China's support for African countries has profound significance
China's support for African countries has profound significance



@IbneSiddiqa Says:
In the name of Allah who is most beneficent and Merciful you see a plant seed in soil give another Plant a new life of Plants come from old seed Do you agree. Please verify at your end one teeth fell down how another teeth came into being in early chlid hood new life to teeth. 3rd Please researh on it when men die only one bone of back bone remain in grave all other bones mixes into mud. Like teeth get new life in early child hood. Like plant get life from seed again same bone of back bone not mixed in mud gave new life after death to human with help of Allah InshAllah if you agree please write agree
@tru_710 Says:
China has always had support for Africa. When the Africans wanted Tupac's bloodline to know their real history, the Chinese helped sneak him over to Africa while the white people weren't looking. You Never Knew - Hieroglyphics

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