledge, and they don't share. How many times did they attack Israel, nd loose? Muslim mentality is " Me Mr BIG " ! So don't share with some one who may take over.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
***Tens of thousands rally in Israel calling for hostage release deal*** Some people scaled buses and bins to gain a vantage point over the march, while others surrounded someone wearing a mask of Mr Netanyahu, chanting: “Alive, alive, we want them alive.” One demonstrator held a sign which read: *"You are the head. You are to blame".*
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
To win required winning strategy is this not true ? Winning strategy cannot be modified or changed or made flexible because the losing strategy is flexible so the winning strategy is inflexible and cannot be changed by time. Time can never change the winning strategy is time tested to always win. The winning strategy is made known to inner party members see boss has vision is winning strategy is transparent and written down in stones tablets or blood DNA so inner party members and outer party members agree winning strategy is required so my gang consists of inner party members and outer party members agree never change the winning strategy so my gang overomes rival gangs and non gangs members suffer defeat and my gang members enjoy victory assured the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ son of man the last sermon on Mount. Who makes the gang strategy is gang boss. Those who never see tne gang boss face to face the song of Moses so they cannot said the gang strategy because they never met the gang boss so they are outer party members. Cao Cao see tianzi and liu bei can only see tianzi thru Cao Cao. Guan yu and zhao yun cannot said what tian zi said but liu bei can said what tian zi said because liu bei met tianzi face to face. Those who did not meet liu bei face to face so they cannot said what liu bei said. Zhao zilong met liu bei face to face so to be loyal to zhao zilong is to be loyal to Liu bei is to be loyal to tianzi Zhao zilong and guan yu can only meet tianzi thru liu bei Kong ming said guan yu cannot kill Cao Cao is rebel because liu bei cannot meet tianzi if Cao Cao died. If there is no Cao Cao because Cao Cao died then how can guan yu meet tianzi ? If there js no Cao Cao then how can zhugeliang meet tianzi. Liu bei kill Cao Cao is because liu bei is disloyal to tianzi. Only people who met tianzi face to face can said what tianzi said. Word of God had met God face to face the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ so word of God knows what God said and what God did not said. How many people had met the word of God face to face? So boss is me is connected to word of God and word of God is connected to God life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit lives forever so superman spirit job description is save superman flesh live and never die physically is proof superman is word of God makes Judgement in rightness. They never met God face to face so they are never word of God. Arch angel Michael and dragon did not meet God face to face so arch angel Michael is not word of God and dragon is not word of God. Everyone who join rival gangs suffer death and dying is proof my gang is loyalty gang is proof their gangs is disloyal dishonourable dishonest gangs is this not so? By their works their fruits their deeds so you know they are dishonourable dishonest disloyal gangs. By my gang works my gang fruits my gang deeds is proof my gang is loyalty gang said infinite one God the father uncut hands see my gang is loyalty gang and infinite one God the father uncut hands see their gangs is disloyal dishonourable dishonest gangs shall surely taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16 treads winepress of infinite one God the father uncut hands fury outcomes unclean spirits shall surely taste physical death is proof whomever spirit has son has life is eating is drinking is feasting and whomever spirits lost son flesh so their spirits do not see life so their spirits under wrath of infinite one God the father uncut hands fury outcomes unclean spirits shall surely taste physical death so apostle Paul said do not pray for their spirits shall surely taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so apostle Paul said all sins do not lead to physical death so apostle Paul said only 1 sin always leads to physical death so Abraham died and all the prophets died so Abraham children spirt said now they know jesus christ has demon is chief demon Beelzebub so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin in bible book so they judges did not obey the law in bible book so there is only one lawgiver and judge who can both save flesh or murder flesh so superman spirit had already saved life and resserection jesus christ flesh God son of man lives forever so too holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit lives forever so superman spirit job description is save superman flesh live and never die physically so superman the only one law giver and judge who can both save flesh or murder flesh so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire makes Judgement in rightness. Inner party members are red pill members of matrix and all losers who Betray me are team blue pill members are outer party members of my gang.

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