'I think they're stupid': Howard Stern 'hates' Donald Trump's voters
'I think they're stupid': Howard Stern 'hates' Donald Trump's voters



@michaeltacoronte Says:
Hey Howard I'll tell you what...you spot me $1 million each year and I'll back Kamala Harris, you know, so I can cover the economy costs. Thanks brah!
@chrisvdsvuurwerkjunky7161 Says:
howard stern is no god or somthing,this people that hitler called a clown is not fresh in his head,this people are think they can control the election,of he is jesus,but he isn’t,celebrity s are not feels wat the working class feel,so i don’t care wat mr stearn think or say
@howdididothat1819 Says:
Wait...howard stern is still relavent?? Was he ever??
@thorodinson5520 Says:
Dont show yourself in public poc...oh thats right ...you dont..you freak
@TheOceanMan-xc7qp Says:
Stern used to love having Trump on his show and would boast what a great guy and life he has.... He knew all along he was a monster but it got him ratings...For Stern to criticize him now is hypocritical and he should be slammed for continually having him on his show
@williamdenton2254 Says:
Apparently being woke kills brain cells. Howard Stern alienates half of his audience because they don't vote like him.
@bertog1217 Says:
Howard Stern is a very intelligent individual
@Patricia-le4jq Says:
Howard who??
@regalpanda4224 Says:
Calling them stupid is generous
@rachel8431 Says:
Fk Howard steam vote for democrats is not only because he is stupid ,also because he is an asshole!
@tiatopolski59 Says:
Kamala does not fight for you. Howard stern is not as smart as he thinks. We are able to support whom we deem presidential. You sir are disgraceful and your support will dwindle. You are woke and DEI = uneducated.
@prooveditt4839 Says:
I guess I'll have to live w/out Howard's respect. I don't respect men who wear wigs so we're even
@whatis2hard2see Says:
You Trump sycophants are something else! Brain washed by this narcissist who does NOT give a rats ass about any of you!! Trump has sold out America and its cherished Democracy!! As for losing his audience??! Please!! lol Stern has made a FORTUNE close to 600 million, but UNLIKE this uneducated Trump, he has actually contributed to Charities that help those with less, something Trump has NEVER DONE!!! Good luck voting for Trump, Because if he Wins??? You will likely NEVER vote again!! I pray the MAGA cult of bitter angry Americans loses BIG TIME!!
@whatis2hard2see Says:
Who gives a crap what Trump thinks!! Trump is an ignorant bigot!
@Degenxdta Says:
Back atcha
@RickCarson-u1e Says:
This guy had women doing degrading things on his shows. All for money. His opinion is pure 💩
@equivalentexchangeisalie5726 Says:
Typical ✡️✡️✡️
@kenyouden4803 Says:
Weak old sellout Howie
@canadianrocketfanvees942 Says:
Who cares what this dumbass thinks or says
@hughhughes7671 Says:
In my opinion That's funny from a guy that flew over a crowd at an award show and called himself ass man, or was it fart man???? Anyway Ass or fart. Seems to fit. Lol lol lol Now that's funny Lol lol lol
@gmailuser450 Says:
I agree with Howard
@southern04man Says:
He sure flipped....what a douche
@lixasong2217 Says:
@atlaustell Says:
I agree with Howard. Anyone that supports Trump is ok with a lot of awful things. Racism, Sexism, lies, etc.
@FelishaJones-u5l Says:
Get a haircut, the roots are hurting your brain!😂
@JK_PlayzReal Says:
Trump still doesn’t deserve to be president and never will.
@dkantaneza0311 Says:
Stern is washed out like an old rag and needs attention. Who would even take him serious.
@NeithDollhouse Says:
Howard who? 🤔 OH, the duck?! I love that guy!
@daveandrews6267 Says:
Go back to your basement you coward
@bonniejames6944 Says:
Your opinion is not relevant
@daveandrews6267 Says:
Nobody respects or listens to Howard stern anymore he is meaningless
@daveandrews6267 Says:
I thought he died of old age thirty years ago
@blakestevens8246 Says:
total agreement. psychopaths are a dime a dozen. the slobs that glorify them are the problem
@ReginaStrickland-d6n Says:
Stern gained a new fan !
@garyblue8637 Says:
The man that PUSHED Biden to debate Trump. He lost his marbles during COVID. I think Beetlejuice should interview him as a freak. Jakie Martling must be laughing his ass off at this shill. A man who just hated the FCC how ironic. So, Howard your OK with the murder of U.S.citizens with Joe Biden's ILEGAL ALIENS? You'd be just fine if one of your daughter's was MURDERD by Joe's ILEGAL ALIENS? Seriously STFU. On the same level of the STUPIDITY of Joe Biden.
@tangotango-gs6lp Says:
Really disappointed in Howards statement He “hates” people who vote for Trump. Im not a fan of Trump or Harris but I don’t hate anyone for voting for either. We have enough “hate” in this world and Howard just added to it. I’m done listening to his show
@Arcwol Says:
Trump claimed that Stern "went woke" and his ratings have plummeted. So, in other words, Trump used to like Howard Stern, or at the very least people in his base likely do. In an attempt to rationalize this cognitive dissonance, Howard Stern must have "gone woke." The usual type of response from Trump when people he liked in the past or a portion of his base does, suddenly don't agree with him. The playbook never changes, I'll give him that.
@MrGreen-fi5sg Says:
Dame goes for you Coawrd.
@MrGreen-fi5sg Says:
Im not listening to him after he said about covid.
@WPCS-p5w Says:
Howard turned into Pig Vomit
@WPCS-p5w Says:
I just unsubscribed from his channels. I didn't know Howard hated me. He doesn't even know me
@lenkaharristein2855 Says:
He’s the biggest perv out there !! Nasty old man get over yourself your irrelevant good thing he got some bad publicity from this probably the reason he said it in the first place … we need Hollywood and its Pedos cancelled
@kenlau457 Says:
Howard Stern of all people should know about fake news. When he was with K Rock here in New York, he routinely complained about how the skewered coverage the media had of him and his listeners, and how the FCC arbitrarily clamp down on free speech. He sold out. He went Hollywood. He became the very celebrity he used to make fun of.
@Lees706 Says:
Hollywood Howard need to stay out of politics is absolutely no clue what he's talking about anyone that would vote for crackling Kamala Harris needs to check themselves into a mental ward
@audimarbangi6997 Says:
Truth hurts—something I’d like say to a few of my blind friends, but can’t fix stupid.
@dreamcatcher8695 Says:
Tell me you're not bought off without telling me you're bought off. Stern is a sellout joke.
@GenericUsername1388 Says:
Washed up & irrelevant
@thehazelnutspread Says:
Back atcha Howie
@richardrodarte2963 Says:
I used to like listening to Howard Stern like 20 years ago! F... HOWARD STERn
@WatchmanForthePeople Says:
Look in the mirror Hater Howard. Good grif your pathectic.

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