India seeks changes for Indus water treaty | World Business Watch
India seeks changes for Indus water treaty | World Business Watch



@akaj188 Says:
PM Nehru was overly generous in allocating 80% of water to Pakistan in the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 . Maximum water for Pakistan , as a lower riparian nation , should have been less than 50%/ India should seek a review in her favour of the Indus Water Treaty. River Beas is only a tributary of River Sutlej . Beas does not even enter Pakistan. Chenab i.e. Chandrabhaga is basically a river of Himachal Pradesh. It belongs to HP and has a very small Kashmir connection. Chenab's waters should be diverted to Ravi and other Indian rivers including Yamuna. India got in her share waters of only two rivers compared to 3 rivers for Pakistan. .--------- SYL project should be expanded to CSYL- Chenab- Sutlej- Yamuna Link Canal .................... /////////////////
@jorgletchler1980 Says:
india should give up on provoking pakistan
@monishadmukundan9073 Says:
Should have got the Treaty Rectified Earlier, It's Late but Still in Time 👍
@sandeep0852 Says:
@sakhawat5663 Says:
Pakistan should not. 😅 lendians crying for water.😂

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